Measurement Book : How to Write Measurement Book

What Is Measurement Book?

Work Name as Given in The Estimate/Agreement

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  1. Work location
  2. Contractors Name
  3. Work completion date
  4. Work commencement date
  5. Measurement recording date
  6. Agreement Number and date
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Format of Measurement Book

Page No.:______
Measurement Book
Name of village:Name of work:Name of activity:
Period of work:Date of measurement:Daily wage rate:
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Measurement Book Key Terms

  • BOQ (Bill of Quantities): This document is used in construction projects to list materials, labor, and costs. It's crucial for accurate entries in the mb sheet format of the measurement book civil engineering.
  • RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete): This term refers to concrete reinforced with steel bars or mesh, which is essential in mb writing to ensure structural integrity.
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Measurement Book Rules:

Procedure of Recording Measurement Book:

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  • Progressive measurement:
  • Final measurement:
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1. Progressive Measurement

2. Final Measurement

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Measurement Book Industry Uses

Measurement Book Common Mistakes

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Record Entry In Measurement Book (MB)

  • First of all, write down the Date of Measurement taken.
  • Item of BOQ is explained to understand that what is the measurement and from where it is taken.
  • Serial Number of new measurements is written with the Item number of BOQ as shown in the above table. Because it tells us the new record serial and from where the same item is taken so that BOQ item serial number is useful for quick checking.
  • Clearly mention the unit of measurement like
    • Cubic meter or M3 or Cu.m. for volumetric measurements like excavation, concrete, etc.
    • Square meter or Sq.m. or M2 for areal measurements like plastering work which has fixed depth etc.
    • Meter or m for length measurement for standard or fixed-width items like pipeline etc.
  • The total quantity of measurement is calculated on the same page, which is forwarded on the Abstract book.
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Tools for Measurement Books

Measurement Book Templates

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Measurement of Excavation as Per Drawing 

  • Length = 0.6m + 1.0m + 0.6m = 2.20m
  • Here 0.6 m is working space in footing for both sides.
  • And,1.0 m = footing size
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Measurement Book
Sr. No.Item DescriptionNo.Length(m)Widht/Breadth(m)Height/Depth(m)QuantityUnit
1Earthwork in Excavation inFoundation:
Footing (1m x 1m)112.2002.2001.58084.12Cu.m.
Depth From GL = 0.6 + 1 + 0.6
0.6 =Extra For working space
Total Qty=84.12Cu.m.
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Measurement of Footing P.C.C. as Per Drawing 

  • Length = 0.15m + 1.0m + 0.15m = 1.30m
  • Here 0.15 m = P.C.C. working space in footing, for both side
  • And,1.0 m = footing size
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Measurement Book
Sr. No.Item DescriptionNo.Length(m)Widht/Breadth(m)Height/Depth(m)QuantityUnit
2Footing P.C.C.
Footing (1m x 1m)111.3001.3000.0751.39Cu.m.
Thickness = 0.075
D = 0.150 + 1.0 + 0.150
Total Qty=1.39Cu.m.
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Measurement of Footing R.C.C. as Per Drawing 

  • Length = 1.0m  = 1.0m
  • Here Height = 0.450 m
  • And, 1.0 m = footing size
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Measurement Book
Sr. No.Item DescriptionNo.Length(m)Widht/Breadth(m)Height/Depth(m)QuantityUnit
3Footing R.C.C.
Base(1m x 1m)111.0001.0000.4504.95Cu.m.
Thickness = 0.450
Total Qty=4.95Cu.m.
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Measurement of Column up to Plinth Level R.C.C. as Per Drawing 

  • Length = 0.230 m, Breadth = 0.230 m
  • Here Height = 1.05 m
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Measurement Book
Sr. No.Item DescriptionNo.Length(m)Widht/Breadth(m)Height/Depth(m)QuantityUnit
4Column up to Plinth Level R.C.C.
Total Qty=0.61Cu.m.
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Measurement of Backfilling as Per Drawing 

