Kani's Method | Advantages of Kani's Method | How to Use Kani’s Method for Analysis | Procedure of  Kani’s Method

Kani's Method

  • Structural analysis is one of the most important parts of civil engineering. The construction of high rise buildings and multi-storey buildings are increasing day by day.
  • The high rise building requires the perfect analysis of frames and different structure of members features has a number of joints.
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  • Kani’s method was developed by Gasper Kani in the year 1940. The Kani's method consists of the distribution of the unknown fixed end moments of the different structural members to the adjacent joints in order to satisfy the conditions of continuity of slopes and displacements.
  • In this article,you will get to know about the Kani's method and the Advantages of Kani’s method and how to use kani’s method.
  • Kani's method is also known as the Rotation contribution method. It is a developed method of iteration for the statically indeterminate buildings and structures which is an approximate method that can save a great deal of time compared to the moment distribution method.
  • Kani’s method is considered for the further simplification of the moment distribution method for solving various problems.
  • This method consists of allotting the an identified within moments of the various structural members to the adjoining joints.
  • Kani’s method involves the distribution of the unknown fixed end moments of the different structural members to the adjacent joints in order to satisfy the different conditions of continuity of slopes and displacements.
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Advantages of Kani's Method

  • The main advantage of using Kani’s method for structural analysis is because it is self-corrective.
  • The Hardy cross method distributed only the unbalanced moments at the joints, and the Kani’s method distributes the total joints moment at any stage.
  • Kani’s method is simple and easy as compared to other methods.
  • All the computations of this method are carried out in a single line diagram of the structure.
  • The effects of joint rotations are considered in each cycle of iteration.
  • The convergence in this method is very fast which leads to the solution in just a few cycles of iterations.
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How to Use Kani’s Method for Analysis?:

Procedure of  Kani’s Method

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Step 1 :

Step 2 :

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Step 3 :

Step 4 :

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Step 5 :

Step 6 :

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Step 7 :

Step 8 :

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Kani's Method

Advantages of Kani's Method :

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  •  All the computations are carried out in a single line diagram of the structure.
  • The effects of joint rotations and sway are considered in each cycle of iteration. Henceforth, no need to derive and solve the simultaneous equations.
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Rotation Contribution Is

Kanis Method of Analysis

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Kanis Method Also Known as

Rotation Factor in Structural Analysis

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Kanis Method Is Developed by

Rotation Factor Definition in Structural Analysis

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The Formula to Calculate the Displacement Factor for Unequal Length Column for Kanis Method.

Formula to Calculate Final End Moment in Kanis Method

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Which Factors Are Used in Kanis Method, from the Following Options?

  1. Stiffness coefficients
  2. Flexibility coefficients
  3. Virtual work principle
  4. Displacement factors
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Define Rotation Factor in Structural Analysis

Rotation Factor in Kani's Method

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Rotation Contribution at the Fixed End of a Member Is

Kanis Method of Structural Analysis

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Kanis Method Is

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