Methods of Design | Difference Between Working Stress Method and Limit State Method

Methods of Design

  • Adequate safety. In terms of strength and stability.
  • Adequate serviceability concerning stiffness and durability.
  • Reasonable economy.
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  • The method of theoretical computations using accepted theories/procedures approved by the Codes of Practice,
  • The method of experimental investigations on models or full-size structures or elements.
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  • The Modular Ratio Method or the Working Stress Method (WSM)
  • The Load Factor Method or the Ultimate Load Method (ULM) and
  • The Limit State Method (LSM)
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Working Stress Method (WSM)

Demerits of WSM (Disadvantage ofΒ  Working Stress Method)

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Merits of WSM (Advantage ofΒ  Working Stress Method)

Ultimate Load Method (ULM)

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Merits of ULM (Advantage of Ultimate Load Method

  • The load factor gives the exact margin of safety against collapse.
  • The method allows using different load factors for various kinds of loads and the combination thereof.
  • The failure load calculated by ULM matches using the experimental results.
  • The method relies on the ultimate strain since the failure criteria.
  • The method utilizes the reserve of strength in the plastic region.
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Demerits of ULM (Disadvantage ofΒ  Ultimate Load Method)

Limit State Method (LSM)

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Difference Between Working Stress Method and Limit State Method

Working Stress MethodLimit State Method
Working stress method is also known as the plastic methodLimit State method is also known as the Elastic design
Working stress method base on an elastic theory which assumes that steel and concrete are elastic and the stress-strain curve is linear for bothThe limit state method is base on the actual stress-strain curves of steel and concrete. For concrete the stress-strain curve is non-linear.
Within this method, the factor of safety is put on the yield stresses to get permissible stresses.In this method, partial safety factors are applied to get a design worth of stresses.
In this method not consider the safety factorWorking loads obtain limit State MethodLimit State Method are obtained by Working loads into partial safety.
The exact margin of safety isn't known.The exact margin of safety is known.
This method gives more large, sections, therefore less economical.This method is more economical since it gives thinner sections.
This method assumes that the actual loads, permissible pressures and factors of safety have been understood. So it's called a deterministic method.This way is based upon the probabilistic approach that depends upon the real data or expertise, thus it's referred to as a non-deterministic method.
Workin stress method is based method of R.C.C Design.Limit state method is based method of R.C.C Design.
In working stress method, the material follows Hooke’s law as stress is not allowed to cross the yield limit.Limit state method, stress is allowed to cross the yield limit.
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What Is Rcc Design Method?

Working Stress Method

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What Is WSM and LSM?

What Is Working Stress Method in RCC?

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Working Stress Method of Design Definition

Which Is an Advantage of Working Stress Method?

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  1. It is simple, both in concept as well as in application.
  2. It is reasonably reliable.
  3. It is essential to have a knowledge of WSM, since it forms a part of LSM. IS:456-2000 has incorporated LSM and WSM. But the concept of WSM is retained for checking serviceability states of deflection and cracking.
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What Are the Disadvantages of Working Stress Method?

Difference Between LSM and WSM

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Ultimate Load Method:

Ultimate Stress Design Method

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What Is the Ultimate Load Method?

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