Soak Pit Design | Health Aspects | Operation and Maintenance of Soak Pit | Applicability of Soak Pit Design

Introduction of Soak Pit Design

Design Considerations of Soak Pit Design

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Health Aspects / Acceptance of Soak Pit

Operation and Maintenance of Soak Pit

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Applicability of Soak Pit

Soak Pit: Need and Functions

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Why Need for Soak Pit of Soak Pit Design?

Function of Soak Pit

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In General, the Important Functions of a Soak Pit Are Enlisted Below:

  • Soak pit serves the purpose of receiving the effluent water from the primary treatment
  • Soak pit undergoes the partial treatment of the effluent water coming out of the primary treatment unit.
  • The soak pit discharges clear and non-harmful water to the ground.
  • The soak pit is designed in such a way that the treated water comes out of the porous walls of the soak pit.
  • The soak pit helps to recharge the groundwater bodies.
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Advantages of Soak Pit

  • It can be built and repaired with locally available materials.
  • Technique simple to apply for all users.
  • A small land area is required.
  • Low capital costs; low operating costs.
  • Recharging groundwater bodies.
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Disadvantages of Soak Pit

  • Primary treatment is required to prevent clogging.
  • May negatively affect soil and groundwater properties.
  • Applicable only were soil conditions allow infiltration, the groundwater table is at least 5 m below the soak pit, there is no risk for flooding and any water well is in a distance of at least 30m.
  • Difficult to realize in cold climate.
  • Should be avoided for high daily volumes of discharged effluents.
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Summary of Soak Pit

Soak Pit Construction Method

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Soak Pit Design for Rainwater Harvesting

  • Determine the catchment area
  • Calculate the runoff volume
  • Assess the soil type
  • Determine the size of the soak pit
  • Select the location
  • Excavation and construction
  • Inlet and outlet arrangement
  • Backfill and cover
  • Maintenance and monitoring
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Residential Soak Pit Design Guidelines

  • The soak pit shall not be less than 900mm in diameter& 1500mm in depth below the invert level of the inlet pipe.
  • The absorption area of the soak pit could be 1 Sqm to 1.5 Sqm per head of the user.
  • The soaking pit should be covered by the precast slab.
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Soak Pit Construction and Design Manual

  • Site Selection
  • Size Calculation
  • Excavation
  • Perforated Chamber
  • Inlet and Outlet Pipes
  • Backfilling
  • Ventilation
  • Maintenance
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Best Practices for Designing a Soak Pit

Soak Pit Design for Wastewater Treatment

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  • The design of a typical soak pit generally consists of a pit of approximately 1 cubic meter with a depth of 1.5m to 4m.
  • It must not be constructed nearby a drinking water source as it can pose contamination of the drinking water source.
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Soak Pit

Soakage Pit

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Soakage Pit Design

  • Site Evaluation
  • Sizing the Soakage Pit
  • Pit Construction
  • Overflow and Maintenance
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Soak Pit Size

Soak Pit Depth

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How to Make Soak Pit?

  • Determine the location
  • Check local regulations
  • Dig the pit
  • Line the pit (optional)
  • Create an inlet
  • Add a layer of gravel
  • Fill with absorbent material
  • Add a layer of sand
  • Cover the pit
  • Maintain and monitor
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What Points to Be Kept While Sighting a Soakage Pit in a Camp?

How Deep Should a Soak Pit Be?

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  • Para Pit
  • Black and Grey Water
  • Excavation Rates Per M3
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