Definition of Design Period | Why Design Period is Provided | Factors Affecting Design Period | Design Period Values

Definition of Design Period:

Why Design Period Is Provided?

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  • It is prodigiously strenuous or unfeasible to produce frequent.
  • It is affordable to supply one mammoth unit in lieu of constructing a variety of bijou ingredients.
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Factors Affecting Design Period:

  • Availability of Funds.
  • Life of the structure.
  • Ease or Difficulty in Extension.
  • Rate of Increment.
  • Lead Time.
  • Economy of Scale.
  • Interest Rates.
  • Quality of Material.
  • First Cost.
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1. Availability of Funds-

2. Life of Structure-

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  • Pumps.
  • Conduits(Type of Pipes).
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Factors Affecting Design Period Type of PipeAverage Service Life
Steel Pipes25 – 50 Years
Cast Iron Pipes100 Years
Concrete Pipes75 Years
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3. Ease or Difficulty in Extension-

  • Tubewell: Easy to drill.
  • Treatment Plant: Easy to enlarge.
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4. Rate of Increment-

5. Lead Time-

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6. Economy of Scale-

  • The decrease in monetary value parallel to the increase in a facility is thought of as an Economy of Scale.
  • If the economy of scale is little, smaller design periods are used.
  • It's economical to make an oversized structure, for an extended design period.
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7. Interest Rates-

  • If charge per unit is bijou, the lofty value of design period is also economically possible.
  • The rate of interest depends on the borrowings and also the ancillary money which needs to be invested.
  • Amount and availability of ancillary investment likely to be incurred for extra arrangements. For instance, if the funds aren't available, one should keep a bijou design period.
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8. Performance Time-

  • Structures are checked under working conditions in due course, which mustn't be considered in the design period.
  • During this point, it's not providing facility to the community.
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9. Quality of Material-

  • Design period mustn't be longer than the lifetime period of the material utilized in the installation project.
  • The quantity of years of which a provision is formed in designing the capacities of the varied modules of the water system scheme is recognized as design period.
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10. First Cost-

  • In case of High first cost and High Rate of interest, design period should be brief, so that the aggregate cost of the project should not be disseminated to present population e.g. Houses.
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Design Period Values:

  • The useful lifetime of the component facility.
  • Ease in polishing off extensions when required.
  • Rate of interest is in order that expenditure, far ahead of utility, is avoided.
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ItemDesign Period in Year
Storage by Dams50 year
Intake Works30 year
Water treatment units15 year
Pipe connection to the sundry treatment units and other small paraphernalia.0 year
Raw water and clear water transporting units30 year
Clear water reservoirs at the head works, balancing tanks, and service reservoirs15 year
Distribution system30 year
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What Are Design Period and Return Period for Design Conditions?

Definition of Design Period:

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What Is Design Period?

Factors Affecting Design Period:

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  • Availability of funds If funds are not available, one has to keep a smaller design period.
  • Interest rates If interest rate is small, a higher value of the design period may be economically possible.
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Design Period Values:

Design Period

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Why Is Design Period Required?

What Is Design Period in Hydrology?

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What Does Design Period Mean?

What Is Design Period in Designing Water Supply Schemes?

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What Do You Mean by Design Period in Water Supply & Treatment?

What Does Period Mean in Architecture?

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What Is Meant by Design Period?

The Design Period for a Water Supply Project Is Taken As

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Design Period of Water Supply

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