What Is Building Bye-Laws | How Essential Building By Laws:

How Essential Building By Laws:

Objects of Bye-Laws:

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Here Underneath a Few Essential and Usual Bye-Laws Gave to Understand.

  1. To provide guidelines to the designer, architect.
  2. To put off haphazard development.
  3. To direct land development and to scrutinize unofficial construction, i.e., to resist encroachment on public and private land.
  4. To bound or define the way the new structures are to be built within a limit.
  5. To indicate the type of materials to be used to protect the environment.
  6. To make available open spaces, air, breeze, etc. to buyers.
  7. To facilitate safety against fire, noise, and smoke, etc.
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Important of Bye-Laws:

Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) or Floor Space Index (F.S.I.):

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Generally, F.S.I. the Number Is Fixed at 1 to 2 by the Local Authority.

Height of Building According to the Area.

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Merits of Air-Plane Rule :

  1. It does not permit the high buildings to grow nearby buildings of smaller height.
  2. It establishes the least standards in terms of light, air, and space to get health conditions.
  3. It controls the set-back from the road point.
  4. It helps to construct the buildings with even height. And the harmonious grouping makes the street views as pleasing as possible.
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I.S. Recommendations in This Case:

  1. Let consider, and it is a suitable health point of view, every comfortable room should have a least of 9~5 sq area with at least 3.4 m width.
  2. The floor area for the kitchen shall not be less than 5.6 sq.m. with the least side diameter of 1.8 any side.
  3. The height of the livable room shall be the lowest amount of 2.75 m. For W-C, it shall be a minimum of 2.4 m.
  4. When considering the point of view of natural air, the light area of the door and window opening should be lesser than one-seventh of the floor area. Ventilators of the aggregate area at a rate of sq.m. per 10 cubic meters of space of the rooms should be provided.
  5. The minimum height of the plinth should be 45 cm over plot level or road level, whichever is higher.
  6. The sanitary necessities should be as follows.
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    • One water – closet of 1.2 sq.m. area.
    • One closed bathroom of 1.8 sq.m. area (1.5 m x 1.2 m.)
    • One general washing place of 2.4 sq.m. area.
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Basic Principles of Building Planning and Building Bye Laws

  • Airplane Stairs Name
  • What Is Singly Beam & Doubly Beam
  • What Is Traversing in Surveying
  • What is BoQ
  • Difference Between One Way Slab and Two Way Slab
  • First Angle Projection & Third Angle Projection Symbol (Orthographic Projection)
  • What Is Structural Settlement
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