Cellar Vs Basement | What Is Cellar | What Is Basement

What Is Cellar?

What Is Basement?

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  • The room meets the requirements of the Housing Maintenance Code for rooms not located in the cellar or basement, for example, minimum room size.
  • There is a minimum ceiling height of 7 feet.
  • The walls, down to ground level, must be moisture and waterproof if the HPD determines that the subsoil conditions in the lot require this.
  • The basement is occupied only by family members or families who occupy the dwelling.
  • Basements in a single-family home can be legally rented only if the following conditions are met:
  • Compliance with the Housing Maintenance Code for minimum room size
  • There is a minimum ceiling height of 7 feet.
  • The walls, down to ground level, must be moisture and waterproof if the HPD determines that the subsoil conditions in the lot require this.
  • The basement is occupied by a family and does not include borders.
  • Each room must have at least one window.
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Difference Between Cellar and Basement

Zoning Floor Area For Basement And Cellars

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Habitable Space In Basements

Legal Apartments In Cellar

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Cellar As Accessory Space

Cellar Vs Basement

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