  • Length & Breadth = 2.2 m, Height Footing Bottom to ground level = 1.580 mm
  • Backfilling = Excavation - Footing P.C.C - Column R.C.C
  • Plinth Beam Backfilling
  • Height of backfilling = 0.600 m
  • Total plinth beam backfilling = Total Area - Plinth beam
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Measurement Book
Sr. No.Item Description No.Length(m)Widht/Breadth(m)Height/Depth(m)QuantityUnit
5.aBackfilling In Footing
Excavation Area112.2002.2001.58084.12Cu.m.
Footing P.C.C.-111.3001.3000.075-1.39Cu.m.
Footing R.C.C.-111.0001.0000.450-4.95Cu.m.
Footing Column-110.2300.2301.050-0.61Cu.m.
5.a Total Qty=77.16Cu.m.
5.bPlinth Beam Backfilling
Plinth area out to out110.2407.6900.60047.25Cu.m.
5.b Total Qty=39.17Cu.m.
5.a + 5.b Total Qty=116.33Cu.m.
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Measurement of Plinth Beam R.C.C. as Per Drawing 

Lintel Beam Calcution For RCC

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Measurement Book
Sr. No.Item Description No.Length(m)Widht/Breadth(m)Height/Depth(m)QuantityUnit
6Plinth Beam R.C.C.
Beam (230 mm x 600 mm)
Total Qty=0.32Cu.m.
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Measurement of Grae Slab RCC as Per Drawing 

  • Grae Slab RCC = ( Total Length x Total Breadth x Thickness ) - Column
  • Grae Slab RCC = ( 10.240 x 7.690 x 0.100 ) - ( 11 x 0.230 x 0.230 x 0.100)
  • Grae Slab RCC = ( 7.87 ) - (0.06)
  • Grae Slab RCC = 7.82 Cu.m.
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Measurement Book
Sr. No.Item Description No.Length(m)Widht/Breadth(m)Height/Depth(m)QuantityUnit
7Grae Slab R.C.C.
Plinth area out to out110.2407.6900.1007.87Cu.m.
Total Qty=7.82Cu.m.
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Measurement of Grae Slab Column as Per Drawing 

  • Column Length & Breadth= 0.230 m
  • Height = Ground Slab - Ground Floor - Slab Beam
  • Height = 3 - 0 - 0.350 = 2.650 m
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Measurement Book
Sr. No.Item Description No.Length(m)Widht/Breadth(m)Height/Depth(m)QuantityUnit
8Column Up to Slab Level R.C.C.
Total Qty=1.54Cu.m.
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Measurement of Brick Masonry as Per Drawing 

  • All length as per drawing and height = 3.00 m - 0.35 m = 2.65 m.
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Measurement Book
Sr. No.Item Description No.Length(m)Widht/Breadth(m)Height/Depth(m)QuantityUnit
9Brick Masonry  
230 mm thick wall Brick Masonry
Long Wall310.2400.2302.65018.72Cu.m.
Shot wall-133.0000.2302.6505.49Cu.m.
Shot wall-113.0000.2301.2000.83Cu.m.
Shot Wall-234.0000.2302.6507.31Cu.m.
Window W-22.0000.2301.200-1.10Cu.m.
Window W1-21.5000.2301.200-0.83Cu.m.
Window W2-31.2000.2301.200-0.99Cu.m.
Window W3-11.2000.2301.500-0.41Cu.m.
Door o-21.2000.2302.100-1.16Cu.m.
Door D-11.2000.2302.100-0.58Cu.m.
Door D1-11.0000.2302.100-0.48Cu.m.
Door MS-12.0000.2301.200-0.55Cu.m.
Vent V1-10.6000.2300.600-0.08Cu.m.
Total Qty 230 mm Thick Wall=24.49Cu.m.
115 mm thick wall Brick Masonry
Bath Room11.5000.1152.6500.46Cu.m.
Passage wall12.3150.1152.6500.71Cu.m.
Door D2-20.7500.1152.100-0.36Cu.m.
Parapet Wall
Long Wall210.2400.1151.0002.36Cu.m.
Shot Wall27.4600.1151.0001.72Cu.m.
Total Qty 115 mm Thick Wall=4.87Cu.m.
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Measurement of In Side Plaster as Per Drawing 

