Difference Between Coarse-Grained Soil and Fine-Grained Soil | What Is Coarse-Grained Soil | What Is Fine-Grained Soil

Introduction of Coarse-Grained Soils Vs Fine-Grained Soils

  • Coarse-Grained Soils
  • Fine-Grained Soils
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What Is Coarse-Grained Soil?

What Is Fine-Grained Soil?

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Difference Between Coarse-Grained Soil and Fine-Grained Soil: Respect to the Void Ratio

  • Void ratio is defined as the ratio of the volume of voids to the volume of solid. Void ratio is basically a measure of voids in a particular soil mass.
  • You may think that the soil particles present in the fine-grained soils are very closely packed with each other so that it may have less void ratio. But in fact, the fine-grained soil has more void ratio as compared to the coarse-grained soil.
  • It is because of the concept of the surface area of the particle. The surface area of the fine-grained soils with respect to the soil mass is more as compared to the surface area of the coarse-grained soil.
  • The voids created in the fine-grained soils are more with respect to soil mass because of its more surface area whereas in the case of the coarse-grained soils there are less voids are created with respect to their soil mass.
  • The clay has a more void ratio as compared to sand
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Coarse-Grained Soils Vs Fine-Grained Soils

Coarse-Grained SoilsFine-Grained Soils
The coarse-grained soil particles can be seen with our naked eye.The fine-grained soil cannot be seen with our naked eye.
The coarse-grained soil can be identified on the basis of the particle size of the grain size of the soil.The fine-grained soil is identified on the basis of the plasticity of the soil.
The coarse-grained soils have 50% or less material which passes through the sieve number 200.The fine-grained soil have 50% or more material which passes through the same number 200
The load-bearing capacity of the coarse-grained soil is good.The fine-grained soil has less load-bearing capacity.
There is no change in the strength of coarse-grained soil with respect to the change of the water content of the soil.There will be the change in the strength of the fine-grained soil with respect to the change in the water content of the soil.
The coarse-grained soil feels gritty when it is touched by the hand.The fine-grained soil feels smooth and sticky when touched by hand.
The coarse-grained soil does not retain water and has more permeability.The fine-grained soil has very less permeability and it can retain water.
There will be no change in the volume of the coarse-grained soil with a change in the moisture content.There will be a change in the volume of the fine-grained soil with a change in the moisture content.
The size of the coarse-grained soil particles varies from 4.75 mm up to 75 microns.The size of the fine-grained soil is less than 75 microns.
The coarse-grained soil has less void ratio.The fine-grained soil has more void ratio.
The shape of the coarse-grained soil particles varies from angular to rounded.The shape of the fine-grained soils are generally flaky.
The example of the coarse-grained soil are sand and gravel.The example of the fine grained soil are silt and clay.
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Differences Between Coarse-Grained Soil and Fine-Grained Soil

What Is Coarse-Grained Soil?

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What Is Fine-Grained Soil?

Coarse-Grained Soil vs Fine-Grained Soil

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Coarse-Grained Soil

Coarse Soil

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Coarse-Grained Meaning

Fine Soil

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Coarse-Grained Vs Fine Grained

Coarse Soil Information

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Coarse Grain Soil

Granular Soil Means

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Fine Grain Soil

Fine-Grained and Coarse-Grained

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Size of Coarse Grain

Fine-Grained Soil Examples

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  • Clay
  • Silt
  • Silty clay
  • Clay loam
  • Peat
  • Organic clay
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Fine-Grained Soil Size

Difference Between Fine-Grained and Coarse-Grained

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Fine-Grained Sand

Coarse-Grained Sand

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  • Fine and Coarse
  • Coarse Grained Soils
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