What is Plum Concrete | Application of Plum Concrete | Mix Design of Plum Concrete | Methodology of Plum Concrete

What is Plum Concrete?

Practical Applications of Plum Concrete

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Difference Between PCC Concrete andΒ  Plum Concrete

Difference Between PCC Concrete andΒ  Plum Concrete: Plum Concrete

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  1. Plum Concrete normally use on the uneven surface of the ground and another area. This uneven surface level by plum concrete. This method to reduce the cost of construction.
  2. Because of plum concrete, you are using large material part near about 60% of Stone and 40 % of concrete so this method to use cost-efficient in construction.
  3. Plum concrete original concept by the aggregate in concrete. This plum concrete use a maximum of 300 mm size aggregate
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  1. P.C.C (Plain Cement Concert) is a base of concrete. Commonly use of PCC all construction work. P.C.C is a mixture of cement, water, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water this simply mixture called P.C.C
  2. M 7.5, M 10 both grades of Plain Cement Concrete
  3. Use of P.C.C it is as a protective layer for the RCC above so that water from the RCC is not absorbed bt the earth below
  4. Moisture available in soil should not be absorbed by RCC footing which causes correction of reinforcement
  5. Provided a base for the concrete and also helped workers to set out the structure above in easied way.
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Comparison of Plum Concrete and Other Concrete Types

AspectPlum ConcreteTraditional ConcreteRubble Concrete
Material Composition60-70% large stones, 30-40% M10 concrete100% M10 or higher grade concreteLarge stones mixed with concrete similar to plum
Cost EfficiencyCost-effective for large areas with uneven groundMore expensive due to higher cement contentSimilar to plum concrete but may use smaller stones
Environmental ImpactLower CO2 emissions due to reduced cement useHigher CO2 emissions due to full cement useLower emissions, especially when using recycled rubble
Application AreasFoundations, side slopes, gravity damsGeneral construction, high-strength requirementsSimilar to plum concrete, often used in similar applications
Structural StrengthAdequate for specified use cases, less than traditional concreteHigher strength, suitable for critical structural elementsComparable to plum concrete, depending on stone quality
Ease of UseRequires skilled labor for proper stone placementEasier to use, does not require stone placementRequires skilled labor, similar to plum concrete
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Preparation of Plums in Concrete

1. Check the Quality of Plum Material.

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  • The stones to be used for plum concrete should be made of strong, hard, and ideal rock.
  • The stones should not be of a flaky type.
  • Stones used for plum concrete should be cleaned before use.
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2. Batching

  • First, the batch is prepared according to the size of the plum.
  • The size of the plum in batching should not be more than 300mm.
  • The plum material will be hand-picked or randomly selected by the workers and taken to the site.
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3. Placing Plum Concrete

  • For plum concrete, it is necessary to arrange the plum layer-wise in which concrete comes in the void between the plum.
  • Where the plum is to be used, the plum should be washed first and all dripping surface water removed before inlaying the concrete.
  • The stone shall not be dropped in place, but each stone shall be laid and carefully embedded so as to avoid any injury to the form or adjacent masonry and in such as manner that no plan of the weakness of unnecessary seams occurs in the structure.
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Application of Plum Concrete

  1. Normal use plum concreter below footing as a base of footing, so that water from the footing is not absorbed bt the earth below.
  2. Plum Concrete can be utilized in areas that need massive concrete placements such as concrete dams or bridge piers. In these instances, pieces of stone roughly 150millimeters in size function as coarse aggregates to mix a plum concrete.
  3. Plum concrete using 150 mm size plums and with an effective cement content of 177 Kg/m3 was used for the construction of an original dam.
  4. It was thought that using the state-of-the-art high-speed mixers of sufficient capacity, a more cohesive concrete mix of 150 MSA could be obtained very easily.
  5. Similarly, in a different case, suppose the foundation pit for the bed of a machine is suggested to have a particular thickness; however, the hard stratum can be found in 3 m below the bottom level.
  6. Whereas in layout It had been suggested that the depth of foundation for bed could be 1.5 m.
  7. Considering that the foundation needs to be rested on the hard strata of soil, therefore plum concrete of thin ratio using 80mm -100millimeter size stones will be poured that is rammed up to 1.5 m and subsequently ordinarily designed raft, footings might be laid.
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Use of Plum Concrete

  1. A Plum concrete wall is specially adopted when the surface is uneven, and there is a waterlogging area.
  2. The main purpose of plum concrete is to achieve the required strength and reduces the cost.
  3. Plum concrete, often mixed according to a specific concrete mix ratio, is suitable for highway-side slopes, open channel side slopes, and base purposes.
  4. Used for leveling surfaces, especially in mountainous areas where the stone is also readily available, and cost can also be maintained.
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Advantage of Plum Concrete

  1. Plum concrete, also known in some regions as plum concrete meaning in Hindi, is useful when the base is to be made during the rainy season, as the base is completely wet, and the height of the level increases as the soil is removed.
  2. In plum concrete, the plum should be kept close to each other so that concrete can be used effectively.
  3. Plum concrete is economically best to cover uneven surfaces and large areas.
  4. Plum concrete is suitable for highway-side slopes, open channel side slopes, and base purposes.
  5. Where the size of the plum is kept to 150 mm. Bedding in water-channel and plum concrete in its bend part is effective.
  6. Plum concrete in the embankment on the side slope of the highway protects the side.
  7. Plum concrete has a high vibration resistance which is especially used in roads, side slopes, and machine foundations.
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Disadvantage of Plum Concrete

