What Is Auxiliary Plane | Types of Auxiliary Plane | Types of Auxiliary View | How to Draw Auxiliary View | Drawing Steps for Auxiliary View

What Is Auxiliary Plane?

Types of Auxiliary Plane

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  1. Auxiliary Vertical Plane
  2. Auxiliary Inclined Plane
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1. Auxiliary Vertical Plane

  • The plane which is perpendicular to a horizontal plane and inclined to the vertical plane is called an auxiliary vertical plane. This plane gives auxiliary front view.
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2. Auxiliary Inclined Plane

  • The plane which is perpendicular to the vertical plane and inclined to the horizontal plane is called an auxiliary inclined plane. This plane gives auxiliary top view.
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Definition of Auxiliary Views

Method of Preparation of Auxiliary Views

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  • Symmetrical Auxiliary View:
  • Unsymmetrical Auxiliary View:
    • Unilateral View:
    • Bilateral View:
  • Unilateral Auxiliary View:
  • Bilateral Auxiliary View:
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1. Symmetrical Auxiliary View

  • If the auxiliary view lies uniformly on each side of the reference line, then it's reffered to as Symmetrical Auxiliary Views.
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2. Unsymmetrical Auxiliary View

  • If the auxiliary view doesn't lie uniformly on either side of the reference line, then it's reffered to as Unsymmetrical Auxiliary Views.
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2a. Unilateral View

  • If the auxiliary read lies utterly on one facet of the reference line, then it's known as Unilateral view.
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2b. Bilateral View

  • If the auxiliary read lies on one facet of the reference line asymmetrically, then it's known as Bilateral view.
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3. Unilateral Auxiliary View

  • If it lies on one facet solely of the reference line, then it's known as Unilateral Auxiliary Views.
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4. Bilateral Auxiliary View

  • If the auxiliary read doesn't uniformly lie on each side of the reference line, then it's known as Bilateral Auxiliary Views.
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Types of Auxiliary View

  • Primary Auxiliary View.
  • Secondary Auxiliary View.
  • Tertiary Auxiliary View.
    • Primary Auxiliary Views.
      • Frontal Auxiliary View.
      • High Auxiliary View.
      • Profile/ Facet Auxiliary View.
    • Secondary Auxiliary Views.
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1. Primary Auxiliary View

  • The single view usually projected from one among the 6 principal views. If this plane is perpendicular to any principal plane, then a shape on such a drawing is called Primary Auxiliary Views.
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2. Secondary Auxiliary View

  • The single view usually projected from another primary auxiliary view. If the auxiliary plane isn't perpendicular to any principal plane, then the form shaped on such plane is named Secondary Auxiliary Views.
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3. Tertiary Auxiliary View

  • Primary Auxiliary Views.
    • Frontal Auxiliary View.
    • High Auxiliary View.
    • Profile/ Facet Auxiliary View.
  • Secondary Auxiliary Views.
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3.a. Primary Auxiliary Views

  • Auxiliary View that is ready in such a plane that is perpendicular to 1 principal plane and makes the inclined view with the opposite two principal planes is named Primary Auxiliary read.
  • There are three sorts of Primary Auxiliary Views because of three principal planes as follows:
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3.a.1. Frontal Auxiliary View
  • The name of auxiliary views are given in line with the inclined lines within the principal plane.
  • For example, if the inclined surface is seen within the frontal plane, then such an auxiliary view is known as Frontal Auxiliary View.
  • Frontal Auxiliary view While drawing, it's hooked up to the frontal plane.
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3.a.2. High Auxiliary View
  • If the inclined surface is seen within the high plane, then such an auxiliary view is known as High Auxiliary View.
  • If the inclined surface is perpendicular to the highest plane, then such an auxiliary are known as high Auxiliary Views.
  • While drawing, it's hooked up to the highest plane.
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3.a.3. Profile/ Facet Auxiliary View
  • Similarly, if the inclined surface is seen within the profile plane, then such an auxiliary view is known as Profile/Facet Auxiliary View.
  • If the inclined surface is perpendicular to the profile plane, then such an auxiliary are known as Profile Auxiliary Views.
  • While drawing, it's hooked up to the profile plane.
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#3.b. Secondary Auxiliary Views:

  • Auxiliary View that is ready in such a plane that isn't perpendicular to any of the principal planes is named Secondary Auxiliary Views.
  • Such a view is created once the inclined surface of the article is neither parallel nor perpendicular with any of the principal planes.
  • Such an auxiliary is named Double Auxiliary read.
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How to Draw Auxiliary View?

Drawing Auxiliary Views

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  1. Depth auxiliary view: Generally projected from the front.
  2. Height auxiliary view: Generally projected from the top.
  3. Width auxiliary view: Generally projected from the profile.
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  • Complete Auxiliary View
  • Partial Auxiliary View
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1. Complete Auxiliary View

  • This type of view allows the viewer to see the entire side of that drawing as projected from the auxiliary plane.
  • With this projection, the other surfaces will appear fore-shortened which can make the drawing strenuous to read.
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2. Partial Auxiliary View

  • This type of projection allows the viewer to see only the part of that drawing that needs to be illustrated in its true undistorted surface.
  • A partial auxiliary view saves precious time and produces a drawing that is much more readable. The full auxiliary view is strenuous to draw, read, and visualize.
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Drawing Steps for Auxiliary View:

Why Are Auxiliary Views Used?

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What Is Auxiliary View?

Auxiliary View

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Method of Preparation of Auxiliary Views

Types of Auxiliary View

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How to Draw Auxiliary View

Auxiliary Plane

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  1. These additional planes of projection which are set up to obtain the true sizes are called Auxiliary Planes.
  2. The views projected on these auxiliary planes are called Auxiliary Views.
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Partial Auxiliary View

Auxiliary View Definition

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When Is an Auxiliary View Neede?

Primary Auxiliary Viewd

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What Is the Purpose of an Auxiliary View?

Profile Plane Definition

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