What Is Coarse Aggregate | Requirements of Good Coarse Aggregates | Uses of Coarse Aggregates | Classification of the Aggregates

What Is Coarse Aggregate?

Coarse Aggregate Definition-

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Origin of Aggregates-

Requirements of Good Coarse Aggregates:

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  • The coarse aggregate should be durable.
  • The coarse aggregate should be hard and strong.
  • It should be clean and free from the dust and organic materials otherwise it will reduce the bonding of the aggregate with concrete.
  • The aggregates should not react with the cement after mixing.
  • Coarse aggregates should not be soft and porous.
  • Coarse Aggregates should not absorb water by more than 5%.
  • Aggregates should be chemically inert.
  • The shape is of the aggregate preferably cubical or spherical.
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Requirements of Good Coarse Aggregates:

  • It should be angular or cubical in shape.
  • It must be sound & durable.
  • Good Coarse Aggregate should be absolutely clean and free from any organic matter, chemicals and coating of clay.
  • It should be hard and tough.
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Uses of Coarse Aggregates in the Construction Works:

  • In the construction of railway tracks, coarse aggregates are widely used in the railway ballast which will help to uniformly distribute the load.
  • It will help to increase the volume of the concrete and also reduces the cost of the project.
  • Coarse aggregates are also used in the construction of Roads.
  • The Coarse Aggregates are also used as the upper layer on the rainwater harvesting to drain off the water into the ground.
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Uses of Coarse Aggregates-

Classification of the Aggregates:

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  • According to the source or the nature of the formation of the aggregate.
  • According to the size of the aggregate
  • According to the shape of the aggregate
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Classification According to the Source or Nature of Formation

  • Naturally Occurring Aggregates.
  • Artificially Manufactured Aggregates.
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#1 Naturally Occurring Aggregates-

#2 Artificially Manufactured Aggregates-

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Classification of Aggregates According to the Size

  • Fine Aggregates
  • Coarse Aggregates
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#1 Fine Aggregates-

#2 Coarse Aggregates-

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Classification According to the Shape of the Aggregates

  • Rounded Aggregates.
  • Angular Aggregates.
  • Flaky Aggregates.
  • Irregular Aggregates.
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#1 Rounded Aggregates-

#2 Angular Aggregates-

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#3 Flaky Aggregates-

#4 Irregular Aggregates-

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Properties of Coarse Aggregates

  • Size.
  • Shape.
  • Surface Texture.
  • Water Absorption.
  • Soundness.
  • Specific Gravity.
  • Bulk Density.
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#1 Size-

#2 Shape-

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#3 Surface Texture-

#4 Water Absorption-

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#5 Soundness-

#6 Specific Gravity-

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#7 Bulk Density-

Grading of Coarse Aggregate:

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Different Types of Test Which Are Carried Out on the Coarse Aggregates

#1 Crushing value of Aggregate ( IS 2386 Part IV -1963)

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#2 Impact value of Aggregate ( IS 2386 Part IV -1963)

#3 Abrasion Value Test ( IS 2386 Part IV -1963)

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#4 Flakiness Index of coarse Aggregates ( IS 2386 Part I -1963)

#5 Elongation Index of Coarse Aggregate ( IS 2386 Part I -1963)

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Grading of Coarse Aggregate

Coarse Aggregate

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What Is Grading of Coarse Aggregate?

What Is the Size of Coarse Aggregate?

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What Is Classification Criteria of Coarse Aggregates?

Properties of Coarse Aggregate

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  • These aggregate used for the construction of concrete and mortar must meet the following requirements.
  • This should include natural stones, gravel, sand, or various mixtures of those materials.
  • It should be inflexible, strong, and sturdy.
  • It should be dense, clear, and free of any coating.
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Coarse Aggregate Size

Size of Aggregate Used in Road Construction

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Types of Coarse Aggregate for Construction

Properties of Coarse Aggregate in Concrete

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  1. Size: Coarse aggregate consists of particles larger than 4.75 mm (0.19 inches) in diameter. The size of coarse aggregate can vary, and it is commonly available in different gradations such as 10mm, 20mm, and 40mm.
  2. Shape: The shape of coarse aggregate particles can be angular, rounded, or a combination of both. Angular aggregates provide better interlocking and contribute to higher strength, while rounded aggregates offer better workability and reduce the risk of segregation.
  3. Strength: Coarse aggregate significantly influences the strength of concrete. Strong and durable aggregates, such as crushed stone, gravel, or crushed concrete, are preferred to ensure the structural integrity of the concrete.
  4. Density: Coarse aggregate has a higher density compared to fine aggregate (sand). The density of coarse aggregate typically ranges from 1400 to 1600 kg/m³ (87 to 100 lb/ft³), depending on the type of aggregate used.
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Coarse Aggregate Size for Drainage Systems

Benefits of Using Recycled Coarse Aggregate

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  • Increased protection from seepage.
  • Reduced costs, since it doesn't need to be mined.
  • Reduced environmental impact, more appealing to governments and customers.
  • Preserves natural resources such as gravel, water, coal, and oil.
  • Reduced space wastage in landfills.
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Coarse Aggregate Meaning

Types of Coarse Aggregate

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What Are the Requirements of Good Aggregate?

What Is the Size of Coarse Aggregate?

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Why Coarse Aggregates Are Used in Concrete?

How to Calculate Coarse Aggregate in Concrete?

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Fine Aggregate Used in Concrete

Concrete Without Coarse Aggregate

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  • Lumen Flux
  • Fine vs Coarse
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