What Is a Partition Wall | Uses of Temporary Interior Wall | Walling Materials | Types of Interior Wall Materials | Types of Partition Walls

What Is a Partition Wall?

Temporary Interior Walls

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Uses of Temporary Interior Wall

  1. It divides a room and creates a separate space for another bedroom.
  2. It can create a small office in a large room.
  3. It covers all sewage lines and plumbing lines from sight to induce the beauty of the place.
  4. In the laundry, it creates a dryer vent, wire, pipes, etc.
  5. It can create a small storeroom at the side of the large room.
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Walling Materials

  • Brick
  • Stone
  • Glass
  • Wood
  • Plywood
  • Cinder Blocks
  • Metal Sheet
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1. Brick

  • The brick is mainly used as wall material because it's very easy to use and economical.
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2. Stone

  • In ancient times, the stone is used as a wall material.
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3. Glass

  • Now a day glass is a very useful material.
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4. Wood

  • Wood is used as wall material, and it's quite a bit expensive, but the durability & longevity of wood is extremely good.
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5. Plywood

  • It's used in Interior wall materials.
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6. Cinder Blocks

  • Cinder block used to the soundproof barrier, and it's economical.
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7. Metal Sheet

  • It's quite expensive, but the durability of this type of sheet is high.
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Types of Interior Wall Materials

  • Plywood
  • Cement Blocks
  • Brick
  • Glass
  • Acoustic Tiles
  • Wood
  • Steel Sheet
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1. Plywood

  • It is a bunch of wooden sheets glues together. Plywood is easy to use and easy to handle; the cost of this product is also reasonable. It's excellent for crafting purposes.
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2. Cement Blocks

  • sometimes hollow or solid cement block is used. It's good to resist sound and heat. Using paint on it, it will give a fashionable look.
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3. Brick

  • It's an ordinary material. Most of the construction site uses bricks. Nowadays fly ash bricks are also a good substitute for fire clay bricks.
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4. Glass

  • It's a little bit of expensive material used in bathroom partition, kitchen, etc.
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5. Acoustic Tiles

  • It's an excellent soundproof material. It also gives us a stylish look at a reasonable price.
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6. Wood

  • Wood is the most versatile material. It's an economically feasible and extremely stable product. It provides good sound insulation and withstands the high cold. Wood is also a biodegradable material.
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7. Steel Sheet

  • Steel sheet carries a great strength, so it's used in building walls. Without taking cracks, it bends easily, but it's a little expensive product.
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Types of Partition Walls

  • Brick Partition Wall
  • Glass Partition Wall
  • Hollow Clay Bricks Partition Wall
  • Concrete Partition Wall
  • Plaster Slab Partition Wall
  • Timber Partition Wall
  • Metal Lath Partition Wall
  • Straw Board Partition Wall
  • G.I. Sheet Partition Wall
  • Asbestos Cement Partition Wall
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1. Brick Partition Wall

  • Brick partition wall takes so much time to construct.
  • This type of walls can not be used in a seismic zone.
  • It’s very difficult to clear those brick partition wall.
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2. Glass Partition Wall

3. Hollow Clay Brick Partition Wall

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4. Concrete Partition Wall

  • This type of concrete wall consists of a slab; it may be reinforced or plain concrete. Normally the slabs are precast, but cast in situ slabs are also used.
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5. Plaster Slab Partition Wall

6. Timber Partition Wall

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7. Metal Lath Partition Wall

8. Straw Board Partition Wall

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9. G.I. Sheet Partition Wall

10. Asbestos Cement Partition Wall

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Partition Wall Definition

Walling Materials

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Types of Interior Wall Materials

  • Wood Panelling
  • Tile Cladding
  • Pebbles Finish
  • Flakes Finish
  • Canfor Finish
  • Coral Finish
  • Sand Textured Finish
  • Stained Glass Finish
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Types of Partition Walls

  • Brick Partitions Wall.
  • Clay Brick Partition Wall.
  • Glass Partitions Wall.
  • Concrete Partitions Wall.
  • Plaster Slab Partition Wall.
  • Metal Lath Partition Wall.
  • A.C. Sheet or G.I. Sheet Partitions Wall.
  • Wood-Wool Partition Wall.
  • Timber Partitons Wall.
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