Which Cement Is Best for House Construction | Different Types of Cement  and Use

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Which Cement Is Best for House Construction?

  1. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC).
  2. Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC).
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#1. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC).

OPC Benefits-

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  • It attains strength in less time.
  • It is available in three grades: Grade 33, Grade 43, and Grade 53.
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#2. Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC)-

PPC Benefits:

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  • It is cheaper than the OPC.
  • Better resistance against chemicals.
  • It facilitates better workability.
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Different Types of Cement  and Use

Masonry cementInert materials like dolomite lime stones, gypsum, and air-entraining agent are mixed with clinkers of portland cement. Concrete is workable, and possesses, fattiness, cohesiveness, and plasticity. It contains mixing water then comes in contract with dry bricks. Not suitable for works other than masonry work.Specially prepared for masonry work
Oil well cementIt should capable of being pumped for 3 hours under high pressure and temperature, It sets slowly and hardens quickly.Filling space between steel& liming and well of well
Ordinary Portland cementFineness - Residue 10% when sieved on IS No 9 soundness -Expansion 10 mm, Compressive quickly3 days 160 kg/cm27 days 220 kg/cm2 setting time Initial 30 min Final10 hoursAll types of ordinary construction works
Pozzolanic cement20 to 40% pozzolana is mixed with 60 to 80% Portland cement while grinding. Volcanic ash, pumice, or powered burnt brick can be used as pozzolana. Produces less heat of hydration, resists sulfate action, develops strength slowly, imparts water tightness, more workability and plastically, possesses high strength and is cheap.Mass concrete construction in coastal areas sewage works construction below ground
Quick setting cementSets in 5 minutes and gets hard in 30 minutes. Fine grinding after adding a small percentage of aluminum sulfate. The percentage of gypsum and retarders are reduced.Construction under running or stable water
Rapid Hardening cementHigh strength is achieved earlier due to a higher degree of fineness in grinding clinker at high temperature 7 days, and 28 days strength of ordinary concrete is obtained in 3 days and 7 days only Not suitable for mass concrete.Concrete in cold weather climate, early removal of forms, speed in construction, early use of structure
Sulphate resistant cementThe proportion of C3A is reduced and C2S is increased. Hardness is slow, a longer period of curing.Culverts, canal siphon canal lining in alkaline soil
Super Sulphate cement80 to 85% well granulated slag is mixed with 10 to 15% calcium sulfate and 1 to 2% Portland cement. Mir is finely ground. Low heat of hydration, hence suitable for mass concrete. lt should NOT be mixed with ordinary Portland cement or High alumina cement. Resistive to chemical attack, cement expands when used underwater and shrinks when cured in air. Forms a good bond with set concrete.Suitable for all-purpose mass concrete places where a chemical attack is suspected.
Water Proof CementCalcium stearate. Aluminum stearate and gypsum-treated tannic acid are added to ordinary Portland cement while grinding. Resistive to water penetration Resistive to corrosive action of acid and alkalies.Tanks, reservoirs drams, bridge piers swimming pools
White cementThe percentage of Iron Oxide was reduced to 1% to avoid greyish colour oil is used as fuel. Chalks and limestones having low iron content and white clay are used as raw materials strength less than ordinary concrete. High cosotProduction of light coloured cement floor finish, plaster work, ornamental works, and precast concrete blocks
Acid Resistance cementQuartz Quartzites are used as aggregates + Soluble glass for increasing resistance against acid and to act as binding material.Chemical industries, Acid resistant, Heat resistant
Air entraining CementAir entraining against - oils, fatty acids, dorex resin mixed during during grinding. Strength reduced lay 10 to 15%, workable, plastic, resists froest action.Concrete roads in cold regions frost resistance
Blast furnace slag cementGranulated blast furnace slag mixed while grinding workable plastic, resistive to dampness, sulfate action, corrosive effect less heat of hydration economical not suitable for cold weather.Prefabricated RCC units Alkaline soil, mass, concrete marine works underground works.
Coloured cementRaw materials - china clay, pure lime. White cement is used to light colorFloor finish artificial marble stair treads window sills.
Expanding cementSulphate Aluminates and stabilizing agents are added to ordinary cement. This cement expands while hardening.Water retaining structures problems of leakages requirements
High Aluminum cementObtained by calcinating lime stone and Bauxite. Resists chemical effect high temperature, corrosive action on acid, and seawater, evolves head during setting. Higher initial setting time and lower final setting time. Compressive strength double than of ordinary cement, should not come in contact with lime or ordinary cement.Frost regions, seawater, refractory and heat resistant. Concrete concreting against internal water flow, high early strength.
Extra Rapid hardening cement20% calcium chloride ground with Rapid hardening cement, strength - 25% higher then Rapid harding more shrinkagesWhen very high early strength is required, cold weather concreting and Early removal of Form work.
High-strength ordinary cementHigher Compressive strengthPre-cast and pre-stressed units. Indian railways.
Hydrophobic cementObtained by grinding naptha, acidol, and soap with cement clinkers formation of thin films on grains of concrete can be stored for longer periods.Cold and frost-forming weather.
Low Heat cementPercentages of C3A and C3S are reduced and C2S and C4AF are increased. Less compressive strength. Greater sulphate resistance.Delay in construction speed not suitable for ordinary works.Mass concrete works resistant to sulfate action.
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Best Cement in India 2020 or Top 10 Cement in India

