What Is Falsework | Types of Falsework |Causes of Falsework Failures

Falsework Means

What Is Falsework?

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Types of Falsework

Shorbrace System

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  • Shorbrace Frame
  • Shorebrace Telescopic Frame
  • Vertical Frame Connector
  • U Head Jack
  • Cross Bracing
  • Shorbrace Frame
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Shorebrace Telescopic Frame

Vertical Frame Connector

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U Head Jack

Cross Bracing

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Cup-Lock Supporting System

  • Post-Head Jack
  • U and Post Head Jack
  • Spigot Connector
  • Ledgers
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Post-Head Jack

U and Post Head Jack

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Spigot Connector


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Causes of Falsework Failures

Number of OccurrencesSymbolCauses of failure
a. Triggering causes of failure
3aHeavy rain causing falsework foundation slippage
1bStrong river current causing falsework foundation slippage
1cStrong winds
5eFailure of equipment for moving formwork
4fEffects of formwork component failure
1gConcentrated load due to improper prestressing operation
2hΒ Concentrated load due to construction material
2iOther imposed loads
27jΒ Impact loads from concrete debris and other effects during concreting
3kImpact load from construction equipment/vehicles
5lVibration from nearby equipment/vehicles or excavation work
6mEffect of improper/premature falsework or formwork removal
20nOther causes or not available
b. Enabling causes of failure
17AInadequate falsework cross- bracing/lacing
14BInadequate falsework component
9CInadequate falsework connection
7DInadequate falsework foundation
8EInadequate falsework design
4FInsufficient number of shoring
1GInadequate reshoring
4HFailure of movable falsework/formwork components
2IImproper installation/maintenance of construction equipment
1JFailure of permanent structure component
4KInadequate soil foundation
2LInadequate design/construction of a permanent structure
30SOther causes or not available
C. Procedural causes of failure
23MInadequate review of falsework design/construction
22NLack of inspection of falsework/formwork during concreting
2OImproper concrete test prior to removing falsework /formwork
4PEmployment of inexperienced/inadequately trained workmen
1QInadequate communication between parties involved
5RChange of falsework design concept during construction
38TOther causes or not available
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