What Is Brutalist Architecture | Brutalist Design | Brutalism Architects Buildings & Houses | What Is Neo-Brutalism

History of Brutalist Architecture:

What Is Brutalist Architecture?

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Understanding Brutalist Architecture

Brutalist Design

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Brutalism Architects Buildings & Houses:

1. Radiant City, France:

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2. Boston City Hall:

3. Buffalo City Court Building:

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4. Barbican:

5. Trellick Tower:

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  1. Habitat 67, Montreal
  2. The Breuer Building, New York City
  3. Western city Gate, Belgrade
  4. SESC Pompèa, Sào Paolo, etc.
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What Is Neo-Brutalism?

  • Some researcher say that, in brutalist style Architecture, where concrete is the basic construction, are often disregarded, as Concrete does not age well. In addition to that, due to various changes of exposure conditions, concrete reacts massive, thus resulting in black spots, growth of fungal insects over them. Thus the changes that occur from the age of construction to the current age, is very massive. This is why protective and appealing coats are applied over the bare concrete blocks, which can protect the building finishes from external effects, also, can be maintained after a certain duration.
  • Brutalist Architecture can be very rigid, and it requires external destructive forces, to incur even a slight change within it. Thus it preserves the way the architects design it at the time of construction. Many modern architects, as well as people, has showed it very unappealing, as brutalist Architecture tends to reflect architects choice and feelings, which might be positively or negatively, unlike modern Architecture, which can be changed and renewed anytime with application of little external forces.
  • The third reason is the most crucial reason of unpopularity of brutalist Architecture, which can be perhaps said as a philosophical reason. As brutalist Architecture evolved, many architects, following the modern Architecture style, expressed their oppression against it. As brutalist Architecture includes exposure of construction materials, and due to the various unappealing defects of concrete under different weather conditions, many a time it developed black spots and stripes, rusts, strains due to waterlogging, thus indicating a very “cold” appearance. Many modern architects, magazine writers gave brutalist Architecture different unappealing names, such as “cold-hearted”, “hideous", “monstrous”, “a symbol of evil and crudity", “demonic presence in Brutalist Architecture”; and many more. But the main reason can be said as “the concrete does not age well, which instead, decays and crumbles".
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Neo-Brutalist Architecture:

What Makes a Building Brutalist?

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Why Is Brutalism Hated?

Brutalist Buildings

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Sr.No.Brutalist BuildingMade Year
1Villa Göth1950
2Unité d'habitation1952
3Embassy of the United States, Havana1953
4Secretariat Building1953
5Smithdon High School1954
6Tel Aviv City Hall1956
7Banco de Londres y América del Sur Headquarters1959
8Torre Velasca1954
9Maisons Jaoul1956
10Churchill College1958
11Piccadilly Gardens1965
12Saint John's Abbey1961
13Sainte Marie de La Tourette1960
14Park Hill1961
15More Hall Annex1961
16Cables Wynd House1962
17Supersam Warsaw1962
18University of East Anglia1962
19Council House1962
20Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts1962
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What Is Brutalist Interior Design?

Brutalist Design

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Are Brutalist Buildings Expensive?

Is Brutalist Architecture Cheap?

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What Is Brutalism in Art?

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