  • 0.5 sq.m. below section is a full deduction
  • 0.5 sq.m. to 3.0 sq.m. between  half deduction in area
  • 3.0 sq.m above full deduction but add side pattas
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Measurement Book
Sr. No.Item Description No.Length(m)Widht/Breadth(m)Height/Depth(m)QuantityUnit
10In Side Plaster
Bed Room
Long Wall24.0003.00024.00Sq.m.
Shot wall23.0003.00018.00Sq.m.
Door D1-0.51.0002.100-1.05Sq.m.
Window W2-0.51.2001.000-0.60Sq.m.
Window W3-0.51.2001.200-0.72Sq.m.
Kitchen + Dining
Long Wall24.0003.00024.00Sq.m.
Shot wall24.0003.00024.00Sq.m.
Door O-0.51.2002.100-1.26Sq.m.
Window W2-11.2001.000-1.20Sq.m.
Long Wall23.0003.00018.00Sq.m.
Shot wall13.0003.0009.00Sq.m.
Shot wall13.0001.2003.60Sq.m.
Door MS-0.51.2001.200-0.72Sq.m.
Door D-0.51.2002.100-1.26Sq.m.
Window W-0.52.0001.200-1.20Sq.m.
DRG. Room
Long Wall25.5503.00033.30Sq.m.
Shot wall24.0003.00024.00Sq.m.
Door O-11.2002.100-2.52Sq.m.
Door D-0.51.2001.200-0.72Sq.m.
Window W-0.52.0001.200-1.20Sq.m.
Window W1-11.5001.200-1.80Sq.m.
Bath Room
Long Wall21.5003.0009.00Sq.m.
Shot wall21.2003.0007.20Sq.m.
Door D2-0.50.7502.100-0.79Sq.m.
Vent V1-0.50.9000.600-0.27Sq.m.
Long Wall21.5003.0009.00Sq.m.
Shot wall21.0003.0006.00Sq.m.
Door D2-0.50.7502.100-0.79Sq.m.
Long Wall22.3203.00013.92Sq.m.
Shot wall21.3903.0008.34Sq.m.
Door D2-10.7502.100-1.58Sq.m.
Door D1-11.0002.100-2.10Sq.m.
Door O-11.2002.100-2.52Sq.m.
Total Qty In Side Plaster=208.89Sq.m.
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Measurement of Out Side Plaster as Per Drawing 

Measurement Book
Sr. No.Item Description No.Length(m)Widht/Breadth(m)Height/Depth(m)QuantityUnit
11Out Side Plaster
Front Side14.4504.77521.25Sq.m.
Lintel W12.0001.3002.60Sq.m.
Door MS-0.51.2001.200-0.72Sq.m.
Window W-0.52.0001.200-1.20Sq.m.
Back Side17.6904.77536.72Sq.m.
Lintel W 221.2001.3003.12Sq.m.
Window W 2-11.2001.000-1.20Sq.m.
Right Side110.2404.77548.90Sq.m.
Window W-0.52.0001.200-1.20Sq.m.
Window W 3-0.51.2001.200-0.72Sq.m.
Vent V1-0.50.9000.600-0.27Sq.m.
Left Side110.2404.77548.90Sq.m.
Window W 1-11.5001.200-1.80Sq.m.
Window W 2-0.51.2001.000-0.60Sq.m.
Parapet Wall
Long Wall210.0101.11522.32Sq.m.
Shot Wall27.4601.00014.92Sq.m.
Total Out Side Plastet Qty =197.87Sq.m.
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Measurement of Celling Plaster as Per Drawing 

Measurement Book
Sr. No.Item DescriptionNo.Length(m)Widht/Breadth(m)Height/Depth(m)QuantityUnit
12Celling Plaster
Bed Room14.0003.00012.00Sq.m.
Kitchen + Dining14.0004.00016.00Sq.m.
DRG. Room15.5504.00022.20Sq.m.
Bath Room11.5001.2001.80Sq.m.
Total Out Side Plastet Qty =65.72Sq.m.
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Measurement of In Out Side Plaster as Per Drawing 

Measurement Book
Sr. No.Item Description No.Length(m)Widht/Breadth(m)Height/Depth(m)QuantityUnit
13Slab RCC
Slab Area110.2407.6900.1007.87 Cu.m.
S-1310.2400.2300.3502.47 Cu.m.
S-243.0000.2300.3500.97 Cu.m.
S-334.0000.2300.3500.97 Cu.m.
S-411.5000.2300.3500.12 Cu.m.
S-512.3150.2300.3500.19 Cu.m.
Total RCC Slab Qty=12.59 Cu.m.
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Measurement of In Side Paint as Per Drawing 

