All About EDM in Surveying

What is EDM in Surveying?

Types of EDM Instruments

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  • Infrared Instruments.
  • Microwave Instruments.
  • Visible Light Instruments.
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1. Infrared Instruments

2. Microwave instruments

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3. Visible Light Instruments

  • Short-range, electro-optical instruments using amplitude-modulated infra-red or visible light with ranges up to 5 km.
  • Medium-range microwave equipment, frequency modulated to give ranges around 25 km.
  • Long-range radio wave equipment with ranges up to 100 km.
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Measurement Principle of EDM Instrument

  • λ = c/f
    • λ = Wavelength in meters
    • c = velocity in km/sec.
    • f = frequency hertz (one cycle per second)
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  • L = (nλ + φ ) / 2 Meters
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  • S = Station
  • r = Reflector component of addition constant
  • Z= Target
  • E = References plane within the EDM for phase comparison
  • λ = Modulation of wavelength
  • W = Fraction to be measured of a whole wavelength of modulation Δλ
  • e = Distance meter component of addition constant
  • R = Reference plane the reflection of the wave transmitted by the EDM 
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  1. Temperature
  2. Atmospheric pressure
  3. Water vapor content in the atmosphere
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Errors in Electronic Distance Measurement

Types of Error

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  1. Personal Errors
  2. Instrumental Errors
  3. Natural Errors
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1 Personal Errors

Misalignmentin Degrees0 mm ConstantPrism Error (mm)−30 mm ConstantPrism Error (mm)
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Error in TemperatureLength of Sights (m)
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2 Instrumental Errors

3 Natural Errors

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EDM in Surveying

Electronic Distance Measuring Instrument

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What is Electronic Distance Measuring (EDM)?

What Are the Types of EDM Instruments?

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  • Microwave Instruments — Also called tellurometers, these instruments use microwaves. And they have been around since the 1950’s.
  • Infrared Wave Instruments — Uses prism reflectors that pick up amplitude modulated infrared waves at the end of a line.
  • Visible Light Wave Instruments — Uses modulated light waves to measure up to a specific range.
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Principle of EDM (Electronic Distance Measuring)

What Is EDM in Surveying?

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