What Is Earthen Dam | Types of Earthen Dam | Failure of Earthen Dam | Application of Earthen Dam | Advantage & Disadvantage of Earthen Dam

What Is Earthen Dam?

Types of Earthen Dam

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  • Homogeneous Embankment Earthen Dam.
  • Zone embankment Earthen Dam.
  • Diaphragm Earthen Dam.
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1. Homogeneous Embankment Type Earthen Dam

2. Zone Type Earthen Dam

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3. Diaphragm Earthen Dam

Failure of Earthen Dam

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  • Hydraulic Failures.
  • Seepage Failures.
  • Structural Failures.
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1. Hydraulic Failures

1.1. By Overtopping

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1.2. Erosion of Upstream Face

1.3. Cracking Due to Frost Action

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2. Seepage Failures

  • Ordinarily, it does not produce any harm by the Controlled seepage or limited uniform seepage is inevitable in all earth dams.
  • The subsequent failure of the dam uncontrolled or concentrate seepage through the dam body or its foundation may lead to piping or coughing.
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3. Structural Failures

  • The entire dam may slide over the foundation When the foundation of the earth dams are made of, such as fine silt, soft clay, soft soils, etc.
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Methods of Construction of Earth Dam

  1. The method of an earthen dam constructed fulfilled by the earth is known as the earthen dam.
  2. The earthen dam is constructed by different layers of soil.
  3. The layers of the soil of the earthen dam are then compacted by sheep's foot rollers, tamping rollers, heavy pneumatic tired rollers, earth-hauling equipment, or vibratory rollers.
  4. The earthen dam is constructed as a barrier that resists water or underground streams.
  5. These earthen dams are constructed not only for protection from floods, but also provides water for various needs to include human consumption, irrigation, industrial use, navigability, and aquaculture
  6. The earthen dam is constructed nearly trapezoidal or trapezoidal cross-section.
  7. There are many sizes of earthen dams is constructed. But the size of the dams depends on the requirements.
  8. As for the high earthen dam, the height of the dam is greater than 100m.
  9. As for the medium earthen dam, the height of the dam is lies between 50m to 100m.
  10. And for the small earthen dam, the height of the dam is lower than 50m.
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Application of Earthen Dam

  1. The earthen dam is constructed to apply as a barrier that resists water or underground streams.
  2. These earthen dams are constructed not only for protection from floods, but also applied to for provides water for various needs to include human consumption, irrigation, industrial use, navigability, and aquaculture.
  3. When we need to make an economical structure then we need to apply the earthen dam because In an earthen dam just one material is economically or locally available then a simply homogeneous section is applied.
  4. In the earthen dam the hydropower is applied to generate the electricity.
  5. For structural reasons, earth dams are suited to the sites where a masonry dam cannot be applied.
  6. The earthen dam is applied to either stop or slow the amount of water in a river.
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Advantage of Earthen Dam

  1. The advantage of the earthen dam is the material of the earthen dam like soil can easily available.
  2. Another advantage of the earthen dam that's is can easily handle by the hands.
  3. For structural reasons, earth dams are suited to the sites where a masonry dam cannot be used.
  4. Another advantage of the earthen dam is it is a lesser cost than normal masonry walls.
  5. The advantage of the earthen dam is it can slow or stop the amount of water in a river.
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Disadvantage of Earthen Dam

  1. The disadvantages of the earthen dam are the non-availability of the materials at the dams site.
  2. Another disadvantage of the earthen dam is as compared to a good concrete dam it has a greater maintenance cost.
  3. For spillways, the earthen dam is none suitable, this is an important disadvantage of an earthen dam.
  4. The disadvantages of the earthen dam are it is a none rigid material so it can destroy easily when more stress develops on the dam.
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Uses of Earthen Dam

  1. The earthen dam is constructed to use as a barrier that resists water or underground streams.
  2. These earthen dams are constructed not only for protection from floods, but also used for provides water for various needs to include human consumption, irrigation, industrial use, navigability, and aquaculture.
  3. When we need to make an economical structure then we used the earthen dam because In an earthen dam just one material is economically or locally available then a simply homogeneous section is used.
  4. For structural reasons, earth dams are suited to the sites where a masonry dam cannot be used.
  5. To either stop or slow the amount of water in a river the earthen dam is used.
  6. The earthen dam is a good choice for sites with wide valleys.
  7. In the earthen dam, by using hydropower is often used in conjunction with dams to generate electricity.
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Earthen Dam

Types of Earthen Dam

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  • Homogeneous Embankment type
  • Zone embankment type
  • Diaphragm type.
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Failure of Earthen Dam

Methods of Construction of Earth Dam

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  1. Hydraulic-fill Method: In this method of construction, the dam body is constructed by excavating and transporting soils by using water. Pipes called flumes, are laid along the outer edge of the embankment. The soil materials are mixed with water and pumped into these flumes. The slush is discharged through the outlets in the flumes at suitable intervals along their lengths.
  2. Rolled-fill Method:  The embankment is constructed by placing suitable soil materials in thin layers (15 to 30 cm) and compacting them with rollers. The soil is brought to the site from burrow pits and spread by bulldozers, etc. In layers. These layers are thoroughly compacted by rollers of designed weights.
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Advantages of Earthen Dam

  • Availability of Earth Materials. 
  • Easy Handling of Earth. 
  • Foundation Condition.
  • Cost of Construction.
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Disadvantages of Earthen Dam

Application of Earthen Dam

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  • Generation of hydroelectricity .
  • Irrigation.
  • Control flooding.
  • These are called detention dams, which are constructed to either stop or slow the amount of water in a river.
  • These are often diversion dams, which stop a river's natural course so that water can be sent off to a different place.
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Uses of Earthen Dam

Earthen Dam Construction

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Earth Dam Construction Process

Earthen Dam Failure

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The Most Commonly Used Type of Earthen Dam Is

What Is Earth Dam?

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Earthen Dam in India

Earthern Dam

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The Most Commonly Used Type of Earthen Dam

Earthen Dams Are Usually Not Provided for Heights More Than

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Define Earthen Dam

Most Commonly Used Type of Earthen Dam Is

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Earthen Dams Are Which Type of Dam

The Most Commonly Used Type of Earth Dam Is

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