Steel is an excellent material under tensile load, but it is not good under compressive load.
On the other hand, concrete is a very good material under compressive load but not good under tensile load.
The density per unit area of steel is more than from the concrete.
Where the density of concrete per unit area is less than from the steel.
Compare concrete to steel; steel should be more careful to resist corrosion if steel comes in contact with water; it should be corroded.
Where concrete is naturally protected from corrosion because the element that is used to make concrete, are cement, sand, and aggregate that gate naturally, but it should be noted that if the reinforcement inside the concrete is exposed, then it should be easily corroded.
The steel used in the structure's been 100 percent recycling material, where concrete is a non-recycling material.
In structural elements, steel is widely used in construction because steel is a flexible material. So with it, we can make endless applications. On the other hand, concrete is a rigid material, but it has little flexibility and makes application; it has certain boundaries.
The density of steel is 7850 cubic meters, and the thickness of concrete is 2800 to 3300 cubic meters.
Concrete is a naturally fired resisted material because it is prepared by cement, sand, gravel, and water that all are a natural material. Where steel is a fire-resistant material, but up to a certain limit of temperature, it tends to deform. So some ingredients should be added manually to prevent this property of steel.
Steel is a ductile element where concrete is a brittle element.
Steel is a good conductor of electricity, but concrete does notconduct electricity.
The strength of the concrete depends upon the size of the aggregate. The large size of aggregate makes lower the total surface area for which the water requirements for the concrete have been lower, and the workability of the concrete should be increased.
The concrete is so much stronger when a compressive load working on it but when a tensile load is acting upon it, that's should be a collapse.
Some time few admixtures are added to increase the workability and strength of the concrete.
At the end of the point, it is clear that concrete is slightly less strong than steel.
Many different types of tests should be done in concrete. That's are -
Slump tests
Compressive strength tests
Water permeability tests
Rapid Chloride ion penetration tests
Initial surface absorption tests
Water absorption tests.
Slump test- This test is to determine the workability of concrete.
Compressive strength test- This test is to determine the compressive strength of concrete.
Water permeability test- This test is done to determine the durability of concrete.
Rapid chloride ion penetration test- This test is also done to determine the durability of concrete.
Initial surface absorption test-to determining the resisting power from weathering action and chemical attack this test is also done.
Water absorption test- this test is also done to determine the durability of concrete by curing after 28 days or 24 hours. In this test, the size of the cube sample is 150 mm.
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