First, flyover alignment is set and pier areas and cleaning areas are available. If there are a lot of abutments or pillars, they will dig to the right depth and start driving the pile.
If the construction area has a shallow footing, then they will dig in the right depth, compact the subgrade material, and possibly build a leveling, or rat slab.
Concrete is placed on the lower part of the foundation, within the suspension, or the ground is used as a form.
A pier column or abutment concrete is then placed.
Then build the pier caps and abutments at the same time.
Then we can place the steel or precast girders, or box girders.
Then we can work on building the deck with either precast slabs or by laying a concrete deck.
After that, we can build the railroad or roadway, guardrail, and paint the road markings.
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