Difference Between Fat Lime and Hydraulic Lime | What Is Fat Lime | What Is Hydraulic Lime

What Is Fat Lime?

  • Under water.
  • Below Ground.
  • In interior joints of a thick wall.
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What Is Hydraulic Lime?

Type of Hydraulic Lime.

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  • Eminently Hydraulic Lime.
  • Moderately Hydraulic Lime.
  • Feebly Hydraulic Lime.
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1. Eminently Hydraulic Lime:

  • Clay content - 21 to 30%
  • Slaking - Slow with difficulty
  • Setting - About 24 hours
  • Hyraulicity - Eminent
  • Uses - Can be used in important masonry works in place of cement
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2. Moderately Hydraulic Lime:

  • Clay content - 11 to 20%
  • Slaking - After 1.5 hours
  • Setting - About one week
  • Hyraulicity - Moderate
  • Uses - Masonry works
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3. Feebly Hydraulic Lime:

  • Clay content - 05Β  to 10%
  • Slaking - After few minutes
  • Setting - Sets in water after about 3 weeks
  • Hyraulicity - Feeble
  • Uses - Ordinary masonry works.
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Difference Between Fat Lime and Hydraulic Lime

DetailFat LimeHydraulic Lime
CompositionMore Percentage of CaO clay content less then 5%Ca + clay content from 5 to 30 % and some % of iron oxide
SlakingSlakes vigorously with hissing sound and cracking volume increased by 2 to 3 times slaking continues upto 3-4 hours.Not much heat is liberated. No hissing sound or cracking volume increases by 1.2 times slaking continues up to 1-2 days
SettingSets slowly in presents of air. Absorbs CO2 from atmosphere and from CACO3. It does not have hydraulicity and hence can not set under water.Sets under water - CaO content sets like fat lime calcium silicate & crystalline structures are formed they set like cement. It possesses hydraulidty.
StrengthIt is not strong and hence can not be used where strength is requierd.It is strong and can be used like cement
UsePlastering, white washing preparing and mortar with surkhi mix.Suitable for thick walls, works below ground in damp condition
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Fat Lime

Hydraulic Lime

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Fat Lime Vs Hydraulic Lime

Can You Use Hydraulic Lime for Limewash?

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Which Lime Is Best for Construction?

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