The greater sewer size would require bigger excavations.
Overflowing under the worst circumstances could endanger human safety.
The cost of pumping and disposal will rise due to the high amount of sewage to be treated.
The dry conditions stream is a tiny portion of the overall flow, the large size of the sewer will also allow silting to increase due to the low flow rate of the sewer during the dry period of the year.
Although shorter in length, the sewers are very economical. Surface water can be taken in open or closed ducts or drains at or near the surface and drained at sufficient sources, making the construction of stormwater sewers much simpler.
There is no chance of runoff from lakes since no overflow of storms is to be given.
The amount of waste to be treated is limited and the drainage or treatment works may be economically planned.
If the pumping of the waste at the treatment plant were required, the cost of pumping will be much smaller, since there is no need to drain the floodwater.
Only if it is placed at a steep gradient, the self-cleaning rate in the sewer cannot be ensured and the flushing must be carried out. This will prove unsatisfactory and costly.
There could be a chance of interference by an illegal accumulation of rainwater as well as the consequent leakage of sewage.
Multiple housing plumbing is another drawback. 2 sewers or drains in the street leading to a larger disruption of transportation, which restores every one of them, have been taken out.
Maintenance costs for two systems are higher than for one system.
Insufficient volumes of sewage water accessing the sewers due to a large variety of unwatered areas or because of other factors, the dry weather flow (DWF) is usually a limited proportion of the overall flow.
Low economy with minimal funding available.
Difficulties in the management and repair of the infrastructure attributable to the lack of oversight of fewer trained employees. Local authorities responsible for the job do not typically pay any attention to the maintenance of skilled and competent workers.
House Service Connections Link the house to the sewers on the lane.
Sewers These are pipes or ducts designed for the transport of sewage that is laid around the roads and flow by gravity.
Lift stations When the sewers are at a deeper level, lift stations are used to help transfer the sewage from the lower elevations below the ground to the higher elevation needed.
Pumping stations The sewage is moved from one site to another.
Water Treatment Plants Treatment of sewage to meet the allowable discharge quality.
Safe final effluent drainage The sewers are the most critical component of the sewage system. They are laid down underneath the ground and are impossible to restore.
A great deal of consideration is also required in their O&M and the following concerns are discussed.
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