18 Difference Between Compaction and Consolidation | What Is Compaction | What Is Consolidation

What Is Compaction?

What Is Consolidation?

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Compaction Vs. Consolidation

1Compaction is a quick process.Consolidation is a slow process.
2Compaction is the compression of soil by the expulsion of air from the voids of the soil.Consolidation is the compression of soil by the expulsion of water from the voids of the soil.
3It is a process where mechanical pressure is used to compress the soil mass for the purpose of soil improvement.It is a process where steady and static pressure causes compression of saturated soil.
4Dynamic loads by rapid mechanical methods like vibration, damping, and rolling are applied for a small interval in soil compaction.Static and sustained loading is applied for a long interval in soil consolidation.
5The compaction process can be completed immediately.Consolidation is a slow and steady process that takes time.
6Compaction is an instantaneous process of reduction of volume of voids.Consolidation is a time-dependent process of reduction of volume.
7Compaction is an artificial process.Consolidation is a natural process.
8Compaction can be done before the construction.It can not be done before the construction. There are some methods by which consolidation can be done before construction but 100% consolidation cannot be achieved.
9Compaction is done to attain maximum dry density at optimum moisture content.loading period is long. It may take many years for 100% consolidation.
10All kind of soil whether it is cohesive or noncohesive can be compacted.Consolidation occurs naturally due to the structural load from the foundation.
11Compaction of soil is mainly used for sandy soil.The consolidation of soil is mainly used for clayey soil.
12Compaction is intentionally done to produce a high unit weight of soil and consequently improve other soil properties.Consolidation is a natural process where soil below the building and other structures compacted by the transferred load to the soil through the provided foundation system.
13The foundation settlement will be reduced.Consolidation is the responsibility of the foundation settlement.
14The soil should be at OMC (Optimum Moisture Content )The soil is saturated to settle down the particles.
15The bearing capacity of soil will increase.Also, increase the bearing capacity of soil
16The compaction Loading period is short.Consolidation applies only for cohesive soils, especially for low permeable clay.
17Compaction is a stage process.Consolidation is a two-stage process that is Primary consolidation and Secondary consolidation.
18Compaction is the primary process.Consolidation starts after compaction.
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Difference Between Compaction and Consolidation

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