What Is Sieve Analysis Test | Sive Analysis Test for Coarse Aggregate | Sive Analysis Test for Fine Aggregate

What Is Sieve Analysis Test?

Sive Analysis Test for Coarse Aggregate

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Apparatus Sive Analysis Test for coarse aggregate sieve analysis:

  • Dry Oven
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  • IS Sieves 40 mm, 20 mm sieve analysis, 16 mm, 12.5 mm, 10mm, and pan – specifically for sieve analysis of coarse aggregate 20mm.
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  • IS Sieves 20 mm, 16 mm,12.5 mm, 10 mm, 4.75 mm,2.36mm and pan - for Analysis of 10/12.5 metal.
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  • Weigh scale to the accuracy of 1gm
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  • Wire Brush
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  • Metal Trays etc.
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Procedure for coarse aggregate test and Sive Analysis Test for Coarse Aggregate:

  1. A sample of aggregate shall be collected as given earlier.
  2. Sieves shall be cleaned and arranged in sequence in descending order. Pan shall at the lowermost end and Lid on top.
  3. Take around 5 kg of sample and dry it in an oven at a temp of 100-1100
  4. The dried sample shall be then weighed ( 5 kg preferably) and sieved successively on sieves starting with 40mm and then through 4.75mm (For 20 mm down an aggregate size ) and through 2.36 mm (For 12.5/10 mm down an aggregate size).
  5. Each sieve shall be shaken at least for two minutes on a clean tray until no more trace passes.
  6. The motion shall be varied like back and forth, left to right, circular clockwise and anti-clockwise and with frequent jarring.
  7. Material shall not be forced through the mesh. But for coarser than 20mm particles, placing is permitted (passing particles through sieve opening manually).
  8. Sieves shall be brushed from underneath of mesh and pass on to the next.
  9. On completion of sieving, material retained on each sieve is to weigh Separately.
  10. Check for permissible limits for passing.
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Reporting Sive Analysis Test for Coarse Aggregate:

  • The cumulative % by weight of the total sample passing each sieve, to the nearest whole number.
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  • The % by weight of the total sample passing one sieve and retained on the next Smaller sieve to the nearest 1 decimal.
  • Check for permissible limits for passing.
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Sive Analysis Test for Fine Aggregate

Apparatus Sive Analysis Test for Fine Aggregate:

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  • Drying Oven
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  • IS Sieves 10 mm, 4.75mm, 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 600 microns, 300 microns, 150 mm & Pan
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  • Weigh scale to the accuracy of 1gm
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  • Brush
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  • Metal Trays etc.
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Procedure Sive Analysis Test for Fine Aggregate:

  1. A sample of sand shall be collected as given earlier.
  2. Sieves shall be cleaned and arranged in sequence in descending order. Pan shall at the lowermost end and Lid on top.
  3. Take around 1 kg of sample and dry it in an oven at a temp of 100-1100
  4. The dried sample shall be then weighed ( 1 kg preferably) and sieved successively on sieves starting with 10mm and then through 150 microns.
  5. Each sieve shall be shaken at least for two minutes on a clean tray until no more trace passes.
  6. The motion shall be varied like back and forth, left to right, circular clockwise and anti-clockwise and with frequent jarring.
  7. Material shall not be forced through the mesh. Lumps in fines shall be broken against the wall of a sieve.
  8. Sieves shall be brushed from underneath of mesh and pass on to the next.
  9. On completion of sieving, material retained on each sieve is to be weighed separately.
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Calculations of Sive Analysis Test for Fine Aggregate:

  • Fineness Modulus: Add values of Cumulative % Retained on each sieve and  Divide by 100.
  • Normally the accepted limit of FM is valued between 2.2 to 3.2. 
  • A higher value of FM indicates coarser sand, whereas lesser value indicates a finer one.
  • Grading Zone of Fine Aggregate – Value is shown between I to IV.
  • Where zone- I is associates with Coarser Fine aggregate, and Zone IV is Finer.
  • Zones are decided from values of 600 microns passing % in sieve analysis. (Refer Table-4 of IS: 383)
  • Zone –I – 15-34%, Zone-II – 35-59 %, Zone-III- 60-79%, Zone-IV- 80-100%
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  • The cumulative % by weight of the total sample passing each sieve, to the nearest whole number.
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  • The % by weight of the total sample passing one sieve and retained on the next smaller sieve to the nearest 1 decimal. Calculate the F.M. of the material and decide to read the Zone of material.
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Sieve Analysis Test

Particle Size Analysis by Sieving

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Particle Size Distribution Test

Soil Gradation Test

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Why Gradation Test Is Done?

How Do You Do a Grain Size Analysis?

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Particle Size Distribution Test Procedure

Grain Size Analysis

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What Is the Purpose of Grain Size Analysis?

Particle Size Distribution Curve Sieve Analysis

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What Is Particle Size Distribution Curve?

Particle Size Distribution Sieve Analysis

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What Is a Soil Sieve Analysis?

Gradation Test of Soil

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What Are the Test of Grading of Soil?

Sieve Analysis of Soil

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Why We Do Sieve Analysis of Soil?

Grain Size Distribution Test

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Particle Size Distribution Test Method

How Do You Calculate Particle Size Distribution?

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What Is a Sieve Used for in Soil?

Sieve Set for Soil Analysis

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Sieve Analysis of Sand

Sieve Test Procedure

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What Is the Sieve Size for Grain Size Analysis?

What Is Grain Size Distribution Curve?

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Sieve Analysis Sizes

What Is Sieve Analysis Test?

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  • Fine or Coarse
  • Coarse Grained Soils
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