Sr.No. | Bitumen | Tar |
1. | Bitumen Colour Deep dark. | Tar colour Jet black. |
2. | Bitumen carbon content is midium (moderate). | Tar Bitumen carbon content is very high. |
3. | Bitumen usually solid in state. | Tar viscous liquid sate |
4. | Bitumen effect on heating time bitumen is melt. | Here, Tar effect on heating becomes more fluid when heated. |
5. | Bitumen setting time very less respect to tar. | Tar setting time is more compared to bitumen. |
6. | Bitumen adhesive power is high but not more than tar. | Tar adhesive power is very high compared to bitumen. |
7. | Bitumen resistance to acid effect is more compared to tar. | Tar resistance to acid effect is less compared to bitumen. |
8. | Bitumen is obtained from fractional distillation of crude oil. | Tar is obtained by destructive distillation of coal or wood. |
9. | Molecular weight range for road bitumen is 400 to 5000. | Molecular weight range for road tar is 150 to 3000. |
10. | Bitumen consists of large amount of aromatic hydrocarbon. | Tar consist of large amount of oily matter with lower molecular weight. |
11. | It shows more resistance to weathering action. | It shows less resistance to weathering action. |
12. | Bitumen normally use as damp proof course and as roofing felt. | Tar use for preseving timber. |
13. | Less temperature susceptibility. | More temperature susceptibility. |
14. | Bitumen has a low degree of toxicity. | Tar has a high degree of toxicity. |
15. | Bitumen is more adhesive. | Tar is most adhesive. |
16. | Bitumen sets quickly. | Tar sets slowly. |
17. | Bitumen occurs naturally. | Tar is produced through distillation. |
18. | Bitumen is expensive. | Tar is cheaper. |
19. | Bitumen has a low viscosity. | Tar is high viscosity. |
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