  • UltraTech Cement 
  • Ambuja Cement
  • Birla Cement
  • JK Cement 
  • Binani Cement 
  • ACC Cement 
  • Jaypee Cement
  • Shree Cement 
  • Dalmia Cement
  • The India Cement
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Best Cement for Construction

  1. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) 43 Grade Cement: It is used majorly for wall plastering works, Non-RCC structures, pathways etc. 43-grade cement attains a compression strength of 43 Mpa (megapascals) in 28 days of setting. Make sure that your 43 cement brand adheres to IS 12269 standard code.
  2. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), 53 Grade Cement: It is mainly used in RCC and pre-stressed concrete of higher grades, cement grouts, instant plugging mortars etc. 53 Grade cement is used for fast paced construction were the initial strength is to be achieved quickly. 53 Grade attains 27 Mpa in 7days compared to 23 Mpa by 43-grade cement. 53 Grade cement adheres to IS 8112 standard code.
  3. Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC): PPC Cement has a higher degree of fineness, impermeable and corrosion-resistant quality that makes the concrete denser resulting in long-lasting structures. It is used in mass concreting work as well as RCC work. Even though the initial setting time of PPC cement is low, it gains more strength with time. PPC cement adheres to IS 1489 standard code.
  4. Portland Slag Cement (PSC): PSC is preferred over OPC grade in constructions where the structures are more liable to sulfate and chloride attack. Due to its excellent corrosion resistance, particularly from salt water, it is widely used in coastal regions, sewage disposal, and water treatment plants. PSC Grade cement adheres to IS 455:1989 standard code.
  5. White Cement: This cement is used in architectural and decorative designs, it is also used to fill gaps in wall tiles, ceramic bathroom fixtures. The manufacturing process of white cement is different and more complicated when compared to ordinary Portland cement.
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OPC Benefits

Best Cement for Concrete

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Best Cement for Roof Slab

Which Cement Is Best OPC or PPC?

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OPC and PPC Cement Which Is Better?

Which Cement Is Best for House Construction?

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  1. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) 43 Grade Cement: It is used majorly for wall plastering works, Non-RCC structures, pathways, etc.
  2. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), 53 Grade Cement: It is mainly used in RCC and pre-stressed concrete of higher grades, cement grouts, instant plugging mortars, etc. 53 Grade cement is used for fast paced construction were the initial strength is to be achieved quickly.
  3. Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC): PPC Cement has a higher degree of fineness, impermeable and corrosion-resistant quality that makes the concrete denser resulting in long-lasting structures. It is used in mass concreting work as well as RCC work.
  4. Portland Slag Cement (PSC): PSC consists of 25-70% granulated slag, 3% gypsum and the rest is clinker. Granulated slag is, essentially, a non-metallic product comprising more than 90% glass content with silicates and alumino-silicates of lime.
  5. White Cement: White Portland cement is used in combination with white aggregates to produce white concrete for prestige construction projects and decorative work. White concrete usually takes the form of pre-cast cladding panels, since it is not economical to use white cement for structural purposes.
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Best Cement for Concrete

Which is the Best Cement for House Construction?

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Which Cement Has the Best Quality?

Which Is the No 1 Cement in India?

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Which Cement Is Best OPC or PPC for House Construction?

Which Cement Brand Is Best for the Roof?

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Which Cement Is Best?

Which Cement Is Best for Foundation?

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Best Cement in India for House Construction

  • UltraTech Cement.
  • Ambuja Cement.
  • ACC Cement.
  • Shree Cement.
  • Birla Cement.
  • JK Cement.
  • Binani Cement.
  • Jaypee Cement.
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Which Cement Is Best for Roof?

Ultratech Cement Types

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Which Grade Cement Is Best?

Which Cement Is Best for Concrete? / Which Cement Is Best for Construction?

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Which Cement Is Best for Slab? / Best Cement for Slab

Which Cement Brand Is Best for House Construction?

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Which Grade of Cement Is Best?

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