IS 516:1959 Most Important Point (Method of Tests For Strength of Concrete)

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As Per Is 516: 1959 Sampling of Material In Lab

As Per Is 516 Cl 2.6.1: Machine Mixing For Cube In Lab

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As Per Is 516 Cl 2.6.2: Hand Mixing Procedure For Cube In Lab

  1. The cement and fine aggregate shall be mixed dry until the mixture is thoroughly blended and is uniform in colour.
  2. The coarse aggregate shall then be added and mixed with the cement and fine aggregate until the coarse aggregate is uniformly distributed throughout the batch, and
  3. The water shall then be added, and the entire batch mixed until the concrete appears to be homogeneous and has the desired consistency.
  4. If repeated mixing is necessary, because of the addition of water in increments while adjusting the consistency, the batch shall be discarded and a fresh batch made without interrupting the mixing to make trial consistency tests.
  5. Mixers, the concrete shall be heaped together before sampling.
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As Per Is 516 Cl 2.9.3: Tamping Bars / Road For CubeΒ 

As Per Is 516 Cl 2.10.1: Cube Compacting dy Hand

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As Per Is 516 Cl 2.12.1: Cube Curing In Lab

As Per Is 516 Cl 3.3: Cube Curing In Filed

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As Per Is 516 Cl 5.6./ 6.6: Report For Concrete CubeΒ 

  1. Identification Mark
  2. Date of test
  3. Age of specimen
  4. Curing Condition including date of manufacture of a specimen in the field,
  5. Weight of specimen,
  6. Dimensions of a specimen,
  7. Cross.Sectional area,
  8. Maximum load,
  9. Compressive strength, and
  10. The appearance of a fractured face of concrete and type of fracture if these are unusual
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Cube Test Is Code

Compressive Strength of Concrete Is Code

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Compressive Strength Is Code

Cube Strength Is Code

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Cube Sampling Is Code

Cube Test Procedure as Per Is Code

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What Is 516?

Is Code for Concrete Cube Casting?

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Code for Compressive Strength of Concrete

Compressive Strength Test Is Code

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Concrete Slump Test Is Code

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