Types of Coffered Ceiling | What Is Coffered Ceiling | Coffered Ceiling Cost

What Is Coffered Ceiling?

Types of Coffered Ceiling

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  1. Traditional Coffer: This type of coffer ceiling is very similar to the waffle ceiling. Traditional coffer ceiling are like box or grid like patterns which are every simple and natural. You can also modify or add some crown moulding into it.
  2. Rustic Coffer: Rustic coffers are different from traditional coffer, they are like box which are like simple wood beams without any additional molding. This style of ceiling is best for farmhouse or country-side style.
  3. Geometric Coffer: This type of ceiling can decorate your ceiling in different style like triangular, hexagonal, octagonal, etc. Square shaped geometric ceiling can also be installed.
  4. Contemporary Coffer: Contemporary coffer is a very symmetric type of ceiling with clear grid pattern of beams. In this type of coffer ceiling, lumber is sometimes used to wrap the drywall, which is naturally used in the coastal area.
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What Does Coffered Ceiling Look Like?

Coffered Ceiling Cost

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Coffered Ceiling Material
MDF$2 - $7
Drywall$2 - $4
Poplar$2.5 - $7
Plywood$2.5 - $5
Pine$3 - $7
Oak$4 - $20
Cherry$6 - $17
Maple$5 - $15
PVC panel$15 - $25
Walnut$7 - $30
Mahogany$16 - $30
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Coffered Ceiling Materials

  1. Drywall: Among all other materials type, drywall is the cheapest material and the cost of the drywall is $2 - $4 per square foot. You can easily customize it and apply paint on it to provide an extraordinary look. Drywall coffered ceiling is used for shallow ceilings because it can not bear heavy loads. If you want deeper ceilings then you go for steel structures.
  2. MDF: MDF is a medium density coffered ceiling which cost is near about $2 to $7 per square foot. MDF is a combined material of softwood o hardwood with wood fibre, mixed with wax and apply heat. This type of ceiling is used for strong and smooth surface and it can resist moist5ure.
  3. Plywood: Plywood is a very common material, which is widely used in construction purpose. The cost of a plywood coffered ceiling is nearly $2.5 to $5. Plywood is available in almost every place and some of them have a rough surface and some of them has smooth one. Human error is one of the biggest problems in plywood works and plywood quality also vary according to the price.
  4. Poplar Ceiling: This type of ceiling is made of hardwoods and it is very common and stylish ceiling which is widely used in United States. The cost of a poplar ceiling is $2.5 to $7. It provides a smooth surface and you can easily print over it. Poplar ceiling is not very high; so, everyone can afford it. The one thing is it’s very prone to breaking, so you need to put extra care when you are installing.
  5. Pine Ceiling: This type of ceiling is available in the market with various shape and size. The installing cost of pine ceiling is $2 to $7 per square foot. Pine ceiling can be customized like printing over it, adding different style, etc. Pine wood is very light in colour, so it will provide more light in your room.
  6. Oak Coffered Ceiling: Oak coffered ceiling is a type of ceiling which is used in industries, constructions, interior purposes, etc. The cost of oak coffered ceiling is $4 to $20. Oak coffered ceiling provides a rusty surface finish. The variation of colour is presented in oak wood.
  7. Maple: Maple wood coffered ceiling has very smooth surface finish and it does not have a small grain on surface. This property provides a classy and elegant look. It is very heavy material that’s why it’s not very user friendly. The cost of maple coffered ceiling is $5 to $15.
  8. Cherry Coffered Ceiling: Cherry coffered ceiling has very unique and beautiful colour with smooth grains. The cost of cherry coffered ceiling is $6 to $17. It is so much heavy and hardy. The cost of cherry coffered ceiling is so much high.
  9. Walnut Coffered Ceiling: Walnut wood is enriched with different bright colour; so, the cost of the walnut coffered ceiling is also high. The installation cost of walnut coffered ceiling is $7 to $30.
  10. PVC Panel Ceiling: This type of ceiling is modern type of ceiling which is very decorative in nature & one can easily install it. The installation cost of PVC panel ceiling is $15 to $25. It is a high cost material and requires skilled labour to install. When the quality of PVC panel quality decreases then we need to replace it.
  11. Mahogany Coffered Ceiling: It is a very luxurious type of ceiling and the cost of this is also very high. The installation cost is near about $16 to $30,
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Are Coffered Ceilings Outdated

Coffered Ceiling Installation

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  1. Materials and tools gathering: It is the first step of this work where you need to gather your all required tools and materials for your work purpose.
  2. Demo: After that, you need to remove all the electrical wirings and started all beam assembling and trimming operations. Then remove the building materials which cover the ceiling.
  3. Map of grids: Then you create the grid like structure and place those beams in that place. This is the starting operation because if you do not install this beam grid structure then you can not process further works.
  4. Drywall installation: In next step you need to install drywall. Drywall piece is generally 2 x 4 feet in size and it needs 2-inches drywall screws for fixing.
  5. Installation of clad coffer beams: In this step clad coffer beams are added to the roof for supporting purpose.
  6. Wood filler: After that wood filler will be added to rectify all the vacant spaces of the structure.
  7. Trim and stain coffers: Finally extra portion of the whole structure will be trimmed out and use stain paint for showing more and natural stain in the wood.
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Tilton Coffered Ceilings

Tilton Box Beam Coffered Ceiling System

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Tilton Coffered Ceiling System Price

Average Cost$3,750
High Cost$4,500
Low Cost$3,000
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Coffered Drop Ceiling Basement

Coffered Ceiling Tiles 2x4

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Coffered Ceiling Installation near Me

Coffered Ceiling Contractors near Me

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Coffered Ceiling near Me

Coffered Ceiling Tiles 2x2

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Deep Coffered Ceiling Tiles

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