Dynamic Vs Kinematic Viscosity (Difference & Definition)

What Is Viscosity?

Viscosity is expressed in two distinct forms:

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  • Dynamic viscosity
  • Kinematic viscosity
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What is Dynamic Viscosity?

  • du/dy = constant of proportionality
  • µ = Dynamic viscosity
  • τ = Coefficient Euler's equation of motio
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Equation of Motion

  • Euler's equation of motion

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    • p = Density of fluid
    • dA = Cross-sectional area of this fluid element
    • ds = Length of this fluid element
    • dW = Weight of this fluid element
    • P = Pressure on this element at A
    • P+dP = Pressure on this element at B
    • v = velocity of This fluid element
  • Bernoulli's equation from Real Fluid

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    • P = Pressure on the element at A
    • p = Density of fluid
    • v = Velosity
    • h = elvation
    • g = gravitational elevation
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What Is Kinematic Viscosity?

  • = Kinematic viscosity
  • µ = Dynamic viscosity
  • δ = Density
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Type of Kinematic Viscosity Flow:

  • Steady and unsteady flows.
  • Uniform and non-uniform flows.
  • Laminar and turbulent flows.
  • Compressible and incompressible flows.
  • Rotational and irrotational flows.
  • One, two, and three-dimensional flows.
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1. Steady and unsteady flow:

    • dv= change of velocity
    • dt = time
    • ds = length of flow in the direction S
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    • dv= change of velocity
    • dt = time
    • ds = length of flow in the direction S
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2. Uniform and non-uniform flows:

    • dv = change of velocity
    • dt = time
    • ds = length of flow in the direction S
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dv/ds ≠ 0, dp/ds =0

3. Laminar and turbulent flows:

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  • Laminar flow is also called viscous flow or stream,
  • This type of flow is only possible at slow speed and in a viscous fluid
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4. Compressible and Incompressible Flows:

5. Rotational and Irrotational Flows.

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6. One, Two, and Three-Dimensional Flow:


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  • This is the flow in which the flow parameter such as velocity is a function of time, and one space co-ordinates only, say axis X.
  • For a steady one dimensional flow in direction, the velocity is a function of one-space and co-ordinate only.
  • The variant of velocities in additional two mutually perpendicular directions is assumed negligible.
  • Hence mathematically, for one-dimensional
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  • Where u, v and w are velocity components in x, y and z directions respectively.
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Two-dimensional flow:

  • That kind of flow in which the velocity is a function of time and two rectangular space co-ordinates say x and y.
  • For a steady two-dimensional flow, the velocity is a function of two space coordinates only.
  • The variation of velocity in that third direction is negligible.
  • Thus, mathematically for two-dimensional flow
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Three-dimensional flow:

  • That kind of flow where the velocity is a function of time and also three mutually perpendicular directions.
  • However, to get a constant three-dimensional stream, the fluid parameters are functions of three space coordinates (x, y, and z) only.
  • Thus, mathematically, for three-dimensional flow
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Dynamic Viscosity Vs Kinematic

What Is the Difference Between Kinematic and Dynamic Viscosity?

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What Is the Formula of Kinematic Viscosity and Dynamic Viscosity?

Dynamic Viscosity

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Dynamic Vs Kinematic Viscosity Units

Kinematic Viscosity and Dynamic Viscosity Formula

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Kinematic Viscosity Formula

Dynamic Viscosity Units

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Dynamic Viscosity of Water

Dynamic Viscosity Symbol

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Dynamic Viscosity of Air

Dynamic Viscosity Formula and Unit

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Kinematic Viscosity Unit

Kinematic Viscosity Symbol

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Absolute Viscosity Unit

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