Measurement Book
Sr. No.Item DescriptionNo.Length(m)Widht/Breadth(m)Height/Depth(m)QuantityUnit
14In Side Paint
Bed Room
Long Wall24.0003.00024.00Sq.m.
Shot wall23.0003.00018.00Sq.m.
Bed Room Ceiling14.0003.00012.00Sq.m.
Door D1-11.0002.100-2.10Sq.m.
Window W2-11.2001.000-1.20Sq.m.
Window W3-11.2001.200-1.44Sq.m.
Kitchen + Dining
Long Wall24.0003.00024.00Sq.m.
Shot wall24.0003.00024.00Sq.m.
Kitchen + Dining Celling14.0004.00016.00Sq.m.
Door O-11.2002.100-2.52Sq.m.
Window W2-21.2001.000-2.40Sq.m.
Long Wall23.0003.00018.00Sq.m.
Shot wall13.0003.0009.00Sq.m.
Shot wall13.0001.2003.60Sq.m.
Verandah Celling13.0003.0009.00Sq.m.
Door MS-11.2001.200-1.44Sq.m.
Door D-11.2002.100-2.52Sq.m.
Window W-12.0001.200-2.40Sq.m.
DRG. Room
Long Wall25.5503.00033.30Sq.m.
Shot wall24.0003.00024.00Sq.m.
DRG. Room Ceiling15.5504.00022.20Sq.m.
Door O-21.2002.100-5.04Sq.m.
Door D-11.2001.200-1.44Sq.m.
Window W-12.0001.200-2.40Sq.m.
Window W1-21.5001.200-3.60Sq.m.
Bath Room
Long Wall21.5003.0009.00Sq.m.
Shot wall21.2003.0007.20Sq.m.
Bath Room Ceiling11.5001.2001.80Sq.m.
Door D2-10.7502.100-1.58Sq.m.
Vent V1-10.9000.600-0.54Sq.m.
Long Wall21.5003.0009.00Sq.m.
Shot wall21.0003.0006.00Sq.m.
W.C Celling11.5001.0001.50Sq.m.
Door D2-10.7502.100-1.58Sq.m.
Long Wall22.3203.00013.92Sq.m.
Shot wall21.3903.0008.34Sq.m.
Passage Celling12.3201.3903.22Sq.m.
Door D2-20.7502.100-3.15Sq.m.
Door D1-21.0002.100-4.20Sq.m.
Door O-21.2002.100-5.04Sq.m.
Total Qty In Side Plaster=252.14Sq.m.
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Measurement of Out Side Plaster as Per Drawing 

Measurement Book
Sr. No.Item DescriptionNo.Length(m)Widht/Breadth(m)Height/Depth(m)QuantityUnit
15Out Side Plaster
Front Side14.4504.77521.25Sq.m.
Lintel W12.0001.3002.60Sq.m.
Door MS-11.2001.200-1.44Sq.m.
Window W-12.0001.200-2.40Sq.m.
Back Side17.6904.77536.72Sq.m.
Lintel W 221.2001.3003.12Sq.m.
Window W 2-11.2001.000-1.20Sq.m.
Right Side110.2404.77548.90Sq.m.
Window W-12.0001.200-2.40Sq.m.
Window W 3-11.2001.200-1.44Sq.m.
Vent V1-10.9000.600-0.54Sq.m.
Left Side110.2404.77548.90Sq.m.
Window W 1-21.5001.200-3.60Sq.m.
Window W 2-11.2001.000-1.20Sq.m.
Parapet Wall
Long Wall210.0101.11522.32Sq.m.
Shot Wall27.4601.00014.92Sq.m.
Total Out Side Plastet Qty =191.18Sq.m.
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Measurement Book PWD

What is a Measurement Book?

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How are measurements recorded in a Measurement Book?

What is the importance of a Measurement Book in construction?

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How should entries be made in a Measurement Book?

What are some common errors in Measurement Book entries?

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