Bitumen Road Construction | Layers in a Bituminous Pavement | What Is Bituminous Macadam | Advantage Disadvantage of Bitumen Road

Bitumen Road Construction.

Layers in a Bituminous Pavement.

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  • Bituminous Base Course.
  • Bituminous Binder Course.
  • Bituminous Concrete Layer.
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#1. Bituminous Base Course

  • In a bituminous pavement, the base course layer consists of mineral aggregates mixed along with bituminous materials including such asphalt, stones as well as sands. This coating is used as the base for the positioning of the surface course or binder.
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#2. Bituminous Binder Course

  • An intermediate layer between the base course and the surface layer is the Binder course layer. That is the first layer in the case of a bituminous two-layer resurfacing.
  • The bituminous binder course, also called the levelling course, is composed of a bituminous-aggregate mixture.
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#3. Bituminous Concrete Layer

  • A mixture of aggregates continually graded from maximum size to minimum size is a bituminous concrete layer (typically less than 25 mm to 0.075 mm aggregates).
  • Enough bitumen is applied to the blend such that it is essentially impervious to the compacted concrete mix and has reasonable transverse and elastic properties.
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What Is Bituminous Macadam?

Bitumen Road Construction Process:

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  • Grading Aggregate.
  • Bitumen Grade.
  • Aggregate Temperature.
  • Temperature During Blending and Compaction of the Paving Mix.
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Advantage of Bitumen Road:

  1. It does not use any joints; it thus offers a flat surface for riding. As compared to concrete pavements, it also has less sound pollution. In the bituminous pavement, wear and tear become less, thereby preserving the smoothness.
  2. A gradual process is a deformation and the failure of the bituminous pavement. The asphalt paving exposes delicate defects.
  3. They have the choice of being easily restored. In reversing the route for traffic, they do not consume time; as they set fast.
  4. This helps to carry out staged construction in a situation where challenges are met with fund limitation or traffic prediction problems.
  5. Compared to concrete paving, the initial expense and total maintenance cost of bituminous pavement are smaller.
  6. They are resistant to high melting temperatures and are not impacted by de-icing materials.
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Disadvantage of Bitumen Road:

  1. Bituminous surfaces are less durable.
  2. Compared with concrete paving, poor tensile strength.
  3. Extreme weather and inappropriate weather conditions tend to render slippery and porous bituminous pavement.
  4. Bitumen with impurities can cause soil contamination, hence the melting of ground water. In small quantities, it may have hydrocarbons.
  5. During building and service life, blocking of pores and drainage routes.
  6. Further salting-to stop snow in the winter season.
  7. High building costs during extreme temperature conditions.
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Application of Bitumen Road:

  1. Bitumen is a by-product of the method of distilling crude oil. Crude oil itself is a hydrocarbon composition. Petrol, diesel, high octane oils, and gasoline are the main items available.
  2. Bitumen is left behind as these oils are refined from crude oil. Further treatment of by-products produces pure bitumen to make it clean from impurities.
  3. Although the primary demand for goods is of paramount significance to society, the survival of bitumen as a commodity by product is long. This is used as a modern construction material by product, without looking after any other fresh materials.
  4. Bitumen's physical and chemical properties are observed to be a function of the level of load, temperature, and loading length. That is a substance that is thermoplastic and viscoelastic.
  5. These dependencies allow one to genuinely enter road traffic so that the properties of a bitumen mix can be varied depending on the measured stress levels. This bitumen flexibility, depending on the path use, results in a wide range of bitumen mixes.
  6. The fact that bitumen has a desirable melting point, which effectively assists in both surface dressing and wearing resistance, is highly appreciable.
  7. The bitumen melting point should not be too high so that it can quickly be melted during the pavement laying process. Around the same time, bitumen has a melting point, which under high temperatures will not cause the already cast path to melt and distort.
  8. Although the bitumen melting point is favorable, it can be melted back to its original condition. This is called the method of asphalt recycling.
  9. Instead of taking them to landfill sites, the torn-up asphalt parts are brought back to the recycling facility. It is possible to reuse this recycled blend. If required, to keep the mix live again, the old bitumen is blended with new bitumen and new aggregates.
  10. It is free from hydrocarbons and thus not harmful, as explained in the processing of bitumen. To get free of organic materials as well as impurities, the substance is refined to the maximum.
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Bitumen Road

Bitumen Road Construction

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Bituminous Road Layers

  • Base course layer in a bituminous pavement consists of mineral aggregates such as gravel, stones and sands bonded together with bituminous materials.
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  • Binder course layer is an intermediate layer between the base course and surface layer.
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  • Bituminous concrete layer is a mixture of aggregates continuously graded from maximum size to minimum sizes (typically less than 25mm to 0.075mm aggregates)
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Bituminous Macadam

Pavement Road

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Bitumen Road Construction Process

  1. Demolition and Removal.
  2. Grading and Sloping.
  3. Prepare the Sub Base.
  4. Binder and Surface Course.
  5. Install New Asphalt Surface.
  6. Butt Joints and Transitions.
  7. To Complete the Project: Final Roll.
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Advantage of Bitumen Road

Disadvantage of Bitumen Road

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  • These are less durable and have low tensile strength.
  • The bitumen road will slick and soft in extreme weather and improper weather conditions.
  • To soils, bitumen with impurities can cause pollution.
  • During extreme conditions of temperature, the cost of construction is high.
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Bituminous Road

Bitumen Road Layers

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Bituminous Road Construction

Bm Full Form in Road Construction

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Bm in Road Construction

Bm Road Full Form

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Bc in Road Construction

Bituminous Pavement

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Bitumen Road Construction Layers

  • Subgrade
  • Sub-base
  • Base Course
  • Binder Course
  • Wearing Course
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Bt Road Full Form

What Is Bc in Road Construction?

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Difference Between Bituminous Macadam and Bituminous Concrete

Bitumen Bound Macadam

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