Different Between Clamp Burning and Kiln Burning | What Is Clamp Burning | What IS Kiln Burning

What Is Clamp Burning?

Advantages of Clamp Burning

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Disadvantage of Clamp BurningΒ 

What Is Kiln Burning?

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Type of Kiln BurningΒ 

Intermittent Kiln

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Continuous Kiln

Clamp Burning Vs Kiln Burning

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Sr.No.Particulars of ComparisonClamp BurningKiln Burning
1Initial costInitial cost is lowInitial cost is high
2Type of structureClamps are temprayKilns are permanent structure
3Daily output25,000 to 1,00,000 bricks be burnt depending upon size of clamp.25,00 bricks can be burnt continuosly daily.
4Quality of bricksAverage 60% quality bricks obtained.Average 90% quality bricks can be obtained.
5Fire regulationControlled firing can not be maintained throughout the process.Controlled firing can be be maintained through the processes.
6Cost of fuel consumptionLess, because local fuel materials like stores etc can be used.Cost of fuel consumption is high, because only coal is used as the fuel.
7Brining period2 to 6 months are necessary for burning and cooling.Only about one day is necessary for burning and about 10 to 12 days for cooling of one chamber.
8PreferabilityPreferable for a small quantity and ordinary bricks.Preferable for large, and continuous quality and pf quality production desired.
9Wastage of heatMore wastage of heat because fire controlling and proper regulation is not possible.Minimum wastage of heat because of proper heat regulation system.
10SupervisionSupervision is not necessarySkilled and continuous supervision is necessary.
11OperationsOnly burning of bricks is done.Dry, heating and cooling operations are done sequentially.
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