What Is Well Foundation | Component of Well Foundation

What Is Well Foundation?

Well Foundation

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Advantages of Well Foundations

The Advantages of Well Foundations Over Pile Foundations are:

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  1. A well foundation, because of its large cross-sectional area and rigidity, can withstand the effect of scouring better.
  2. The depth can be decided as sinking progresses, since the nature of the strata can be inspected and tested, if necessary, at any desired stage.
  3. Thus, it is possible to ensure that it rests upon a suitable bearing stratum of uniform nature and bearing power.
  4. A well foundation can withstand large lateral loads and moments that occur in the case of bridge piers, tall chimneys, and towers.
  5. There is no danger of damage to adjacent structures since the sinking of a well does not cause any vibrations.
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Shapes Of Well Foundation

1. Single Circular Well

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2. Twin Circular Well

3. Dumb Well

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4. Double-D Well

5. Twin-Hexanol Well

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6. Twin-Octagonal Well

7. Rectangular Well

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Component of Well Foundation

1. Well Curb

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2. Cutting Edge

3. Steining Thickness

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D (Outside Dia of Wall)t (steining thickness)
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4. Skin Friction

Type of SoilSkin Friction (t/m2)
Silt and Soft Clay0.73 - 2.93
Very Stiff Clay4.9 - 19.5
Loose Sand1.22 - 3.42
Dense Sand3.42 - 6.84
Dense Gravel4.9 - 9.4
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5. Bottom Plug

Well Foundation

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What Is Well Foundation?

Types of Well Foundation

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  • Circular: These are more commonly used shape is circular, as it has high structural strength and is convenient in sinking. the chance of tilting is also minimum in this type.
  • Twin circular: These are more commonly used shape is circular, as it has high structural strength and is convenient in sinking. the chance of tilting is also minimum in this type.
  • Square/Rectangular: They are generally used for bridge foundations having depth up to 7-8 m. for large foundations, double-rectangular wells are used. For piers and abutment of very large size, rectangular wells with multiple dredge holes are used.
  • Double D: They are generally used for the piers and abutments of bridges which are too long to be accommodated on a circular well of 9 m diameter.
  • Hexagonal/Octagonal: These are better than the double-D wells in many respects. The square corners are eliminated and bending stresses are considerably reduced. However, they offer greater resistance than double-D well against sinking on account of increased surface area. Moreover, construction is more difficult.
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Well Foundation Construction Procedure

  1. Laying the Cutting Edge:
  2. Alignment Control:
  3. Construction of Well Curb:
  4. Construction of Well Steining:
  5. Well Sinking:
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Components of Well Foundation

  • Well-Cap: It is an RCC slab laid at the top of the well steining to transmit the loads and moments from the pier to the well or wells below.
  • Steining: It is the main body of the well which transfers load to the base of the foundation. Steining is normally of reinforced concrete.
  • Well Curb: It is the wedge-shaped RCC ring beam located at the lower portion of the well steining provided to facilitate sinking.
  • Bottom Plug: After the well is sunk to the required depth, the base of the well is plugged with concrete. This is called the bottom plug. It acts like an inverted dome supported by the steining on all the sides and transmits the load to the subsoil and acts as a raft against soil pressure from below.
  • Top Plug: The top plug is an unreinforced concrete plug, generally provided with a thickness of about 600 mm beneath the well cap to transmit the loads from the pier to the steining. The minimum grade of concrete used in top plug is M15.
  • Intermediate Plug: As discussed above, for wells resting on clayey strata, it is not preferable to fill the space inside the well completely with sand. In such cases, a sand filling is not done or sand is filled up to the scour level.
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Why Well Foundation is Used?

What Is Cutting Edge in Well Foundation?

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Difference Between Well Foundation and Pile Foundation

Well Foundation for Clean Water

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Advantages of Using Well Foundation in Construction Projects

Well Foundation Projects in Developing Countries

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  • Well and Borehole Construction: Many organizations work to dig wells or boreholes in communities that lack access to clean water sources. These projects provide a sustainable and reliable water supply for drinking, cooking, and irrigation.
  • Water Filtration and Purification Systems: Installing water filtration or purification systems can help remove contaminants and make water safe for consumption. These systems range from simple filtration methods to more advanced technologies like reverse osmosis or ultraviolet (UV) disinfection.
  • Rainwater Harvesting Systems: In regions with limited access to surface or groundwater sources, rainwater harvesting systems are set up to collect and store rainwater for various purposes, including drinking, hygiene, and agricultural needs.
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Well Foundation Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Load-Bearing Capacity: Well foundations are capable of providing substantial load-bearing capacity, making them suitable for supporting heavy structures and transferring loads to deeper, more stable soil layers.
  • Stability: Well foundations offer enhanced stability compared to shallow foundations, as they are designed to penetrate deeper into the ground and utilize the more competent soil layers for support.
  • Settlement Control: By reaching deeper layers, well foundations can reduce the risk of settlement and differential settlement. This is particularly important for structures located on compressible or weak soil.
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  • Cost: Constructing well foundations can be more expensive compared to shallow foundations due to the need for specialized equipment and expertise. The excavation and construction process for well foundations can be time-consuming and labor-intensive.
  • Site Conditions: Well foundations may not be feasible or practical in certain soil and site conditions. For example, if the site consists of hard rock or highly uneven soil layers, it may be challenging to construct well foundations.
  • Environmental Impact: The excavation process for well foundations can have an impact on the environment, particularly in aquatic or marine environments where dredging and soil disposal may be required.
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Benefits of Contributing to Well Foundation

  • Access to Clean Water: By supporting a clean water foundation, you can help provide access to clean and safe drinking water to communities in need. Clean water is essential for human health, sanitation, and overall well-being, reducing the risk of waterborne diseases and improving quality of life.
  • Improved Health and Sanitation: Access to clean water enables communities to maintain better hygiene practices, reducing the spread of diseases. Improved sanitation facilities and hygiene education can further contribute to better health outcomes, particularly for children and vulnerable populations.
  • Empowering Communities: Clean water projects often involve engaging and empowering local communities. By contributing to such initiatives, you can help promote community participation, capacity building, and sustainable solutions, enabling communities to take ownership of their water resources.
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Steining in Well Foundation

Bottom Plug in Well Foundation

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Well Foundation Design Considerations

the Well Curb Is Designed for Which of the Following Purpose?

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What Is Well Sinking?

Well Foundation Construction

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  • Survey – Setting out.
  • Cutting Edge Fabrication.
  • Placement and Assembling of Cutting Edge.
  • Well Curb Construction.
  • Grounding of Well Curb.
  • Construction of Well Foundation – Steining.
  • Well Sinking.
  • Seating of Foundation Well.
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How to Install Foundation Vent Well?

Types of Well Foundation

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  • Box Well Foundation. A prefabricated concrete box (with sides and a bottom) is set on ready-made foundations to form a box well foundation.
  • Pneumatic Well Foundation: Fig 3: Pneumatic Well Foundation.
  • Open Well Foundation: Fig 4: Open Well Foundation.
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