What is Precipitation | Type of Precipitation | Cyclonic Precipitation | Forms of Precipitation

What is Precipitation?

  • Liquid Precipitation
    • i.e., Rainfall
  • Frozen Precipitation
    • i.e., Snow
    • Hail
    • Sleet
    • Freezing rain
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  • The atmosphere must have moisture.
  • There must be sufficient nuclei (particles) present to aid condensation over them.
  • Weather conditions must be favorable to condensation of water vapor.
  • The products of condensation must reach to the earth.
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Types of Precipitation

  • Cyclonic Precipitation.
  • Convective Precipitation.
  • Orographic Precipitation.
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1. Cyclonic Precipitation

  • Frontal Precipitation
  • Non-Frontal Precipitation
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1.1. Frontal Precipitation:

1.2. Non-Frontal Precipitation:

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2. Convective Precipitation

3. Orographic Precipitation

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Precipitation Due to Turbulent Ascent  

  1. Air mass is forced to rise up due to greater friction of the earth's surface after its travel over the ocean.
  2. The air mass rises up because of increased turbulence and friction when it ultimately condenses, and precipitation occurs.
  3. Winter rainfall in Madras state is mainly due to this process.
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Forms of Precipitation

1. Rain

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2. Snow

3. Hail

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4. Drizzle

5. Sleet

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6. Glaze

7. Rime

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8. Dew

Frontal Precipitation

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What Is Frontal Precipitation?

Cyclonic Rainfall

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How Does Cyclonic Rainfall Occur?

What Is Frontal and Non Frontal Precipitation?

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How Is Precipitation Important to Weather?

Where Does Cyclonic Rainfall Occur?

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Where Does Frontal Precipitation Occur?

What Is Precipitation in Hydrology?

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At What Precipitation Does It Rain?

  1. When the intensity of the rain trace to 2.5 mm/hr. then is called the Light Rain.
  2. The intensity is between 2.5 mm/hr. to 7.5 mm/hr for Moderate Rain.
  3. And if the intensity is greater than 7.5 mm/hr. then it is called the Heavy Rain.
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What Is Precipitation in Simple Words?

Why Is Cyclonic Rainfall Known as Frontal Rainfall?

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What Are the 3 Types of Precipitation?

Why Is Frontal Rainfall Called That?

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Where Is Frontal Rainfall Most Common?

What Are Types of Precipitation?

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  • Rain: Most commonly observed, drops larger than drizzle (0.02 inch / 0.5 mm or more) are considered rain. However, smaller drops are also considered raindrops if, in contrast to drizzle, they are widely separated.
  • Drizzle: Fairly uniform precipitation composed exclusively of fine drops very close together. Drizzle appears to float while following air currents, but unlike fog droplets, it falls to the ground. Quite often fog and drizzle occur together.
  • Ice Pellets (Sleet): Precipitation of transparent or translucent pellets of ice, which are round or irregular hard grains of ice consisting of frozen raindrops, or largely melted then refrozen snowflakes.
  • Hail: Precipitation in the form of small balls or other pieces of ice falling separately or frozen together in irregular lumps. Associated with thunderstorms, individual hail stones are ¼ inch (5 mm) or greater in diameter. Hail sizes of 1 inch (2.5 cm) or more are indicative of severe thunderstorms.
  • Small Hail (Snow Pellets): Precipitation of white, opaque grains of ice that are round or sometimes conical. Diameters are less than ¼ inch (5 mm).
  • Snow: Precipitation of snow crystals that are mostly branched and in the form of six-pointed stars.
  • Snow Grains: Precipitation of very small, white, and opaque grains of ice. Basically, this is frozen drizzle.
  • Ice Crystals: Generally occurring in very cold regions, they are falling crystals of ice in the form of needles, columns, or plates. Also called 'diamond dust', ice crystals appear like fog with individual water particles forming directly as ice. The shape of the individual ice crystals causes the 'light pillar' optical effect above the light source.
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Where Is Frontal Rainfall Experienced?

What Causes Frontal Precipitation?

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What Is a Frontal Rainfall?

What Triggers Precipitation?

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Why Frontal Rainfall Is Called So?

What Does Frontal Rainfall Mean?

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What Are the Characteristics of Frontal Rainfall?

What Does Precipitation Mean?

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What Is Precipitation and Examples?

How Does Precipitation Contribute to Weather?

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What Is the Importance of Precipitation?

What Is Precipitation and How Does It Affect Weather?

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What Does Precipitation Mean in Weather?

Is Precipitation Good or Bad?

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Is fog a form of precipitation?

Types of Precipitation

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  • Rain: Rain is the most familiar form of precipitation. It occurs when liquid water droplets in the atmosphere combine and fall to the ground. Raindrops have a diameter of at least 0.5 millimeters.
  • Snow: Snow occurs when water vapor in the atmosphere freezes into ice crystals without melting into liquid first. These ice crystals then combine to form snowflakes. Snowflakes can vary in size and shape, and they fall to the ground as individual flakes.
  • Sleet: Sleet consists of small ice pellets or frozen raindrops. It forms when raindrops fall through a layer of freezing air near the Earth's surface, causing them to freeze before reaching the ground. Sleet can bounce when it hits a surface.
  • Freezing rain: Freezing rain is similar to sleet but differs in that raindrops do not freeze completely. Instead, they become supercooled upon contact with a cold surface, forming a layer of ice. Freezing rain can create hazardous conditions, as it can coat surfaces such as roads and power lines with ice.
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Precipitation Measurement Methods

Effects of Precipitation on Agriculture

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Precipitation Vs. Evaporation

Preventing Precipitation Damage to Roofs

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  • Roof inspection. A regular roof inspection is important to detect possible damage. ...
  • Repair or replace roof.
  • Cut down the trees or large bushes.
  • Clean your gutters.
  • Remove any outside objects.
  • Install a durable roofing material
  • Hire a roofing contractor.
  • Ventilate your roof properly.
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What Is Cyclonic Rainfall?

What Is Frontal Rainfall?

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What Is Precipitation?

What Is Cyclonic Precipitation?

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What Type of Precipitation Occurs When Air Masses Rise Over Mountains Causing It to Condense and Rain?

What Is Precipitation in Weather?

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Frontal Precipitation

Convective Precipitation

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