  1. Skilled Labor Requirement: Plum concrete must be arranged layer by layer, requiring skilled labor to ensure that voids are minimized and each layer is correctly aligned. This process can be time-consuming and costly, especially on smaller projects.
  2. Time-Consuming Process: The layer-wise arrangement and necessary care in placing plums increase the time required for both preparation and execution, which might extend the project's timeline.
  3. Shuttering Costs: Due to the layered placement of plum concrete, shuttering is required for longer periods, potentially increasing the overall cost.
  4. Transportation and Handling: The weight and size of the plums make transportation and placement challenging, often necessitating additional equipment or labor.
  5. Risk of Voids: If not carefully arranged, voids may remain between the plums, which could reduce the overall strength of the concrete structure.
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Purpose of Plum Concrete

Plum Concrete Procedure

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  1. Dressing and leveling should be done where plum concrete is to be applied, and loose soil should be removed from the foundation. It should then be compacted.
  2. Then the side shuttering of the footing should be done.
  3. Adjustments should be made so that 150 mm of concrete comes around each stone.
  4. The stone used in plum concrete should be hard and durable. It should not be flaky.
  5. In concrete plum, the plum should be kept close to each other so that concrete can be used effectively.
  6. Plum concrete should not contain more than 30% of the total amount of concrete.
  7. Plum concrete should be layer-wise so that sufficient strength is obtained.
  8. A special vibrator should be used to prevent a void between the plum during concreting.
  9. Curing should be done for at least 7 days.
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Mix Design of Plum Concrete

  1. PPC Cement 53 Grade: 220 Kg
  2. Water Cement ratio (w/c) : 0.6
  3. Free Water: 132 liters
  4. 300 mm Metal: 666 kg
  5. 20 mm Aggregates: 666 Kg
  6. 10 mm Aggregates: 539 Kg
  7. Fine Aggregate (Sand):1038 Kg
  8. Admixture Dosage :0.6%
  9. Admixture: 1.4 liter
  10. The density of Concrete: 2596 Kg/cum
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Methodology of Plum Concrete

1. Transportation of Plum concrete:

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2. Before Placing of Plum Concrete in Leaving and Cleaning:

  • The very first step that's done initially is cleaning and leveling of the surface by the elimination of soft soil, which could lead to low bearing capacity.
  • After clearing and grubbing, water is sprayed on the surface to allow it to be moist before placement of plum concrete.
  • The cause of sprinkling water would be to ensure a proper bond of plum concrete together with the ground surface.
  • Following a sprinkling of plain water anti-termite compound is sprayed, which is essential today for the perfect foundation of a structure.
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3. Pacing and Spreading:

  • Boulders are spread across the ground with very little gapping layer by layer, and concrete has been spread with pump all over the boulders in each layer, which slowly permeates within the gapping between boulders.
  • This will help to bind it properly, after pouring concrete, boulders are thrown to the concrete, and the process repeats till the required level surface is reached.
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4. Plum Concrete Curing:

  • Curing ought to be done for the next 7 days minimum. Jute bags are spread over the entire area of plum concrete to retain moisture for quite a while after curing.
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Details & Specification of Plum Concrete

  • Each layer plum concert maximum height 900mm did not exceed more hight in one layer
  • Maximum crevices in one layer 150 mm only
  • The volume of the plum from the concrete will not exceed 40% (percent) of overall volume.
  • Plum concrete in use maximum M10 Grade concrete in this concrete aggregateΒ of maximum size 25mm.
  • Plum will comprise of black trap basalt of crushing strength of minimum 100 Kg /Sq.cm.
  • Plum concrete density 1650 kg/Cubic.meter
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Plum Concrete

What Is Plum Concrete?

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Difference Between PCC Concrete andΒ  Plum Concrete

Plum Concrete ratio

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Plum Concrete Calculation

How to Prepare Plum Concrete?

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Plum Concrete Specifications

Uses of Plum Concrete

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Advantages of Using Plum Concrete in Construction

Plum Concrete Vs. Regular Concrete Strength Comparison

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Plum Concrete Applications in Road Construction

  • For mass concreting where a high plain cement concrete (PCC) thickness is required due to strata.
  • Under footing applications where the ground slope maybe between 1:10 to 1:50.
  • In the construction of gravity dams, retaining walls, steep road slopes, bridge and culvert barriers.
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Plum Concrete Vs Asphalt for Driveways

  • Plum Concrete: Plum concrete, also known as rubblization, is a mixture of large-sized aggregate (stones or rubble) and a binding material such as cement or lime. It is often used as a sub-base layer for roads and driveways to provide stability and support.
  • Asphalt: Asphalt, also called bitumen, is a mixture of aggregates (gravel, sand, or crushed stone) and a petroleum-based binder. It is commonly used for surfacing roads, parking lots, and driveways.
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  • Plum Concrete: Installing plum concrete typically involves compacting the large-sized aggregate and binding material to create a stable sub-base layer. It is then covered with a wearing course, such as asphalt or concrete. Maintenance usually involves regular inspection and repair of any cracks or deterioration in the wearing course.
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Plum Concrete Specifications and Applications

  • The size of plum could be 150mm, 200 mm, 300 mm, or larger.
  • The shape needs to be angular.
  • Clean from any dirt.
  • Hard, durable, sound, and free from cracks and structural defects.
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Plum Concrete Meaning

Plums in Concrete

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What Is Plum in Construction?

What Is a Yard of Concrete?

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What Is Plum Wall?

Plum Concrete Mix Design Tips

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Plum Concrete Patio Installation Cost

Benefits of Using Plum Concrete in Construction

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