A mixer machine with a rotary blade should be used to mix the cement to get the right mixture with water.
The surface to be repaired should be properly saturated before mixing with the mechanical mixer. In addition, the excess water in the mixture should be removed.
The required water is added to the dry mix as per the specification and instruction as per IS 456: 2000.
Strength can be obtained by mixing hydraulic cement with suitable water. For hydraulic cement, it is recommended that the cement be mixed according to consumption. Because this mixture should surface within 10-25 minutes.
The efficiency of hydraulic cement depends on the process of hydration. When water is added to hydraulic cement, the product starts to harden.
The components present in hydraulic cement harden very quickly by reactions with water.
The nature of these chemical components gives hydraulic cement the ability to resist water damage and chemical attacks. Therefore hydraulic cement is used for the construction of submerged structures.
Points to Consider for the Use of Hydraulic Cement
Hydraulic cement should be mixed in an appropriate quantity as per consumption.
Excessive water in the mixture of hydraulic cement is likely to cause bleeding and segregation. So that excess water should be removed from the mixture.
Hydraulic cement should not contain any admixtures or additives other than the manufacturer's specification.
Hydraulic cement is set much faster than other cement. In addition, the desired strength can be achieved as early as possible with the use of hydraulic cement.
This cement has non-shrinkable properties.
Hydraulic cement can be used as waterproof cement for underwater construction.
Hydraulic cement gives proper strength for repair work as compared to other cement.
Hydraulic cement is widely used for concrete repair works in large areas.
Hydraulic cement can usually be used for the maintenance of basements and other concrete repairs.
Hydraulic cement begins to harden rapidly through chemical processing with water. So this mixture should be used within 10 to 15 minutes to get its proper strength.
Hydraulic cement cannot be used for frozen surfaces.
Hydraulic cement can be reduced in strength if not properly mixed with water.
Where the temperature is below 48 ° F, the hydraulic cement does not provide sufficient strength. Therefore it cannot be used in such areas.