What Is Stretcher Bond | Advantages of Stretcher Bond | Disadvantages of Stretcher Bond | Application of Stretcher Bond | Use of Stretcher Bond

Introduction of Stretcher Bond:

What Is Brick Bond?

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What Is Stretcher Bond?

Types of Bonds in Brick Masonry Wall

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  • Stretcher Bond.
  • Header bond.
  • English bond.
  • Flemish bond.
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  • Facing bond.
  • Dutch bond.
  • English cross bond.
  • Brick on edge bond.
  • Raking bond.
  • Zigzag bond.
  • Garden wall bond (English & Flemish).
  • Scottish bond.
  • Diagonal bond.
  • Stack bond.
  • Herring Hone bond.
  • American bond.
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Advantages of Stretcher Bond:

  • Disseminate loads throughout the structure to obtain absolute strength.
  • Ensure stability.
  • Obtain the required aesthetic.
  • Stretcher bonds are ordinarily employed in the steel or reinforced concrete framed structures facing outwards. These also used at the outer facing of cavity walls.
  • Stretcher bond within the brick is the simplest repeating pattern.
  • This is the foremost economic bond used extensively in single skin modern buildings.
  • This bond is generally employed in the steel or concrete framed structures because of the outer facing as for the development of cavity walls.
  • In this sort of bond, all the bricks are arranged within the stretcher course, so the wall having stretchers are within the face.
  • This style of bond is beneficial for one-brick partition walls as there aren't any headers in such walls.
  • As this bond doesn't develop a correct internal bond, it mustn't be used for wall having thickness over one brick wall. Sometimes, it's also called the running bond.
  • Effortless & simple to develop.
  • Skilled manpower is not required for the development of stretcher bond.
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Disadvantages of Stretcher Bond:

  • The limitation of the stretcher bond is that it cannot make an efficient and robust bonding with adjacent bricks in full-width thick brick walls.
  • They're only suitable for one-half brick thick walls (i.e. suitable for walls with less thickness) like partition walls.
  • The typical size of the brick is 9 cm x 9 cm x 18 cm. If the wall of thickness 9 cm is to be constructed, then a stretcher bond will be used.
  • Walls constructed using these bonds aren't strong enough to stand alone in case of long span and height. Thus they require structure like brick masonry columns at regular intervals.
  • This kind of bonding isn't particularly strong.
  • Walls constructed with the help of stretcher bonds aren't robust enough to face alone in case of long span & height. Thus, they require construction like brick masonry columns at regular intervals.
  • Stretcher bond is not eligible to be utilised for full-breadth thick brick walls (e.g. partition walls).
  • When the structure has a long span or height, the masonry walls are not eligible to be developed using the stretcher bonds since they aren’t able to resist the ponderous loads imposed.
  • For landscaping & architectural masonry developments, a stretcher bond is not required.
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Application of Stretcher Bond:

  • Brick masonry work is one of all the oldest kinds of work that's used for building construction.
  • Brick masonry work is completed by placing side by side and one on another with mortar to create a bond between them.
  • All ancient and historical building has evidence of the utilisation of brick masonry into it.
  • Brick masonry strength depends on the kinds of brick bonds and materials used for construction.
  • Types of brick bonds play a vital role in providing strength, stability, and sturdiness to the brick masonry.
  • A brick bond may be a pattern or framework during which bricks are laid.
  • There are many different sorts of brick bonds, and each one has its own look, installation difficulties, and within the case of walls, structural considerations.
  • Most of all, brick bonds require bricks or other masonry units of the same size instead of a minimum of compatible sizes.
  • Uniform sizing makes a daily, repeatable pattern that may be provided over any size of the region.
  • Many bond patterns designs are prepared in such a way that interlocking each row of brick is called a course to the neighbouring courses.
  • Types of brick bonds in masonry wall construction are categorised according to the laying and bonding pattern of bricks in walls.
  • It's developed by the mortar filling between layers of bricks and in grooves when bricks are laid adjacent to every other and in layers in walls.
  • Mortar, lime mortar, and dirt mortar are mostly used material for brick bonds.
  • Brick utilised should be of equal size—the length of the brick = two times the length of the width of the brick+1 mortar joint.
  • Brick must not soak water more than 1/5 times or 20% of their weight when they are stored in water for 24 hrs.
  • Quantity of lap ought to be minimum half brick criss-cross the thickness of the wall.
  • The use of brickbats required to be minimum.
  • Prior to use, brick must be soaked in water for a minimum of 1 hr.
  • The thickness of the mortar must not be greater than 13 mm.
  • Brick & mortar used in the masonry needs to be according to the specification.
  • Correct bonding required to be adopted.
  • Wall must be properly vertical & continuous checking shall be done with the help of a plumb bob.
  • Completed walls need to be cured for a minimum of one week.
  • If Brobdingnagian voids appear during masonry, they must not be fed only by mortar.
  • Wall masonry must not be raised greater than 1m/day.
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Use of Stretcher Bond:

  • Sleeper walls.
  • Boundary walls.
  • Partition walls.
  • Division walls (internal dividers).
  • Chimney stacks.
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What Is Brick Bond?

Stretcher Bond

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What Is Stretcher Bond?

Advantages of Stretcher Bond

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Disadvantage of Stretcher Bond

Stretcher bond
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Use of Stretcher Bond

Application of Stretcher Bond

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Why a Stretcher Bond is Needed?

Stretcher Bond in Brick Masonry

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Stretcher Bond Brick

Stretcher Bond Brickwork

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Header Bond

Brick Bonds

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Half Lap Stretcher Bond

Stretcher in Brick

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Stretcher Bond Definition

Brick Bond Types

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  • Stretcher bond.
  • Header bond.
  • English Bond.
  • Flemish Bond.
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English Bond in Brick Masonry

Header Bond Brick

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Stretcher in Civil Engineering

Stretcher Bond Wall

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Water Bond Brickwork

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