Principle of Plane Table Surveying Methods | Equipment | Error | Advantage | Limitation

Principle of Plane Table Survey

Plane Table Survey Instruments:

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  1. Alidade or Sight Rule
  2. Plumbing Fork with Plumb Bob
  3. Spirit Level
  4. Trough Compass
  5. Drawing Sheet and Miscellaneous Accessories for Drawing.
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Alidade or Aight Rule

  • Plain Alidade
  • Telescopic Alidade
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Plain Alidade :

Telescopic Alidade:

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Plumb Bob and Plumbing Fork

Spirit Level

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Trough Compass

Drawing Sheet and Accessories for Drawing

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Equipment Setting for Plane Table Survey:

  • Centering 
  • Leveling 
  • Orientation 
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1. Centering

2. Levelling

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3. Orientation

Orientation Using Trough Compass: 

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Orientation by Back Sighting:

Plane Table Surveying Methods

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  • Radiation
  • Intersection
  • Traversing, and
  • Resection
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1. Radiation

2. Intersection

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3. Procedure

4. Suitability

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5. Traversing


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Error In-Plane Table Surveying

  • Instrumental Errors.
  • Personal Errors.
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Instrumental Errors

  1. This type of errors are listed below.
  2. The surface of plane table not absolutely plane.
  3. Fiducial edge of alidade not straight.
  4. Sight vanes of alidade not vertical to the base.
  5. Plane table clamp being loose.
  6. Sluggish magnetic compass.
  7. Sluggish or defective bubble tube.
  8. Drawing sheet being of poor quality.
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Personal Errors

  1. Centering errors
  2. Leveling errors
  3. Orientation errors
  4. Errors due to the instability of tripod
  5. Sighting errors
  6. Plotting errors
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  1. Set tripod on firm ground
  2. Do not apply undue pressure on table
  3. Use sharp-edged pencil
  4. Require all of the care to draw rays correctly.
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Advantages and Limitations of Plane Table Survey


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  1. There is no possibility of omitting measurements.
  2. The surveyor may compare the plotted work in the area itself.
  3. Irregular objects are represented more accurately since they are seen while plotting.
  4. Possibilities of booking errors are eliminated.
  5. Local attractions will not influence the plotting. Hence, suitable for the magnetic area like cities.
  6. No great skill must produce a decent map
  7. Less costly than theodolite survey
  8. A method is fast.
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  1. Reproduction of map into a different scale is tough.
  2. A survey cannot be conducted in wet weather and rainy days.
  3. The plane table is heavy, cumbersome, and difficult to carry.
  4. It needs several accessories.
  5. It is less accurate.
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Plane table survey PPT

Plane Table Survey

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What Is the Use of Plane Table in Surveying?

What Is the Principle of Plane Table?

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What Is the Basic Principle of Surveying?

What Is the Aim of Plane Table Survey?

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Which Method Is Used in Plane Table Survey?

Where Are Plane Table Survey Used?

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What Are the Different Equipment Used for Conducting Plane Table Survey?

Which Method Is Most Widely Used in Plane Tabling?

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Which Method of Plane Table Surveying Is Most Accurate Method and Why?

How Many Methods of Plane Table Surveying Are There?

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Is Used for Plane Table Levelling?

What Is the Need of Plane Table Survey?

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How Do You Conduct a Plane Table Survey?

Principle of Plane Table Surveying Methods for Topographic Mapping

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Step-By-Step Guide to Principle of Plane Table Surveying Methods

  • Fixing the Table on the Tripod Stand. The tripod stand is placed over the required station with its legs well apart.
  • Levelling the Table.
  • Centring the Table.
  • Marking the North Line.
  • Orientation.
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Advantages and Applications of Principle of Plane Table Surveying Methods

Accuracy Considerations in Principle of Plane Table Surveying Methods

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  • Instrument Calibration
  • Station Positioning
  • Observations and Measurements
  • Field Procedures
  • Control Points
  • Data Processing and Analysis
  • Skill and Experience
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Common Errors and Troubleshooting in Principle of Plane Table Surveying Methods

  • Misalignment of the Table
  • Levelling Errors
  • Sighting Errors
  • Distance Measurement Errors
  • Station Setup Errors
  • Observational Errors
  • Environmental Factors
  • Calculation Errors
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Plane Table Surveying Instruments

  • Plane table.
  • Alidade for sighting (telescopic or simple)
  • Plumb bob and plumb fork.
  • Compass.
  • Spirit level.
  • Chain.
  • Ranging rods.
  • Tripod.
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Instruments Used in Plane Table Survey

  • Plane Table
  • Alidade
  • Spirit Level
  • Drawing Sheet
  • Ranging Rods
  • Chain or Tape
  • Plumbing Fork
  • Prismatic Compass
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Trough Compass in Surveying

Plane Table Surveying Principle

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  • Stationing
  • Orientation
  • Levelling
  • Sighting
  • Sketching
  • Intersections
  • Triangulation
  • Adjustments
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What Is the Principle of Plane Table Surveying?

How Many Ways Are There to Orient a Plane Table?

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  1. Magnetic Orientation
  2. True North Orientation
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How Many Methods of Plane Table Surveying Are There?

What Is the Use of Trough Compass in Plane Table Surveying?

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