M30 Grade of Concrete Mix Design, Procedure with OPC 53 Cement

Discussion on Material Selection for M30 Concrete

  • Quality: The cement used for M30 concrete should be of high quality, typically OPC 53 grade, as it provides the necessary strength. The fineness and consistency of the cement are critical to ensuring a strong bond with the aggregates.
  • Availability: Ensure that the cement is readily available in the required quantity. Consistency in supply is important to maintain the uniformity of the M30 concrete mix ratio.
  • Economic Considerations: While high-quality cement is necessary, it should also be cost-effective. The number of M30 cement bags required for the mix should be optimized to balance quality and cost.
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  • Coarse Aggregates: The coarse aggregates should be clean, durable, and of a suitable size, typically 20mm for M30 grade concrete. The aggregates must be free from impurities such as clay or organic matter, which can weaken the concrete.
  • Fine Aggregates: Fine aggregates (sand) should be well-graded and free from silt and clay. The m30 concrete ratio cement, sand, and aggregate should be carefully proportioned to ensure the mix achieves the required strength and workability.
  • Availability and Economic Considerations: The aggregates should be locally sourced if possible, to reduce costs and ensure a steady supply. The m30 concrete mix ratio calculator can be used to determine the precise amounts needed, optimizing material usage.
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  • Quality: The water used in M30 concrete must be clean and free from harmful substances. Contaminants like acids, oils, and salts can adversely affect the strength and durability of the concrete.
  • Quantity: The water-cement ratio is a critical factor in the m30 mix design. For M30 grade concrete, the water-cement ratio is usually kept at around 0.4 to 0.45. This ensures that the concrete is workable without compromising strength.
  • Economic Considerations: While the cost of water is generally low, it is important to manage its usage carefully. Excess water can lead to a lower m30 grade concrete ratio, reducing the overall quality of the concrete.
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M30 Concrete Ratio

Required Data for M30 Grade of Concrete Mix Design

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  • Characteristic Compressive Strength: 30 Mpa
  • Maximum Size of Aggregate: 20 mm
  • Work-ability, Slump: 125 – 150 mm
  • Degree of Quality Control: Good
  • Type of Exposure as per MORTH Table – 1700-2: Severe
  • Minimum Target Mean Strength as per MORTH Table: 1700-8: 42 Mpa ( 30 + 12 )
  • Minimum Cement Content as per MORTH Clause – 1715.2: 360 Kgs
  • Maximum Cement Content as per MORTH Clause – 1715.2: 450 Kgs
  • According to guidelines, the maximum allowable water-cement ratio is 0.4, which ensures the concrete’s durability and strength.
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Required Test Data for Materials for M30 Grade of Concrete Mix Design

Specific Gravity details :

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MaterialSpecific Gravity
Coarse Aggregate 20mm2.885
Coarse Aggregate 12.5mm2.857
Fine Aggregate2.723
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Water Absorption details:

MaterialWater Absorption
Coarse Aggregate 20 mm0.42%
Coarse Aggregate 12.5 mm0.47%
Fine Aggregate1.38%
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The calculation for Target Mean Strength

  • f'ck is the target mean strength of M30 concrete.
  • fck is the characteristic strength of M30 grade concrete, which is 30 MPa.
  • k is the statistical factor, known as the Himsworth constant for a 5% risk level, typically valued at 1.65.
  • σ is the standard deviation, a measure of the variability in the concrete's compressive strength. For M30 concrete, it is usually taken as 5 MPa.
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  • f’ck=30 MPa+1.65×5 MPa
  • f’ck=30 MPa+8.25 MPa
  • f’ck=38.25 MPa
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  • Characteristic Strength (fck): 30 MPa
  • Standard Deviation (σ): 5 MPa (based on previous testing records)
  • Himsworth constant (k): 1.65
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Selection of Water Cement Ratio for M30 Grade of Concrete Mix design

