The color of the roof shingles is frequently disregarded. Think about that.
In addition, you should think about the mailbox. Neither the cut nor the fabric is a slouch. Do you like a plain wooden post with a painted mailbox or something more ornate like one made of brick or stone?
Gutters: Gutters are typically white. However, this is not mandatory. You should also consider that gutters can be found in various colors, materials, and designs.
The color and material of the driveway also have a role in the home's aesthetic. Driveways made of concrete, asphalt, or pavers can be used with almost any color scheme, while those made of brick or stone should be considered separately.
Blocks built to hold back earth: In the same way that the driveway's color must complement the rest of the landscape, so must the retaining walls. Consider the color and material of your railings and columns as well.
Although each of these factors is negligible on its own, when combined, they become crucial. And remember that even the smallest of touches can have a major effect. The best residential designs incorporate all these aspects into a unified whole.