Reinforced Concrete Frame | Concrete Frame Construction | Concrete Building Construction | Frame Construction | Types of Frame

Reinforced Concrete Frame

  • Cast in situ
  • Precast.
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Concrete Frame Construction

  • The first step of concrete construction is “formwork”. This is that type of structure which contains the whole semi-solid concrete and this formwork gives it to the perfect and required size and shape.
  • The second step of concrete construction is to fix the reinforcement. It’s one of the most important works in the entire job. The entire reinforcements are fixed according to the engineer’s drawing.
  • After that, we prepare the concrete and pour the concrete to the formwork. It needs some time to get the required strength.
  • In this time the concrete needs curing to get its actual strength. There are many curing methods are used, those are pond curing, spray curing, wet jute bag curing, etc.
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Concrete Building Construction

  • Slabs
  • Beams
  • Column
  • Foundation
  • Wall
  • Frame
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Types of Beams

  • Singly Reinforced Beam.
  • Doubly Reinforced Beam.
  • Over Reinforced Beam.
  • Under Reinforced Beam.
  • Balanced Reinforced Beam.
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1. Singly Reinforced Beam

  • In this type of beam the reinforcements are provided only the tensile portion of the beam and the reinforcements are called tension steel. It’s provided only to resist the bending moment of the beam.
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2. Doubly Reinforced Beam

  • This is a stronger beam than the singly reinforced beam. In this type of beam, the reinforcements are provided in a tensile zone as well as compression zone and it helps the beam to resist both tensile & compressive moment.
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3. Over Reinforced Beam

  • This is that type of beam where the tension steel’s tension capacity is greater than the combined capacity of compressive concrete and compression steel. Over reinforced beams fails without getting any warning.
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4. Under Reinforced Beam

  • In this type of beam where the tensile reinforcement capacity is smaller than the combined capacity of concrete and compression steel. Under reinforced beam gives a warning before failure and causes a large deformation.
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#5. Balanced Reinforced Beam

  • This is that type of beam where tensile zone and compressive zone yields at the same time. This is a risky design because the failure suddenly happen.
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Frame Construction

  • Light frame construction.
  • Heavy frame construction.
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Frame Construction Advantages

  • It’s economical.
  • It’s versatile.
  • It’s easy to erect.
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Frame Construction Disadvantages

  • It’s unstable in fire.
  • It’s highly damageable.
  • Fire spreads easily.
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Balloon Framing Construction

  • It’s a wooden construction technique.
  • In balloon construction, long members are used from the sill plate to the top plate.
  • Window sill height, floor heights are marked with a story pole.
  • Balloon construction does not require any type of skilled labours that’s why it’s also economical.
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Types of Frame

  • Steel Frame.
  • Timber Frame.
  • Concrete Frame.
  • Fix Ended Rigid Frame.
  • Pin Ended Rigid Frame.
  • Braced Frame System.
  • Gabled Frames.
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1. Steel Frame

  • Steel frame type construction is a quick type of construction because all the components are designed in outside and you need to fix them only.
  • Steel structures are lighter than concrete and now it’s also used in domestic purpose.
  • In skeleton form steels are also used in beams are columns.
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2. Timber Frame

    • Timber frame construction is also the fast type of construction, it reduces 30% time than masonry works.
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  • Timbers are super lightweight & those have higher insulation property.
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3. Concrete Frame

  • The reinforced concrete frame is one of the most common types of construction.
  • In this type at first the formwork is done.
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4. Fixed Ended Rigid Frame

  • In fix end rigid frame structure both ends are rigidly fixed.
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5. Pin Ended Rigid Frame

  • In pin ended rigid frame structure both ends are pin ended but the whole structure is not considered as rigid structure when you removed the end condition.
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6. Braced Frame System

  • In the braced frame system the beams & columns are pinned with bracing which supports lateral loads.
  • The lateral forces are supported by horizontal and vertical bracing.
  • The braced frame system is good to resist earthquake and wind conditions.
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7. Gabled Frames

  • In the Gabled frame structure, there is a peak on the top of the structure.
  • This frame structure is highly suitable in heavy rain & snow areas.
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8. Portal Frames

  • Portal frame construction is mainly useful in a commercial and industrial area.
  • It looks like door
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What Is a Concrete Frame?

What Is Cheaper Steel Frame or Concrete?

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Reinforced Concrete Frame

Concrete Frame Construction

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Concrete Frame Construction Details

Concrete Building Construction

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Frame Construction

Types of Frame

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  • Rigid Frame Systems
  • Fixed Ended Rigid Frame Structure.
  • Pin Ended Rigid Frame Structure.
  • Braced Structural Frames with Various Types of Bracings.
  • Gable Frame Steel Structure.
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Concrete Building Structure

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  • Build Up Area Definition
  • Layers in Road Construction
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