Concrete Slab Load Capacity Calculator

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What is a Concrete Slab Load Capacity Calculator?

How to Use a Concrete Slab Load Capacity Calculator:

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  1. Input Data Collection: Begin by gathering necessary parameters like slab thickness, concrete strength, reinforcing yield, subgrade modulus, and load data.
  2. Enter Inputs: Fill in the collected parameters into the appropriate fields, such as slab thickness, concrete unit weight, subgrade modulus, etc.
  3. Run Calculation: Click the "Calculate" button to run the analysis, which will compute flexural stress, bearing stress, punching shear, and other critical factors.
  4. Interpret Results: Review the results, including stress values, crack width, and permissible stresses. Compare them against allowable limits to ensure the design is safe.
  5. Adjust Design if Needed: Based on the results, modify input parameters (e.g., increase slab thickness or reinforcement) and rerun the calculations to find the optimal solution.
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Example Calculatio: Concrete Slab Load Capacity Calculator

  • Slab Thickness: 6 inches
  • Concrete Strength: 4000 psi
  • Reinforcing Yield: 60000 psi
  • Subgrade Modulus: 100 pci
  • Concentrated Load: 5000 lbs
  • Contact Area: 50 in²
  • Safety Factor: 1.5
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  1. Effective Load Radius (a):a = sqrt(Contact Area / pi) = sqrt(50 / pi) ≈ 4.0 in
  2. Modulus of Elasticity (Ec):Ec = 33 * wc^1.5 * sqrt(f 'c) = 33 * (145)^1.5 * sqrt(4000) ≈ 3646200 psi
  3. Modulus of Rupture (MR):MR = 9 * sqrt(f 'c) = 9 * sqrt(4000) ≈ 570 psi
  4. Cracking Moment (Mr):Mr = MR * (12 * t^2 / 6) / 12000 = 570 * (12 * 6^2 / 6) / 12000 ≈ 3.42 ft-k/ft
  5. Radius of Stiffness (Lr):Lr = (Ec * t^3 / (12 * (1 - m^2) * k))^0.25 ≈ (3646200 * 6^3 / (12 * (1 - 0.15^2) * 100))^0.25 ≈ 27.2 in
  6. Flexural Stress (1 Load, fb1):fb1 = (3 * P * (1 + m)) / (2 * pi * t^2) * (log(Lr / a) + 0.6159) ≈ (3 * 5000 * (1 + 0.15)) / (2 * pi * 6^2) * (log(27.2 / 4.0) + 0.6159) ≈ 210 psi
  7. Bearing Stress (fp, actual):fp = P / Ac = 5000 / 50 ≈ 100 psi
  8. Punching Shear Perimeter (bo):bo = 4 * sqrt(Ac) = 4 * sqrt(50) ≈ 28.3 in
  9. Punching Shear Stress (fv, actual):fv = P / (t * (bo + 4 * t)) = 5000 / (6 * (28.3 + 4 * 6)) ≈ 55 psi
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Concrete Slab Load Capacity Calculator

#slab-calculator input,select,lable { background-color: #004d40; color: #ff9100;}#results table{ padding: 20px;border-collapse: initial!important; }

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Calculation Results

Check Slab Flexural Stress:
Effective Load Radius (a):${b.toFixed(2)}in.
Modulus of Elasticity (Ec):${Ec.toFixed(2)}psi
Modulus of Rupture (MR):${MR.toFixed(2)}psi
Cracking Moment (Mr):${Mr.toFixed(2)}ft-k/ft
Poisson's Ratio (m):${m}-
Radius of Stiffness (Lr):${Lr.toFixed(2)}in
Flexural Stress (Load, fb1):${fb1.toFixed(2)}psi
Flexural Stress (2 Loads, fb2):${fb2.toFixed(2)}psi
Flexural Stress (Allowable, Fb):${Fb.toFixed(2)}psi
Check Slab Bearing Stress:
Bearing Stress (fp, actual):${fp_actual.toFixed(2)}psi
Bearing Stress (Fp, allowable):${Fp_allow.toFixed(2)}psi
Check Slab Punching Shear Stress:
Punching Shear Perimeter (bo):${bo.toFixed(2)}in
Punching Shear Stress (fv, actual):${fv_actual.toFixed(2)}psi
Punching Shear Stress (Fv, allowable):${Fv_allow.toFixed(2)}psi
Shrinkage and Temperature Reinf.:(assuming subgrade drag method)
Friction Factor (F):${F}-
Slab Weight (W):${W.toFixed(2)}psi
Reinforcement Allowable Stress (fs):${fs.toFixed(2)}psi
Reinforcing Steel Area (As):${As.toFixed(2)}in²/ft
Determine Estimated Crack Width:(assuming no use of stabilized or granular subbase)
Slab-Base Friction Adjustment (C):${C}-
Thermal Expansion (a):${a_coeff}-
Shrinkage Coefficient (e):${e_coeff}-
Estimated Crack Width (DL):${DL.toFixed(2)}in
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