What Is SBC of Soil? | Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil

What Is SBC of Soil?

Safe Bearing Capacity

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  • Hard soils: These soils are generally rocky in nature, incompressible, and can withstand reasonably good loads. Solid rock, moo rum, and rocky soils are examples.
  • Soft Soils: These are alluvial soils and are compressible when loaded. They can carry a lot of loads. Common clay and common soils are examples of this.
  • Spreading soils: These soils are compressible when confined and prevented from spreading. These soils, when loaded, spread laterally. Sand and gravel are examples of this type of soil.
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Safe Bearing Capacity Values for Different Soils

Values of Safe Bearing Capacity for Different Soils

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Sl.No.Type of SoilSBC Kn/m2


1Laminated rocks examples are sandstone, limestone, etc.1620 kn/m2
2Hard rocks such as granite trap, diorite, etc.3240 kn/m2
3Residual deposits of broken rock and hard shale, cemented material880 kn/m2
4Soft rocks440 kn/m2

Cohesive Soils

1A wet mix of clay and sand and clay that can be indented by thumb pressure150 kn/m2
2Black cotton soil / expansive clay (50% saturated)in the dry state130 to 160 kn/m2
3Soft indented clay with moderate thumb pressure100 kn/m2
4Soft shale, hard or hard clay in a deep bed, dry state440 kn/m2
5Medium clay easily cut with a miniature245 kn/m2
6Very soft clay that can be penetrated by tapping a few centimetres50 kn/m2

Cohesion less soil

1The compact mix of gravel/sand and gravel with good resistance to tool penetration440 kn/m2
2Compact and dry coarse sand440 kn/m2
3Medium compact dry sand245 kn/m2
4The mixture of bulk gravel or sand, dry state245 kn/m2
5Fine sand and silt (composed of dry pieces)150 kn/m2
6Loose and dry fine sand100 kn/m2
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Methods for Determining Soil Bearing Capacity

Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil

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Sbc of Soil

Safe Bearing Capacity

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Sbc Full Form in Construction

What Is Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil?

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What Is Sbc of Soil?

How to Calculate Sbc of Soil?

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Sbc Formula

Minimum Sbc of Soil for Construction

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Types of Soil Bearing Capacity Test

Difference Between Sbc and Ubc

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What Is Bearing Capacity of Soil?

Minimum Bearing Capacity of Soil

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Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil Unit

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  • Bearing Capacity Failure
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