What Is Micro Concrete | How to Apply Micro Concrete | What Are the Benefits of Micro Concrete | How Is Micro Concrete Used

What Is Micro Concrete?

How Is It Different from Conventional Concrete?

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1. Easy to Handle and Place

2.Less Water Demand

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3. Dries Up Fast

How to Apply Micro Concrete?

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1. Surface Preparation

2. Mixing

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3. Pouring

What Are the Benefits of Micro Concrete?

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  1. In the case of micro concrete, as it has flowable properties, no compaction is needed so using heavy machinery is not required.
  2. It has the feature of low permeability so it can be applied outside as well as in bathrooms, and kitchens.
  3. Micro concrete can be bonded with any surface very well and develop a strong layer after applying instantly.
  4. Micro concrete is chloride free and hence it is safe and highly durable.
  5. While applying Micro concrete it doesn't shrink, so no crack will occur in future.
  6. In case of a low budget and the owner wants an aesthetic concrete-like wall, Micro concrete is the best choice as it costs a fraction compared of regular concrete.
  7. As it comes in a prepackaged mix condition, no skilled labour or special tools are required and hence errors are also eliminated.
  8. The surface made by applying micro concrete is anti-slip as well as hygienic and stain free.
  9. Micro concrete dries up so fast that any disturbance of work is neglected.
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How Is Micro Concrete Used?

  1. Micro concrete has been used in various places, both in commercial and residential buildings such as hostels, shopping complexes, open plazas, museums, office centres, garages etc
  2. Micro concrete gives a clean, seamless, durable and contemporary look. It is not porous material and hence is widely used on kitchen shelves and surfaces.
  3. Being a durable material, it can be used on walls and floors.
  4. Micro concrete is waterproof and as it gives an aesthetic concrete-like wall, it can be applied in the bathroom.
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How Durable Is Micro Concrete?

  • Micro concrete can last for many years or even decades.
  • It doesn't shrink, hence it is not affected by temperature difference and is crackproof.
  • It is chloride free which means it is stain free.
  • In restricted access, areas, where compaction is not possible such as repairing reinforcement elements like columns, walls etc, micro concrete, can be used.
  • In the case of RCC columns, to increase the load taking capacity while jacketing is done, micro concrete is used.
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Micro Concrete

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Micro Topping Flooring

Micro Top Concrete

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Micro Cement Floor

Micro Topping Concrete Cost

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Surecrete Microtek

Micro Concrete Floor

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