Requirements of Good DPC | Prevention of Dampness: Use of DPC | Methods of Damp proofing

Requirements of Good DPC

  1. Totally impervious and should not allow travel of dampness.
  2. Durable and keep the building damp proof permanently.
  3. Economical and easy in laying.
  4. Able to resist load to which it is subject.
  5. Accommodate some structural movement without fracture.
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Prevention of Dampness: Use of DPC

General Principles of Damp-Proofing

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  1. The damp-proof course may be horizontal or vertical.
  2. The horizontal damp-proofing course should cover the full thickness of the wall.
  3. At junctions and corners of a wall, the horizontal damp-proofing course should be laid continuous.
  4. The damp-proof course should be laid continuous, so as to make proper protection from dampness.
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Methods of Damp-proofing

  • Membrane Damp-proofing
  • Integral Damp-proofing
  • Surface Treatment
  • Guniting
  • Cavity Wall Construction.
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#1. Membrane Damp-proofing:

#2. Integral Damp-proofing:

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#3. Surface Treatment:

#4. Guniting:

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#5. Cavity Wall Construction:

DPC Full Form

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DPC Level in Construction:

  • West Point Bridge Designer
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  • Introduction ofΒ Gantry Girder | Load on Gantry Gutter | Type of Load on Gantry Gutter
  • What Is Pier Foundation | Types of Drilled Piers | Advantages and Disadvantages of Drilled Pier Foundations
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