What Is Cement | 18 Different Types of Cement

What Is Cement?

Types of Cement.

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  1. OPC Cement
  2. PPC Cement
  3. Acid Resistance Cement
  4. Blast Furnace Cement
  5. Coloured Cement
  6. Expanding Cement
  7. High Alumina Cement
  8. Hydrophobic Cement
  9. Low Heat Cement
  10. Quick Setting Cement
  11. Rapid Hardening Cement
  12. Sulphate Resisting Cement
  13. White Cement
  14. Artificial Cement
  15. Air Entraining Cement
  16. Masonry Cement
  17. Water Repellent Cement
  18. Water Proof Cement
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1. OPC Cement

    • Lime (CaO) ----------------------62%
    • Silica (Sio2) --------------------22%
    • Alumina(Al2 u3) ----------------5%
    • Calcium sulfate (CaSo4)--------4%
    • Iron Oxide (Fe2 03)--------------3%
    • Magnesia (MgO) ----------------2%
    • Sulphur -------------------------1%
    • Alkalies -------------------------1%
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2. Portland Puzzolana Cement (PPC)

  • Ca (OH)2 + Si02 + (n -1) H2O = CaO.SiO2.nH20
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Properties of Portland Puzzolana Cemen

    • Compressive Strength
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72 ± 1 hr16.0 N/Sq.mm
168 ± 2 hrs22.0 N/Sq.mm
672 ± 4 hrs33.0 N/Sq.mm
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Uses of Portland Puzzolana Cemen

  • It has low heat evolution and is used in the places of mass concrete such as dams and in places of high temperature.
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3. Acid Resistance Cement

4. Blast Furnace Cement

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5. Coloured Cement

6. Expanding Cement:

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7. High Alumina Cement

8. Hydrophobic Cement

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  • 2(CaO.AL2.O3.10H2o)+H2O = 2CaO.Al2O3.8H2O + 2Al(OH)2
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9. Low Heat Cement

10. Quick Setting Cement

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11. Rapid Hardening Cement

  • Burning at very high temperature.
  • Increased lime content in the cement composition.
  • Very fine grinding.
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12. Sulphate Resisting Cement

13. White Cement

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14. Artificial Cement

15. Air Entraining Cement

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Properties of Air Entraining Cement

  • Minute voids are formed while setting of cement which increases resistance against freezing and scaling action of salts. Air entrainment improves workability, and water/cement ratio can be reduced, which in turn reduces shrinkage, etc.
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Uses of Air Entraining Cement

  • Air entraining cement is used for the same purposes as that of OPC in Cement.
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16. Masonry Cement

  • Fineness: Residue on 45-micron IS Sieve, Max, Percent (by wet sieving)
  • Setting Time (by Vicat Apparatus):
    • Initial, Min-------90min
    • Final, Max-------24h
  • Soundness:
    • Le-Chatelier expansion, Max---10mm
    • Autoclave expansion, Max------1 percent
  • Compressive Strength:
    • The average strength of not less than 3 mortar cubes of 50 mm size, composed of 1 part masonry cement and 3 parts standard sand by volume, Min
    • 7 days-------2.5MPa
    • 28 days-----5MPa
  • Air Content: Air content of mortar composed of 1 part masonry cement and 3 parts standard sand by volume, Min
  • Water Retention: Flow after suction of mortar composed of 1 part masonry cement and 3 parts standard sand by volume, Min
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17. Water Repellent Cement

72 ± 1 hr15.59 N/Sq.mm
168 ± 2 hrs21.57 N/Sq.mm
672 ± 4 hrs30.40 N/Sq.mm
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18. Water Proof Cement

Properties of Water Proof Cement

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  • It is resistant to the penetration of water.
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Uses of Water Proof Cement

  • Water retaining structures like tanks, reservoirs, retaining walls, swimming pools, bridge piers, etc.
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What Is Cement Made of and How Does It Work?

Difference Between Cement and Concrete

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Types of Cement and Their Uses

  • Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC): OPC is the most commonly used cement in construction. It is suitable for general purposes, such as building foundations, walls, floors, and most concrete structures.
  • Rapid Hardening Cement: This type of cement has a higher rate of hydration and gains strength faster than OPC. It is used in projects where quick setting and early strength development are required, such as road repairs and precast concrete elements.
  • Sulphate Resistant Cement: As the name suggests, this cement is resistant to sulfate attacks, which can occur when the concrete is exposed to sulfate-rich soils or water. It is used in environments where there is a high concentration of sulfates, such as coastal areas or regions with saline groundwater.
  • Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC): PPC is a blended cement that consists of OPC clinker, gypsum, and pozzolanic materials like fly ash, volcanic ash, or silica fumes. It offers better workability and durability and is commonly used in hydraulic structures, marine structures, and mass concrete works.
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How Cement Is Manufactured and Processed?

Cement Composition and Properties Explained

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Cement Types

  1. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC): OPC is the most widely used type of cement in construction. It is suitable for general applications like building foundations, walls, floors, and most concrete structures.
  2. Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC): PPC is a blended cement that contains OPC clinker, gypsum, and pozzolanic materials like fly ash, volcanic ash, or silica fumes. It offers better workability, durability, and is commonly used in hydraulic structures, marine structures, and mass concrete works.
  3. Rapid Hardening Cement: This type of cement gains strength faster than OPC. It is ideal for projects that require quick setting and early strength development, such as road repairs and precast concrete elements.
  4. Sulphate Resistant Cement: This cement is resistant to sulfate attacks that can occur when concrete is exposed to sulfate-rich soils or water. It is used in environments with high sulfate concentration, such as coastal areas or regions with saline groundwater.
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What Are the Types of Cement?

  • Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)
  • Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC)
  • Rapid Hardening Cement.
  • Extra Rapid Hardening Cement.
  • Low Heat Cement.
  • Sulfates Resisting Cement.
  • Quick Setting Cement.
  • Blast Furnace Slag Cement.
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How Many Types of Cement?

What Is Cement and Types of Cement?

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  1. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC): OPC is the most commonly used cement in construction. It is suitable for general purposes, such as building foundations, walls, floors, and most concrete structures.
  2. Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC): PPC is a blended cement that consists of OPC clinker, gypsum, and pozzolanic materials like fly ash, volcanic ash, or silica fumes. It offers better workability and durability and is commonly used in hydraulic structures, marine structures, and mass concrete works.
  3. Rapid Hardening Cement: This type of cement has a higher rate of hydration and gains strength faster than OPC. It is used in projects where quick setting and early strength development are required, such as road repairs and precast concrete elements.
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What Is Cement?

What Is Cement Used For?

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What Is Micro Cement?

What Is the Use of Cement?

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  • Ppc Cement Setting Time
  • What is Consistency of Cement
  • What Is Soundness of Cement Test
  • What Is Water Cement Ratio | Water-Cement Ratio and Concrete Strength | Role of Water in Concrete
  • What Is Unit Weight | What Is Density | What Is Unit Weight Material | Unit Weight Building Materials
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