Cement Grouting: Cement Grouting is the injection under pressure of grouting cement or grout to fill voids or fractures in the soil, rock unit or concrete structure. Cement Grouting is a process by which cement is injected under pressure to fill fractures and voids in concrete structures.
Chemical Grouting: Chemical grouting transforms granular soils into sandstone-like masses by filling the voids with a low viscosity, non-particulate grout. The chemical grout is injected under pressure through the ports. The grout permeates the soil and hardens, creating a sandstone-like mass.
Bentonite Grouting: Bentonite Grout is a specially formulated sodium bentonite. It can be used for drilled hole abandonment, water well grout, sealing monitoring well casing or as a geothermal grout.
Resin Grouting: Traditional grout is made from a cement based mix. It's not waterproof and actually absorbs water when it becomes wet. It also absorbs stains easily, as anyone who has scrubbed grout will attest to. Epoxy grout on the other hand, is made of epoxy resins combined with a filler powder.
Bituminous Grouting: Hot Bitumen Grouting is a special type of grouting where melted bitumen is used as grouting material. When hot bitumen is injected into medium saturated with water, it cools quickly at the interface, and turns from its fluid state to a highly viscous, tenaciously sticky, elasto-plastic state.
Stopping major water inflows in mines, tunnels, parkades, dams and underground structures in general.
Soil and rock grouting.
Protective coatings, gels, mortars to protect steel, concrete reservoirs and floors against chemical attack (chemical plants, pharmaceutical industry, mills.
Unsanded grout : This is used for wall tiles where the grout joint is less than 1/8” wide.
Finely sanded grout: This is used for floor tiles where the joints are 1/8” to 3/8” wide.
Quarry-type grout: This is the same as finely sanded grout for ceramic til𝚎s except that a coarser grade of sand is used. The quarry-type grout is used for joints that are 3/8” wide to 1/2” wide such as those used with Saltillo tiles.
Epoxy grout: This consists of an epoxy resin and hardener. Epoxy grout for ceramic til𝚎 is highly resistant to stains and chemicals and has a tremendous bonding strength. It is ideal for countertops and other areas susceptible to stains.