What Is Bond Breaker | Purpose of Providing Bond Breaker | What Is Concrete Bond Breaker | What is Bond Breaker Tape
What Is Bond Breaker?
Bond breakers are also used in breaking the bond between substrate and waterproofing membrane system, thus forming an adjustable bridge, resisting the movement of the water or moisture.
Often a time, the importance of bond breaker as an inseparable part of the waterproofing system is being overlooked.
If a bond breaker is not applied before the installation of a waterproofing membrane system, there are high chances that the membrane will wear and tear, forming holes, which would allow moisture into the substrate below, rendering the whole purpose of waterproofing system pointless.
They are also used to resists shrinkage cracks, which may appear on the concrete during casting, due to the unexpected evaporation of water from the concrete surface.
Many a time, while casting a concrete member, in prefabricating shops, cracks may appear due to the temperature and moisture fluctuations, depending upon the atmospheric condition.
Bond breakers are also used in breaking the bond between substrate and waterproofing membrane system, thus forming an adjustable bridge, resisting the movement of the water or moisture.
They are also used to resists shrinkage cracks, which may appear on the concrete during casting, due to the unexpected evaporation of water from the concrete surface.
Bond breaker tape reduces the amount of time to move loads. As the dynamic loads are substantially decreased, it takes less time as well as less effort to carry a heavy load from one point to another.
Bond breaker can be reused multiple times, which makes it a very cost-effective material for precast elements.
It preserves the characteristics of the concrete surface, allowing them to painted or modified using different architectural components, thus making the precast elects, visually appealing.
Bond breaker does not affect the adhesion of epoxy (if applied), adhesive, and floor finishes.
A bond breaker literally breaks the bond between the substrate and waterproofing membrane to create an elastic 'bridge' that can stretch as buildings flex and move.
The bond breaker is applied in joints where walls meet floors or two walls meet in a corner. They are also used over movement joints.