Abrasion Test | Test to Determine the Abrasion Value | Abrasion Test Principle | Important of Abrasion Test

Abrasion Test

Test to Determine the Abrasion Value

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  • To discover the value of Abrasion in Los Angeles aggregate.
  • Find the suitability of aggregates for use in road construction projects.
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Apparatus Used For Abrasion Test

  • Los Angeles abrasion machine, often used in the abrasion test procedure.
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  • Abrasive load spheres: Spheres of cast iron or steel, approximately 48 mm in  diameter and each weighing between 390 and 445 g; six to twelve balls are needed
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  • Sieve: 1.70 mm, 2.36 mm, 4.75 mm, 6.3 mm, 10 mm, 12.5 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, 40 mm, 50 mm, 63 mm, 80 mm IS sieves.
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  • The 5 kg or 10 kg capacity balance is used.
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Procedure For Abrasion Test

  • Select the grading to be utilized in the test such that it conforms to the grading to be utilized in construction, to the maximum extent possible.
  • Require 5 kg of sample for gradings A, B, C, and; D, and 10 kg for gradings E, F & G.
  • Pick the abrasive charge according to Table 1, depending on the grading of aggregates.
  • Place the aggregates and abrasive charge to the cylinder and fix the cover.
  • Rotate the machine at a speed of 30 to 33 revolutions per minute. The number of revolutions is 500 to get gradings A, B, C, and D, and 1000 for gradings E, F, and G. The machine ought to be balanced and driven such that there's uniform peripheral speed.
  • The machine is stopped after the desired number of revolutions and material is discharged to a tray.
  • The entire stone dust is sieved on 1.70 mm IS sieve.
  • The material coarser than 1.7mm size is weighed correct to one gram.
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GradingNo of Steel ballsWeight of charge in gm.
A125000 ± 25
B114584 ±25
C83330 ± 20
D62500 ± 15
E125000 ± 25
F125000 ± 25
G125000 ± 25
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SourceTested as per
Weight of sample taken (gms)Confirmation as per
Sieve size (square hole)Passing (mm)Weight of test sample in gmRetained on (mm)ABCDEFG
80.0 mm63.0 mm
63.0 mm50.0 mm
50.0 mm40.0 mm
40.0 mm25.0 mm
25.0 mm20.0 mm
20.0 mm12.5 mm
12.3 mm10.0 mm
10.0 mm6.3 mm
6.3 mm4.75 mm
4.75 mm2.36 mm
Remarks ( If Any) -
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Principle of Abrasion Test

Standard Test Methods of Abrasion Test

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  • AASHTO T 96 and ASTM C 131, often referred to as the los angeles abrasion test is code, indicate the Resistance to degradation of coarse aggregate of small size by Abrasion and impact on the Los Angeles machine.
  • ASTM C 535: Resistance to degradation of large coarse aggregates by Abrasion and impact on the Los Angeles machine.
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Uses Of The Abrasion Test

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How Does the La-Abrasion Test Works?

  • A sample is prepared by separating the required masses into individual size fractions.
  • The sample of specific size aggregates and the abrasive load are placed on the L.A. Abrasion Machine and spun at 30-33rpm.
  • The sample is removed and washed over a No. 12 sieve (1.70 mm) and placed in an oven to dry.
  • The percentage loss or the difference between the original mass and the final mass.
  • A. abrasion loss value of 40 indicates that 40% of the original mass of the sample passed through the sieve.
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Important of Abrasion Test

  • The abrasion test determines the relative quality, strength, and durability of mineral aggregates subject to impact and Abrasion.
  • The values derived from L.A. Abrasion tests provide information on the performance of aggregate in use. This test provides insight into how asphalt and concrete aggregates resist wear and tear over time.
  • It is also a good indicator of change in properties in an aggregate source as part of a quality assurance or control program.
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IS Recommended Los Angeles abrasion test Valuefor Pavements:

SI. No. Type of Pavement Max. permissible abrasion value in % 
1Water bound macadam sub base course60
2WBM base course with bituminous surfacing50
3Bituminous bound macadam50
4WBM surfacing course40
5Bituminous penetration macadam40
6Bituminous surface dressing, cement concrete surface course35
7Bituminous concrete surface course30
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Conclusion of Abrasion Test

Abrasion Test

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Why Abrasion Test Is Done?

What Is a Abrasion Test?

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How Do You Perform an Abrasion Test?

  • The sample of specifically sized aggregates and the abrasive charge is placed in the L.A. Abrasion Machine and rotated at 30-33rpm.
  • The sample is removed and washed over a No. 12 (1.70mm) sieve and placed in an oven to dry.
  • The percent loss or the difference between the original mass and the final mass is calculated.
  • An L.A. Abrasion loss value of 40 indicates that 40% of the original sample mass passed through the sieve.
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What Is Los Angeles Abrasion Test?

What Are the Three Types of Abrasion?

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What Is the Purpose of Abrasion Test?

Why Is the Abrasion Test Important in Los Angeles?

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What Is Abrasion Value Test?

What Do You Mean by Abrasion Value?

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How Do You Calculate the Abrasion Value?

  1. The material coarser than 1.70mm IS Sieve should be washed, dried in an oven at a temperature of 100 to 110oC to a constant weight, and weighed (Weight ‘B’)
  2. The proportion of loss between weight ‘A’ and weight ‘B’ of the test sample should be expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the test sample. This value should be reported as, Aggregate abrasion value = (A-B)/B x 100%
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Which Test Is Also Known as Abrasion Test?

Why Is Abrasion Important?

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What Is Abrasion Value of Aggregate?

How Do You Do Abrasion Test?

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What Is the Use of Abrasion Test?

What Does the LA Abrasion Test Measure?

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How Is LA Abrasion Value of Aggregate Determined?

How Do You Find the Aggregate Abrasion Value?

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What Properties of Aggregates Are Determined by Los Angeles Test?

Abrasion Test Standard

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