  • Maximum Water Cement Ratio Permitted As per MORTH Clause – 1715.2: 0.40
  • W/c Ratio Selected As 0.39
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  • For 50 mm slump water required = 186 liter
  • For 75 mm slump = 186 x 3% = 5.58 ltr
  • 186 + 5.58 = 191.58 ltr.
  • For 100 mm slump = 186 x 6% = 11.16 ltr
  • 186 + 11.16 = 197.16 ltr
  • For 125 mm slump = 186 x 9% = 16.74 ltr
  • 186 + 16.74 = 202.74 ltr
  • For 150 mm slump = 186 x 12% = 22.32 ltr
  • 186 + 22.32 = 208.32 ltr.
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  • Water Cement Ratio: 0.39
  • Hence Cement content : 140.0 / 0.40= 350 Kg
  • Minimum cement content as per MORTH  – 360 kg/cum
  • Cement Requirement for M 30 Concrete: 360 Kg
  • Hence Cement Content: 350 Kg
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  • Hence Coarse aggregate content for MSA 20 mm: 60%
  • Sand content can be adopted, Max. : 40%
  • Course Aggregate Proportions ( 20 mm : 10 mm ) : 50%
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M30 Grade of Concrete Mix Design Calculation Formula

  • Cement Content = 350 / 3.15 x 1000 = 0.111 Cu.M.
  • Water Content = 140 / 1.00 x 1000 = 0.140 Cu.M.
  • Admixture = 1.80 / 1.17 x 1000 = 0.0015 Cu.M.
  • Aggregate = 1- ( cement volume + water volume + admixture volume ) = 1 – ( 0.114 + 0.140 + 0.0015 ) = 0.745 Cu.M.
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  • Mass of coarse aggregates 20 mm = 0.745 x 0.60 x 0.50 x 2.885 x 1000 = 644.8 Kg. =Say 645 Kg.
  • Mass of coarse aggregates 12.5 mm = 0.745 x 0.60 x 0.50 x 2.857 x 1000 = 638.5 kg =Say 639 Kg.
  • Mass of fine aggregates = 0.745 x 0.40 x 1.00 x 2.723 x 1000 = 811.5 Kg = Say: 812 Kg
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  • Cement: 350 Kg
  • Water: 140 Kg
  • 20 mm: 645 Kg
  • 12.5 mm: 639 Kg
  • Sand: 812 Kg
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Trial Mix:1, (For M30 Grade Concrete Mix Design)

  1. Water cement ratio
  2. Proportion of cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, water, and admixture ( if required ).
  3. Workability ( slump ).
  4. Density
  5. Compressive strength
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Age of In DaysNos of Cube Required
3 Day3
7 Day3
28 Day6
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  • Cement: 360 Kg
  • Water: 140 Kg
  • 20 mm: 645 Kg
  • 12.5 mm: 639 Kg
  • Sand: 812 Kg
  • Admixture: 1.80 Kg
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  • Cement = 360 x 0.045 = 16.2 kg.
  • Water = 140 x 0.045 = 6.3 kg.
  • 20 mm = 645 x 0.045 = 29.03 kg.
  • 12.5 mm = 639 x 0.045 = 28.76 kg.
  • Sand = 812 x 0.045 = 36.54 kg.
  • Admixture = 1.8 x 0.045 = 0.081 kg
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Trial Mix Procedure

  • Take the weights of all material as described above.
  • After weighing materials, put coarse aggregates 20 mm and 12.5 mm first in the trial mix drum.
  • Now add fine aggregate ( sand ) in trial mix drum and then add the cement.
  • Mix these materials in the dry condition in a drum for at least 30 seconds.
  • Then add 80 to 90 % of the water in a drum in many parts by adding throughout the mix.
  • Add a bit more water in the mix, where you are going to add admixture.
  • Mix the remaining water with the admixture, then add admixture in a concrete mix where you added a bit more water.
  • It’s because, if the mix is fully coated with water, then it will not absorb admixture in it’s pores, and now admixture will perform his best performance.
  • Finish these steps within two minutes.
  • Check if any dry mix sticked inside the surface of a drum, instantly remove it manually from a surface by using the trowel. Stop the drum mixture for a maximum of 10 seconds for this action and restart it again.
  • Mix it for continuously 5 minutes.
  • Check the workability.
  • This is called an initial slump. Note down.
  • Don’t mix the concrete mix continuously; otherwise, the mix will produce more heat, and it causes a decrease in the slump of concrete mix.
  • Start the mixer at the 5-minute interval for about 1 minute.
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Trial Mix Cube Casting Procedure

