21 Different Types of Arches Construction

Introduction of Arches Construction

Types of Arches Construction

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  • Pointed Shape Arch.
  • Horseshoe Shape Arch.
  • Flat Arch.
  • Segmental Arch.
  • Semi Circular Arch.
  • Venetian Arch.
  • Semi-Elliptical Arch.
  • Stilted Arch.
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  • Stone Arches.
  • Brick Arches.
  • Concrete Arches.
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  • One Centered Arches.
  • Two Centered Arches.
  • Three Centered Arches.
  • Four Centered Arches.
  • Five Centered Arches.
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1. Classification of Arches According to Shape

1.a. Pointed Shape Arch

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1.b. Horseshoe Shape Arch

1.c. Flat Arch

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1.d. Segmental Arch

1.e. Semi Circular Arch

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1.f. Venetian Arch

1.g. Semi Elliptical Arch

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1.h. Stilted Arch

1.i. Relieving Arch

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2. Classification of Arches According to Type of Material Used for Construction

2.a. Stone Arches

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2.a.1. Ashlar Arches
2.a.2. Rubble Arches
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2.b. Brick Arches

2.b.1. Rough Brick Arch
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2.b.2. Fine Axed Brick Arch
2.b.3. Gauged Brick Arches
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2.c. Concrete Arches

2.c.1. Monolithic Concrete Block Arches
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2.c.2. Precast Concrete Block Arches

3. Classification of the Arches Based on Number of Centre’s

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3.a. One Centered Arches

3.b. Two Centered Arches

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3.c. Three Centered Arches

3.d. Four Centered Arches

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3.e. Five Centered Arches

Brick Arch

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Pointed Arches

Type of Arch

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Rounded Arch

Arches Architecture

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Arch Construction

Rounded Arches

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Building Arches

Semi Circular Arch

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Arches Are Classified As

  • Round Arch
  • Pointed Arch
  • Elliptical Arch
  • Tudor Arch
  • Segmental Arch
  • Venetian Arch
  • Trefoil Arch
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Types of Arches in Architecture

  • Round Arch
  • Pointed Arch
  • Elliptical Arch
  • Tudor Arch
  • Moorish Arch (Horseshoe Arch)
  • Segmental Arch
  • Venetian Arch
  • Trefoil Arch
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Arches Types

  • Drop Arch
  • Ogee Arch
  • Multifoil Arch
  • Stilted Arch
  • Skew Arch
  • Equilateral Arch
  • Shouldered Arch
  • Rampant Arch
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Arches in Civil Engineering

Different Types of Arch Design

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  • Plain Arch
  • Keyed Arch
  • Decorated Arch
  • Stilted Arch
  • Arcade Arch
  • Pendentive Arch
  • Blind Arch
  • Corbel Arch
  • Lintel Arch
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What Are 4 Types of Arches?

  • Flat Arch.
  • Semi-Circular Arch.
  • Pointed Arch.
  • Florentine Arch.
  • Stilted Arch.
  • Axed brick arches.
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Types of Arches Architecture

  • Round Arch
  • Pointed Arch
  • Tudor Arch
  • Roman Arch
  • Horseshoe Arch
  • Ogee Arch
  • Trefoil Arch
  • Basket Handle Arch
  • Elliptical Arch
  • Four-Centered Arch
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Different Arches

  • Roman Arch: This is a semicircular arch commonly found in ancient Roman architecture, such as the Colosseum in Rome.
  • Gothic Arch: Characteristic of Gothic architecture, this pointed arch can be seen in structures like Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris.
  • Moorish Arch: Also known as the horseshoe arch, it is a key feature of Moorish architecture, seen in the Alhambra palace in Granada, Spain.
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Definition of Different Types of Arches

  • Round Arch
  • Pointed Arch
  • Equilateral Arch
  • Segmental Arch
  • Venetian Arch
  • Tudor Arch
  • Horseshoe Arch
  • Parabolic Arch
  • Catenary Arch
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Different Types of Materials Used for the Semi-Circular Arch

  • Stone
  • Brick
  • Concrete
  • Steel
  • Timber
  • Composite Materials
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Types of Arches in Building Construction

  • Round Arch (Semicircular Arch)
  • Pointed Arch (Gothic Arch)
  • Segmental Arch
  • Elliptical Arch
  • Tudor Arch (Four-Centered Arch)
  • Venetian Arch (Lancet Arch)
  • Parabolic Arch
  • Three-Centered Arch (Basket Handle Arch)
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Types of Archways

  • Flat arch. Flat arches in structural engineering are classified by shape, where the arch forms a rectangular shape with a flat top edge.
  • Round arch.
  • Pointed arches.
  • Horseshoe arches.
  • Triangular arches.
  • Centered arches.
  • Parabolic arches.
  • Inflexed arch.
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Flat Arch Architecture

Types of Roman Arches

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  • Round Arch (Semicircular Arch)
  • Segmental Arch
  • Triumphal Arch
  • Basket-handle Arch (Elliptical Arch)
  • Horseshoe Arch
  • Three-Centered Arch (Elliptical Arch)
  • Four-Centered Arch (Tudor Arch)
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Purpose of the Different Types of Arches

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