14 Difference Between CPM and PERT | What Is CPM | What Is PERT

  1. CPM
  2. PERT
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What Is CPM?

CPM Basic Steps:

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  • Determine the required tasks
  • List required tasks in sequence
  • Create a flowchart including each required task
  • Identify all critical and non-critical relationships (paths) among the required tasks
  • Assign an expected completion/execution time for each required task
  • Study all critical relationships to determine all possible alternatives or backups for as many as possible
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What Is PERT?

PERT Basic Steps:

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  • Identifying Tasks and Milestones: Each project involves a series of required tasks. These tasks are listed in a table, permitting additional information on timing and sequence to be added later.
  • Placing the Tasks at a Proper Sequence: The tasks Have Been Examined and placed in a sequence to get the desired results.
  • Network Diagramming: A network diagram is drawn with the activity sequence data showing the sequence of concurrent and sequential activities.
  • Time Estimating: Here Can Be the time required to carry out each activity, in three parts:
    • Optimistic timing: The shortest time to complete an activity
    • Most likely timing: The completion time having the highest probability
    • Pessimistic timing: The longest time to complete an activity
  • Critical Path Estimating: This determines the entire time required to complete a project.
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1CPM full name Critical Path MethodPERT full name Program Evaluation Review Technique
2PERT is that technique of project management which is used to manage uncertain (i.e., time is not known) activities of any project.CPM is that technique of project management which is used to manage only certain (i.e., time is known) activities of any project.
3The CPM is a statistical technique of project management this is managed well-defined activities of a project.The PERT is a project management technique, used to manage uncertain activities of a project.
4This CPM is a method to control cost and time.The PERT is a technique of planning and control of time.
5CPM Method orientation like Activity-orientedPERT Method orientation like Event-oriented
6In CPM method evaluation of Evolved as Construction projectIn this method evaluation of Evolved as a Research & Development project
7Model type DeterministicModel type Probabilistic
8In this method Focus on Time-cost trade-offIn this method Focus on Time
9CPM Method calculated estimates only one-time estimateHere, the PERT method estimates Three-time estimates
10Appropriate for Reasonable time estimateAppropriate for High precision time estimate
11Management of Predictable activitiesManagement of Unpredictable Activities
12Nature of jobs Repetitive natureNature of jobs Non-repetitive nature
13Critical and Non-critical activities is DifferentiationCritical and Non-critical activities are No Differentiated
14Use in Research and Development ProjectUse in Non-research projects like civil construction, shipbuilding etc.
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What Is Cpm?

Pert Vs Cpm

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What Is Pert?

Difference Between Cpm and Pert

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Pert and Cpm Full Form

Cpm Is the

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Cpm Is Oriented Technique

What Is the Difference Between Cpm and Pert?

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Pert Is What Oriented

Full Form of Pert

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Pert-Cpm Meaning

Cpm Analysis Is Activity Oriented

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What Is Pert and Cpm?

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