  • Cube casting shall be done just after a slump test after 2 hours.
  • Cast the concrete cubes manually for better accuracy, don’t use the plate vibrator.
  • Cast the concrete cubes by the same procedure as we usually cast.
  • Cubes shall be cast in three-layer, and each layer’s thickness is 50 mm nearly.
  • But strokes for each layer shall be between 35 to 45 no more difference for an accurate result.
  • Maintain the temperature of the lab or room where trial cubes are going to be cast at 27 +/- 2-degree centigrade.
  • After casting 12 numbers of trial cubes, place the casted cubes on a plane and firm platform. It should be a vibration-free place.
  • Place cover sheet on top of each casted cubes to prevent water evaporation.
  • Leave it for 24 hours.
  • After 24 hours, de-mold the trial cubes and give the identification by a permanent marker. Do not use the nail to write on cubes.
  • Place these trial cubes in the water tank immediately, where water temperature shall be maintained at room temperature 27 +/- 2-degree centigrade.
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  • 3 cubes for 3 days
  • 3 cubes for 7 days
  • and 6 cubes for 28 days.
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Why Wet Cubes Get lower Strength than Dry Cubes

  • Minimum compressive strength required in 3 days – 40 % – 17 Mpa
  • Minimum compressive strength required in 7 days –  80 % – 34 Mpa
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Trial Mix Result

Initial Time in MinCollapse in mm
After 30 minute190 mm
After 60 minute170 mm
After 90 minute155 mm
After 120 minute140 mm
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Sr.No.Casting DateCube IDAge of CubeTesting DateWeight (Gm)Load (Kn)Strength (n/mm2)Avg Strength
11- 03 -19Trial Mix-013 days4-03-198642401.617.8518.24
407 days8-03-198598781.734.7434.92
728 days29-03-198621912.840.5741.52
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Trial Mix: 2 ( for M30 Grade of Concrete Mix Design)

  • Sand content can be adopted, Max. : 40%
  • Course Aggregate Proportions ( 20 mm : 10 mm ) : 50%
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  • Volume of concrete = 1 Cu.M.
  • 1 Cum = 1000 ltr ( in volume)
  • Volume calculation for materials:
  • Cement Content = 368 / 3.15 X 1000 = 0.117 Cu.M.
  • Water Content = 140 / 1.00 X 1000 = 0.140 Cu.M.
  • Admixture = 1.80 / 1.17 X 1000 = 0.0015 Cu.M.
  • Aggregate = 1- ( cement volume + water volume + admixture volume ) = 1 – ( 0.117 + 0.140 + 0.0015 ) = 0.742 Cu.M.
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  • Mass of coarse aggregates 20 mm = 0.742 X 0.60 X 0.50 X 2.885 X 1000 = 642.2 Kg, Say 642 Kg.
  • Mass of coarse aggregates 12.5 mm = 0.742 X 0.60 X 0.50 X 2.857 X 1000 = 636 kg, Say 636 Kg.
  • Mass of fine aggregates = 0.742 X 0.40 X 1.00 X 2.723 X 1000 = 808.2 Kg, Say: 808 Kg
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  • Cement: 368 Kg
  • Water: 140 Kg
  • 20 mm: 642 Kg
  • 12.5 mm: 636 Kg
  • Sand: 808 Kg
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  • Cement = 368 * 0.045 = 16.56 kg
  • Water = 140 * 0.045 = 6.3 kg
  • 20 mm = 642 * 0.045 = 28.89 kg
  • 12.5 mm = 636 * 0.045 = 28.62 kg
  • Sand = 808 * 0.045 = 36.36 kg
  • Admixture = 1.8 * 0.045 = 0.081 kg
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Trial Mix Procedure

