Difference Between Pier and Pile | What Is Pier | What Is Pile

Introduction of Pier and Pile

What Is Pier?

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Types of Pier Foundation

  1. Drilled caissons pier foundation.
  2. Drilled concrete pier foundation.
  3. Concrete in steel shell pier foundation.
  4. Concrete and steel pier foundation.
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What Is Pile?

Types of Pile Foundations

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  1. End bearing piles foundation.
  2. Compaction pile foundation.
  3. Anchor pile foundation.
  4. Friction pile foundation.
  5. Dolphin and fender piles foundation.
  6. Tension or uplift piles foundation.
  7. Sheet and batter piles foundation.
  8. Combined end bearing and friction piles foundation.
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Difference Between Pier and Pile



Pier foundation is a type of deep foundation that basically consists of a cylindrical column of large diameter.A Pile foundation is a type of deep foundation in which the loads are transferred to a low level by means of vertical timber, steel, or concrete.
Pier foundation are adopted when there is firm bearing strata are available but at such a depth the construction of other types of foundation are not economical.Pile foundations are adopted when there is no firm bearing strata of soil is available at its reasonable depth.
Pier is drilled with the help of a drill machine.Piles are driven through the overburden soils into the load-bearing strata.
Pier foundation transfers the total load through the bearing only in the underneath strata.Pile foundation transfer the load in the underneath starter through the friction as well as bearing.
Pier foundations are generally constructed on the shallower depth.Pile foundation is generally constructed on the greater depths.
Pier foundations are constructed to resist the small intensity of loads.Pile foundations are constructed to resist the greater intensity of load.
The types of pier foundations are masonry or concrete piers and drilled caissons.The types of pile foundations are anchor piles, uplift piles, sheet and batter piles, friction piles, bearing piles, etc.
Piles are always below ground level.Pier are always above the ground level.
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What Is Pier?

What Is Pile In Civil?

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Pier vs Pile

Pier and Pile

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Difference Between Pier and Pile

Piers Meaning

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Define Pier

Difference Between Pile and Pier

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Piles Vs Piers

What Is a Pier?

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Pier Foundation Vs Pile Foundation

Pier Meaning

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Piers in Construction

Based on What We Differentiate Between Pile and Drilled Pier?

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Pile Vs Pier Foundation

Piers Construction

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Pile Foundation Vs Column Foundation

Pier in Civil Engineering

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