Sr.No. | CPM | PERT |
1 | CPM full name Critical Path Method | PERT full name Program Evaluation Review Technique |
2 | PERT is that technique of project management which is used to manage uncertain (i.e., time is not known) activities of any project. | CPM is that technique of project management which is used to manage only certain (i.e., time is known) activities of any project. |
3 | The CPM is a statistical technique of project management this is managed well-defined activities of a project. | The PERT is a project management technique, used to manage uncertain activities of a project. |
4 | This CPM is a method to control cost and time. | The PERT is a technique of planning and control of time. |
5 | CPM Method orientation like Activity-oriented | PERT Method orientation like Event-oriented |
6 | In CPM method evaluation of Evolved as Construction project | In this method evaluation of Evolved as a Research & Development project |
7 | Model type Deterministic | Model type Probabilistic |
8 | In this method Focus on Time-cost trade-off | In this method Focus on Time |
9 | CPM Method calculated estimates only one-time estimate | Here, the PERT method estimates Three-time estimates |
10 | Appropriate for Reasonable time estimate | Appropriate for High precision time estimate |
11 | Management of Predictable activities | Management of Unpredictable Activities |
12 | Nature of jobs Repetitive nature | Nature of jobs Non-repetitive nature |
13 | Critical and Non-critical activities is Differentiation | Critical and Non-critical activities are No Differentiated |
14 | Use in Research and Development Project | Use in Non-research projects like civil construction, shipbuilding etc. |
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