  • Take the weights of all material, as described above.
  • After weighing materials, put coarse aggregates 20 mm and 12.5 mm first in the trial mix drum.
  • Now add fine aggregate ( sand ) in trial mix drum and then add the cement.
  • Mix these materials in the dry condition in a drum for at least 30 seconds.
  • Then add 80 to 90 % of the water in a drum in many parts by adding throughout the mix.
  • Add a bit more water in the mix, where you are going to add admixture.
  • Mix the remaining water with the admixture, then add admixture in a concrete mix where you added a bit more water.
  • It’s because, if the mix is fully coated with water, then it will not absorb admixture in it’s pores, and now admixture will perform his best performance.
  • Finish these steps within two minutes.
  • Check if any dry mix sticked inside the surface of a drum, instantly remove it manually from a surface by using a trowel. Stop the drum mixture for a maximum of 10 seconds for this action and restart it again.
  • Mix it for continuously 5 minutes.
  • Check the workability.
  • This is called an initial slump. Note down.
  • Don’t mix the concrete mix continuously; otherwise, the mix will produce more heat, and it causes a decrease in the slump of concrete mix.
  • Start the mixer at the 5-minute interval for about 1 minute.
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Trial Mix Cube Casting Procedure

  • Cube casting shall be done just after a slump test after 2 hours.
  • Cast the concrete cubes manually for better accuracy, don’t use the plate vibrator.
  • Cast the concrete cubes by the same procedure as we usually cast.
  • Cubes shall be cast in three-layer, and each layer’s thickness is 50 mm nearly.
  • But strokes for each layer shall be between 35 to 45. No more difference for an accurate result.
  • Maintain the temperature of the lab or room where trial cubes are going to be cast at 27 +/- 2-degree centigrade.
  • After casting 12 numbers of trial cubes, place the casted cubes on a plane and firm platform. It should be a vibration-free place.
  • Place cover sheet on top of each casted cubes to prevent water evaporation.
  • Leave it for 24 hours
  • After 24 hours, de-mold the trial cubes and give the identification by a permanent marker. Do not use the nail to write on cubes.
  • Place these trial cubes in the water tank immediately, where water temperature shall be maintained at room temperature 27 +/- 2-degree centigrade.
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  • Minimum compressive strength required in 3 days – 40 % – 17 Mpa
  • Minimum compressive strength required in 7 days –  80 % – 34 Mpa
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Trial Mix Result

Initial Time in MinCollapse in mm
After 30 minute180 mm
After 60 minute165 mm
After 90 minute150 mm
After 120 minute135 mm
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Sr.No.Casting DateCube IDAge of CubeTesting DateWeight (Gm)Load (Kn)Strength (n/mm2)Avg Strength
11- 04 -19Trial Mix-023 days4-04-19867141218.3118.44
407 days8-04-198706800.635.5835.83
728 days29-04-198698961.342.7242.47
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M30 Ratio

M30 Concrete

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1Cement350 kg
2Fine Aggregate830 kg
3Coarse Aggregate (20mm)1215 kg
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What Is Design Mix M30?

  1. Grade designation: M30
  2. Type of cement: OPC 53 Grade conforming IS 12269
  3. Maximum nominal size of aggregate: 20mm
  4. Minimum cement content : 320 kg/m3 (IS 456:2000)
  5. Maximum water-cement ratio: 0.45 (Table 5 of IS 456:2000)
  6. Workability: 100-120mm slump
  7. Exposure condition: Moderate (For Reinforced Concrete)
  8. Method of concrete placing: Pumping
  9. Degree of supervision: Good
  10. Type of aggregate: Crushed Angular Aggregates
  11. Maximum cement content : 360 kg/m3
  12. Chemical admixture type: Super Plasticizer ECMAS HP 890
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What Is M30 Concrete Ratio?

Is Code for M30 Concrete Mix Design?

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What Is the Strongest Concrete Mix Ratio?

Is 456 a Mix Design?

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Which Cement Is Better 43 Grade or 53 Grade?

How Many Bags of Cement Do I Need for M30 Concrete?

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Grade of ConcreteNominal Mix ProportionCement Required (bag)/cum
M301:0.75 :1.58.87
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How Do You Calculate a Mix Ratio?

Is Code for Mix Design?

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Where Do We Use M30 Grade Concrete?

  • M-30 Mix Designs as per IS-10262-2009.
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What Is M30 Concrete Mix Design?

What Is the Compressive Strength of M30 Grade Concrete?

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What Is M in M30 Concrete?

What Is M30 Design Mix?

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M30 Grade Concrete Ratio

M30 Concrete Mix Ratio

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M30 Grade Ratio

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