This includes a comprehensive explanation of the different work products that specify the amount and consistency of components, their proportions, the process of planning, workmanship, and work efficiency.
Detailed descriptions define each item job individually, in detail, and are useful for the various task items to be performed.
The calculation descriptions of each work item are accurately extracted from the schedule and the drawings and the amounts under each item are computed or estimated in a tabular form named as the details of measurement form
The cost of an item of work is estimated from the amounts already calculated in tabular form and the cumulative cost is calculated in the abstract form of the calculation.
The prices of various work items are taken for completed work items according to the sequence of rates or actual workable rates or analyzed rates.
Drawings (plan, elevation, sectional elevations, detailed drawings, site plan or layout plan or index plan ).
Calculation and designs- designs of foundation, beam, slab, lintel, design of channel in case of irrigation channel, design of thickness of metal crust in case of the road, etc.
Analysis of rates, if rates are not as per the schedule of rates or for the non-scheduled items.
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