What Is Fresh Concrete | 8 Properties of Fresh Concrete

What Is Fresh Concrete?

Properties of Fresh Concrete

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  • Workability.
  • Temperature.
  • Water Cement Ratio.
  • Segregation.
  • Bleeding.
  • Plastic shrinkage.
  • Setting Time.
  • Hydration.
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1. Workability of Fresh Concrete

Factors AffectingΒ Workability

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  • Influence of Mix Proportions
  • Influence of Aggregate Properties
  • Influence of Admixtures
  • Effect of Time
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Test of Workability for Fresh Concrete

  • Slump Test
  • The Competing Factor Test
  • The Vee-Bee Consistency Test
  • The Flow Test
  • Spread / Flow Table
  • Kelly Ball
  • Ouimet
  • K- Slump
  • Visual Assessment
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2. Temperature of Fresh Concrete

3. Water Cement Ratio (w/c) of Fresh Concrete

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Water-Cement Ratio Table

IS 10262Minimum Cement ContentW/C RatioGradeMinimum Cement ContentW/C RatioGrade
Very Severe2600.45M203400.45M35
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4. Segregation of Fresh Concrete

Harmful Effects Due to the Segregation of Concrete

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  • To comb the concrete honey.
  • The high permeability of concrete.
  • Low compressive strength.
  • Poor finishing of surfaces.
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5. Bleeding of Fresh Concrete

Prevention of bleeding in concrete

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  • Bleeding can be reduced with appropriate proportions and uniform and complete mixing.
  • Bleeding is reduced by the use of finely divided pozzolanic materials, making a long way to cross the water.
  • The air-penetrating agent is very effective for reducing blood.
  • Bleeding can be reduced by the use of fine cement or cement with low alkali content.
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6. Plastic Shrinkage of Fresh Concrete

7. Setting Time of Fresh Concrete

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8. Hydration In Fresh Concrete

Fresh Concrete:

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What Is Fresh Concrete and Its Properties?

What Is Fresh Concrete Test?

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Properties of Fresh Concrete:

  1. Workability
  2. Segregation
  3. Bleeding
  4. Plastic shrinkage
  5. Setting
  6. Temperature
  7. Water Cement Ratio
  8. Hydration
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What Is Fresh Concrete in Civil Engineering?

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